Friday, May 30, 2014

Finish Strong

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“He is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders, but which became the chief corner stone.  And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” – Acts 4:11-12

Do you not know?
What was the point of it all?
When you started, did you know where the finish line was?’
How will you ever achieve all you strive for if you don’t know what it is?

There is a Supreme Being, God Almighty, who reigns over mankind.  He created man from dust, gave life to the world in which we live.  Do you not believe that these things happened?

Is the Bible nothing more than a fantasy for you, or is it a factual recording of our human history?  If we are not capable of realizing the truth that exudes from the pages, and claim them as an interesting compilation of stories, then how can we claim that the Almighty even exists at all?  Can you believe in the Creator and yet claim that He has mislead billions of people?  What a ludicrous thought this is.

If indeed you claim to believe in and follow the One called Jesus Christ, than is it not bestowed upon you to study, learn and fully embrace His teachings?  Are we content in claiming our Christianity, simply to avoid Hell, yet not be concerned with living out the truth that is so blatantly provided through His Word.  He died for you to live, not to exist, and to live with conviction, love and purpose.  It is upon you to spread His love, not to simply accept and be done.

The God, we claim to serve, has created the world and all that is in it.  He has provided for your every need, and continues to work on your behalf in the unseen and unknown days that lie ahead.  Our excuses are compiled in a manner to justify our lack of interest in actually recognizing His plan.  We are enamored and enticed by the world around us to pursue our personal interests and have consistently chosen to put God on hold.  Yet, we feel fully justified in claiming our right of passage into eternity.  Just stop and think about it for a moment.  Are you truly committed to God, or are you using Him?

Make a stand Christian.  Take up your armor and fight for the freedom that He died to provide for you.  For life in Christ is truly freedom, and is the only freedom you will ever have.  The freedom discussed in the media and tabloids is still subjective to the world’s perception and understanding.  Pursue God and re-discover the path that He has laid out for you.  The finish line is not far off in the distance, but we must finish strong.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Live It

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them.” – 2 Peter 2:21

With the day before you thoughts shift to the true purpose.  Is this all there is?  In the next 17 hours am I going to make an impact in the world or am I going to just go through it?  What will those around you remember about your contribution to today?  Did you wake up to do something other than what you did yesterday?  Who is going to benefit from your contribution to society today?

Most of us get up in the morning and prepare for the busy day ahead.  When you really step back and think about what you are doing with your time, who is truly the benefactor of your contributions?  The company you work for, your family, your friends at the bar or perhaps even yourself.  Tonight you’re going to come home, change into your jammies, watch a little TV and then climb into bed.  When your head hits the pillow, will you have made a difference, or will you have simply participated in the dreams of someone else.

Today is your opportunity to do something greater than anything you have ever done before.  Why aren’t you excited about it?  Why aren’t you willing to do something different, something amazing, something that would improve the life of others?  Are you afraid of change, fearful of risk, unwilling to take a chance or simply content in the monotony of the life you have been given?  Life was never intended to be mundane.  You had dreams, you had visions and desires to pursue life without abandon and conquer the world.  Where did those dreams go, where did that person go who wanted something more?

You’ve chosen your path in life and you are making choices every day to continue on this path or to do something greater.  The world is really messed up and the majority of us are perfectly fine sitting on the sidelines complaining and waiting for someone else to solve the problems.  In essence we have become complacent and accepting.  We are so engaged in our own fear of failure that we are unwilling to stand up for what we see all around us.  We have become content and immune to the evil that surrounds us on a daily basis, while our addictions to pop culture and political correctness grow.  We are callous to the news and media, because it is all negative.  Abortions, murders, drugs, adultery, scandals, pornography, perversions and the like are just another part of life that we’ve become oblivious too, because we are more concerned about our own existence than that of those around us. 

This is not new, but it is more widely accepted in today’s culture than it has ever been in the history of the world.  We have hardened our hearts to what goes on outside of four walls called home.  We have chosen to turn a blind eye to the ugliness of the world and press on with our comfort and prosperity.  I am asking myself this one question today: “Is it worth it?” 

He died so that I could have life.  He chose to take the beatings, the ridicule, the torture so I could have a life worth living.  Because He chose to die on my behalf, shouldn’t I be doing something worthwhile, with what He provided me the opportunity to do?  Giving my life to Jesus Christ, meant taking on His presence, His purpose and His love for others.  It meant turning from the evil in this world and through Him bring peace, love and righteousness to those around me.  I read the Word every morning and dwell on it, but once the leather cover is closed again, life has a way of taking over and His presence is once again pushed behind the priorities of this world. 

Shouldn’t we be living out what the Good Word says we should do?  Have we truly come to a place where the Holy Bible has become just another piece of media, or is it still considered the Holy Word of God Almighty.  If you like me, agree in the later, then isn’t it time to wake up and do what it says we ought to do?  I’m tired of living for man, aren’t you?  There is so much more to do with this day than just exist in the same mundane way you existed yesterday.  Find a purpose bigger than your immediate perspective and change the world with the love and guidance He has given you.  LIVE don’t just exist.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Love them All

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism” – James 2:1

I have noticed in my 49 years that most people have some sort of biasness towards certain types of people (race, culture, sexual orientation, age, addictions or financial position) and a particular disdain against others. We look at some and see their differences and it causes something to rise within, not because we are particularly evil, but because we have a hard time understanding their circumstance, history or choices.  We are naturally drawn to those that think like us, act like us and believe like we do; but is this a service or disservice to our faith?

If you are completely honest with yourself and your thoughts on life, you will realize that it is much easier for you to have discussions and interaction with others that have similar position and interests as yourself.  If you are a Christian, it is much safer and easier for you to have a discussion about faith and beliefs with other Christians than it is to sit down and have that same discussion with a Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness or Atheist.  If you are homophobic or repulsed by drug addicts, are you doing a service or disservice by withdrawing from them?  What is to be gained in that?  How is the Kingdom of God expanded if we are unwilling to reach out to those who believe differently? 

Every person on the face of this earth is created by the Almighty Father in heaven for a purpose.  The Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross on Calvary, and poured out His blood, was resurrected again; so that every person could be saved from eternal Hell.  God’s provision was not for a few of us, but for all of mankind, who have chosen to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Your neighbor, the teenager who lacks respect for adults, the murderer on death row, the Atheist professor teaching our children in college, your wife/husband, your children, the President and every sinful man or woman ever born is given the opportunity to repent and accept Jesus Christ.  If in that choice they have chosen to turn away and deny Him, then they should be on your prayer list, and in your path of pursuit.

For if one of the shepherd’s sheep strays away, the shepherd will leave the 99 to pursue the one.  Remember, they are just as important to the Father as you are.  His love is immeasurable for all mankind equally, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who acts as our Intercessor to the Father in heaven.  We are redeemed because of His perfection, not because of anything we have done.  You cannot do enough good acts or say enough “Hail Mary’s” to receive eternity in heaven.   There is only one way and that is through Jesus Christ, the same way that every other person in the world is accepted.  God’s love is immutable, never changing and is available to each of us equally, for there are no favorites in His eyes.

In the biblical days, the Pharisees and Sadducees would look at the non-Jewish of the world with disdain.  They would not reach out to these people with love and compassion, but with contempt and condemnation.  The Samaritans, the Lepers, the Romans, the harlots, prostitutes, tax collectors and poor were cast away from the accepting arms of their holiness.  They elevated themselves above all others, as servants of God worthy of His love and forgiveness while all others were condemned to Hell.  This is not a far stretch from many of the Christians in today’s world if you honestly stop and think about it.  Let us not be too quick to cast aspersions on those who are different, but rather reach out to them with the love of the Father and the Son, in every attempt to help them find the Savior and Lord as well. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014,
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Friday, May 23, 2014

You Must Participate

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.” – James 1:22-24

Do you not know that there is only one God?  If your answer is yes, than what are you doing?  We follow the advice of our friend and neighbor, the advice of our boss at work, the advice of our parents and spouses; but we ignore the advice and counsel from God Almighty.  Do you not see that we are a society wrapped around ourselves rather than the One who created us?  Are we not called by the Father to serve Him, to live for Him and His purpose, to love others as He loves them and to do good works for His glory?  I ask again then, what are we doing? 

I fear that we no longer live in fear of God.

You will one day stand in front of the Holy Judgment seat of God the Father.  If you fail to realize or fear this, then you ought to be on your knees asking for a revelation from the One who controls your eternal destiny.  Quiet your thoughts, quiet your heart, find solitude and press your knees into the surface of this earth that was created for you.  Lift your hands to your maker and plead for Him to reveal His love, His purpose and His truth to you.  Seek forgiveness and it shall be yours, for by His graciousness and mercy, He has chosen to allow your transgressions to be washed away. 

When you reach for the Father’s presence, be aware that He will come, and there are expectations that you will be called too.  You are not called to be perfectly holy, for that is impossible, but through His Son – Jesus Christ, who was perfect and holy, you are covered.  You are called to accept Jesus Christ entirely.  Not that He was a nice man, a prophet, a strong communicator or a holy person; but that He indeed was the Son of God, died and was resurrected as a means of redemption and salvation for your sins.

God has provided you an opportunity for a wealth of wisdom, but unless you actually pick up the book and read it how shall you ever become more aware of His presence.  As you seek your purpose in this life, it will not be found in the writings of man, but in the pure words of God inscribed through His chosen servants.  Read your bible to discover the God of the Universe and learn to respect and fear Him for who He is. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Want to Know You

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“Then they asked him, "Where is your father?" "You do not know me or my Father," Jesus replied. "If you knew me, you would know my Father also."”  – John 8:19

Her eyes are brown.  She loves the hiking in the mountains and reading a good book while hanging out at the beach. She is a mother of 5 and “Mi-Mi” of 3.  If she could save one beautiful little girl in Haiti, she would do everything she could to make that happen.  She likes to sleep in, yet she’s up at 6:45 every morning to take on the days activities with the 3 children.  She enjoys her coffee with lots of Peppermint Mocha cream and two sugars, preferably Seattle’s Best or Dunkin Donuts.  She loves Jesus Christ with everything in her heart and goes out of her way to help others each and every single day.  She leads bible studies, mother’s of pre-school groups and teaches home-school.  She wears the hat of a nurse, a chauffeur, a lead contractor for our new home construction and the banker in our home.  She likes a glass of White Zinfandel or Muscato and an occasional beer, but most of the time would rather have a tall glass of sweet ice tea.  Her favorite restaurant is Saltgrass Steakhouse, where she likes her steak well done with no pink in the middle.  She also loves baked ziti from Olive Garden if the mood for Italian strikes her.  I love it when she laughs, and I can tell when she is going to cry.  She loves everyone with the same unconditional, what you see is what you get, love.  The incredible woman I refer to is my wife of 26 years - Lisa.  This is the woman I love and I know her very well (or so I think).

We all have relationships with others that can be described in deep details.  You know your spouses, family and friends very well.  You know what makes them laugh and what makes them cry.  You could tell any person you meet on the street how special these individuals are to you.  We spend time with them, learn about their idiosyncrasies and habits.  We are willing to invest in a certain few individuals because we care about them and we want to know them more.  I’m sure you will agree with me in this matter as you look back at those in your life and begin to think about the deep details you know about each of them.

So, I have established that we are all capable of knowing someone if we chose to.  It takes work and effort and a desire to know them.  It takes time, not just studying about them, but spending time with them and learning first hand.  So, with this in mind I can honestly stand here and say with full sincerity; I don’t know God?  Don’t get me wrong.  I know He is my Lord and King and has provided me salvation by His grace through His Son Jesus Christ.  Now, having acknowledged that, I continue to struggle daily with wanting to know Him more.  Accepting God is a statement of faith, trust and belief; but knowing God takes work.  Just as in any relationship, the more you put into it the more you will get out of it. 

If I put 1 spend 3 hours a day with my kids and 3 additional hours a day with my beautiful wife, 2 hours commuting to/from work and 10 hours at the office with my co-workers and try to get at least 5 hours sleep each night that leaves 1 hour a day with my Creator.  Plus add Sunday church service and the occasional Wednesday or Saturday night and I am getting somewhere south of 500 hours a year with God almighty.  We are given 8,760 hours in a given year.  This means I am spending less than 6% of my time getting to know the Lord.  That just doesn’t seem like a plan to build a relationship now does it.

I have the desire to know Him more, but has it become important enough to actually do something about it?  That is the question that is posed for all of us to address.  I propose that the majority of us are in this same boat.  We get swallowed up in the busyness of the day and all of a sudden God is getting our leftovers rather than our first and best.  Today we have homework.  I would like to ask you to take an index card or a piece of paper and write down everything you know about God.  Put it somewhere in a prominent place that you will see everyday.  This will remind you daily of who it is that you serve.  Now, try to add to that list each day.  Can you spend enough time in the Word each day or on the internet learning about God and strengthening your relationship with Him to add one item a day.  I promise you as you learn more about Him your relationship will become stronger, because you see He’s already done His part of the assignment and knows everything about you.  The gap in this relationship rests on your shoulders, not His.

Almighty God,
We want to know You and serve You.  Please forgive our busyness as we allow the daily tasks to steal from our time with You.  Strengthen us Lord, to see You in a more fruitful manner and learn more from You and about You daily throughout this year.  Help each of us become more aware of our relationship and focus our attention on You, for it through You that we are given life.  In Your name we pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Reflections on Time

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.” – Ecclesiastes 3:11-12

Quotes from Rich Palmer

Living our lives through yesterday’s lenses will weaken the spirit and increase the resistance to pursuing His purpose.

Tomorrow is nothing more than a figment of your imagination, for when it arrives, it has become today.  Live in the present, love those around you and serve God in your present place.

The glory days of your past have etched a place in your memory, but when drawn upon are no longer quite as fulfilling. 

Let your yesterday’s stay where they are, for in trying to relive them you must accept the good and the bad.  Rather open your eyes and seek those in your present that need to create memories with you today.

What value have we in worrying about what is to come when the next breath you take may very well be your last.

There is no such thing as tomorrow, there is only today and a history of yesterday’s waiting for tomorrow.  Serve God with all you have today.

If your past was so incredible, than how did you get to a place in life where you are longing for those days instead of the one you are living in.

I have found that the biggest challenge in life is regretting what we might have done with the time that has passed, and yet we don’t change the way we are planning to use the time in front of us.

These are my thoughts on time this morning.  I find myself longing for the courage and strength to pursue life with a new perspective each day and offer change to the mistakes of my past, so that I can help others have a better future.  We are only here for a moment in the grand scheme of existence.  The reality is that this life is truly something that we take for granted and regardless of accomplishments will be found lacking when completed.  Treasure each moment that God has given you, check your thoughts before speaking, calm your emotions before reacting and put on the peace of your Savior before confronting those who may be different than you.  For in this life you are only given one chance to make a difference and then you will die.  This is a fact for each and every one of you.  We are all destined for the same conclusion in this life and there is no way to avoid it.  When achieved, your decisions in this life will have an eternal impact on what comes next, so don’t take it lightly. 

I love each of you, and will be remiss in my life’s purpose if I don’t implore you to seek Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.  Truly seek Him and test His love for you as complete, unchanging and infinite in depth.  There is nothing you can do to separate yourself from the breadth of His love, for in His death and resurrection He has washed away the worst ugliness that you can imagine from your past.  Your time is moving forward at the same pace as every other person around you, choose today to make the most of what little time you have left on this earth.  Live with a purpose to impact others in a manner that extends beyond the finite breath that exists in their lungs.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, May 19, 2014

A Day in May

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“These are the commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God directed me to teach you to observe in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, so that you, your children and their children after them may fear the Lord your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.” – Deuteronomy 6:1-2

Twenty five years ago today, my life changed dramatically.  You know, there are those moments in life when one thing happens and from that point on, nothing will ever be the same.  I was a much younger man, and I had been married for just almost two years.  Preparing for the day took months, and even then I still wasn’t ready for what was going to happen.  As the day began the sun was beautiful on the horizon and the air was crisp and peaceful.  God painted soft cotton candy clouds against an amazing blue sky and the birds filled the morning air with song.  We walked the mall hand in hand, stopping every 4 or 5 minutes for a breath as the time drew closer.  Finally, we knew it was time and we drove the 30 miles alone for the very last time.

Surreal doesn’t begin to describe the emotions that run through your mind when you realize life is going to change.  Then when the doctor tells you that something’s not right, your mind races in a hundred different directions at once.  We had prayed over this child, we had spoken to and sang songs throughout the entire creation and forming process for the last nine months.  Now there was no heartbeat and nurses were frantically moving around the small room.  I was escorted from the room, as I watched the Doctors working on my wife and soon to be child.  Joy had gone and fear had set in.  This was not in the plan, this was not supposed to happen.  No-one had prepared us for this when we went to Lamaze classes, yet here we were.  I was in the hall-way and she was in the room separated by a 2 inch metal door.  When they emerged, they looked relieved and calm once again.  The doctor said I could go in.   A true scare, an emotional roller coaster, and now here I was holding her hand once again.

Several more hours passed, as the pains came and went, came and went again and again.  Then the miraculous happened and the pain didn’t subside as quickly.  The doctor’s rushed in and sprang into action.  A few moments passed, and lot’s of work on Lisa’s part, and then we were amazed to see a life come forth, and we became a family.  I cut the cord, and walked with the nurses to the cleaning station.  Our baby girl was beautiful, and perfectly formed.  The nurse handed her to me, all bundled up and warm.  I held her up in front of me and said, “Welcome to our world Jayme, I’m your Daddy, and this is your Mommy.”  As I handed the beautiful child to Lisa. 

My life has never been the same and never will be again, and I am the better off because of it.  God has blessed me with 5 children, 3 Grandchildren and 1 incredible Son-in-law.  My family is amazing in every possible way, and it all started in 1989 on that beautiful sunny day in May.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Friday, May 16, 2014

Winning is Everything

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” – 1 Corinthians 9:24

Contrary to the popular, politically correct statement that we are all winners, I am here to say we’re not.  There are winners and losers in life and in some things winning is everything.

They all lined up along the infield grass. Eighteen teams of various ages that had played ball for the last 8 weeks.  One by one the coaches would walk to the podium and taking the microphone in hand call off the names of each girl on their respective team.  As the girls would come forward they were handed a trophy to a round of applause.  Each and every girl from age 5 through 16 received the exact same accolades and went home with the same hardware.  Yet, there were 6 teams out there that had outplayed the others in their respective divisions and had achieved more victories than their competitors.  Where was the acknowledgment, the congratulations for working hard and persevering, the award for excelling in the competitive sport of Softball?  Why form teams, practice 3 nights a week, play the games and keep score if the wins and losses are thrown out at the end of the season.

Whatever happened to the competitive spirit that drives one to push harder and succeed?  These girls had all competed and some were more skilled than others, some were still learning, and some just weren’t meant to be softball players.  But, in the spirit of “fairness” all of the girls were treated as equals and the entire body of players were leveled to the lowest common denominator.  How does this encourage those who are gifted in the sport to push forward and excel? 

I understand compassion and not wanting to hurt the feelings of some of the girls who may not have won any games at all, but in reality perhaps they should learn that this isn’t their sport and that their giftedness is in swimming or horseback riding or soccer or music.  Just because someone isn’t skilled at softball doesn’t make them a loser, it simply points them in a different direction.  This will be a huge help to them as they mature and move into higher education and the competitive working world.  They must learn where their strengths, gifts and talents lie so they can leverage them throughout their life.  I believe it starts at an early age and we do a dis-service to this generation of children by convincing them that they are all equally worthy of the prize awarded to those that excel at something.

So, now you know my opinions about girls softball, but it is no different with salvation and eternal peace with God the Father.   For you see, we are all on a track in this life to get to the finish line and receive our reward.  There are only two rewards though – eternal salvation in heaven with Jesus Christ and God the Father; or eternal damnation in hell with Satan and his minions.  That’s it and there isn’t a middle ground of indecision.  Each of you must decide and pursue one path or the other.

There will come a day, according to Matthew 25:31-40, when He will separate His followers from those who denied Him.  He will receive the righteous into their glory with the Father, and He will cast the unrighteous into eternal punishment.  As the names are called out, some will receive the trophy of eternal bliss, peace and love.  These are the ones that have embraced the truth in this life, found their path and ran the race with endurance.  These are the ones that have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; and lived their life with that emblazoned in their heart and soul.  On the other side though, there will be those names called that denied His Lordship, His Grace and His Sovereignty and refused to follow Him.  These will not receive a trophy, but an eternity of pain, suffering and gnashing of teeth.

You see, there is an ultimate win and lose in this life.  We should not be teaching our children that everyone wins, because ultimately, they don’t.  And in life there will come a day when that win/loss decision has eternal consequences. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, May 12, 2014

Standing on Truth

Make 2014 a year for sharing

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority.” – 1 Peter 2:13

“To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to laud the more distinguished character of Christian.” – George Washington

“No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States.” – George Washington

“Bless my family, kindred, friends and countrymen, be our God and guide this day and forever for His sake, who lay down in the grave and arose again from it, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen” – George Washington

“It’s when people forget God, that tyrants forge their change.” – John Adams

“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand." – John Adams

"We have no government armed in power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." – John Adams

“Let them revere nothing, but religion, morality and liberty.” – John Adams to his wife about their sons

 “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival.  It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.  It ought to be solemnized with pomp, parade, shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, illuminations in the air from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward, forever.” – John Adams

“My God! How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!” – Thomas Jefferson

“This, then, is the state of the Union: Free and restless, growing and full of hope. So it was in the beginning. So it shall always be, while God is willing, and we are strong enough to keep the faith” – Lyndon B. Johnson

The forefathers of this country and those before them have founded their strength, their success, their authority upon the Supreme Authority, the God of all mankind, the Creator.  Only 238 years ago we built a nation on the principles that God was Holy, Sovereign and had His hand on this Nation.  Now, we believe it is okay to rip a baby from it’s womb, Jesus name can be blasphemed on national TV, men can be with other men in unnatural acts, and the same with women with the justification that God made us this way, so it must be ok.

We kill one another, we cheat one another, we rob, steal and abuse one another in the name of individual rights.  We save trees, snakes, birds and wildlife from being harmed by society, and at the same time turn a blind eye to the atrocities taking place in abortion clinics all over the country, in the name of free choice.  This is not the love of God poured out upon His children, this is the pure evil of this world pushing God out, and few are willing to stand up and defend the sanctity and righteousness of our so-called beliefs.

I heard a quote last week that I cannot get out of my mind.  “I see a whole lot of Christians, but I see very little Christ.”  This is not me judging the society in which we live, I am just pointing out the obvious, that as a whole the world is in a state of degradation from a refusal to follow the call of the Lord on our lives.  Few of us want to stand for His word, in fear that others may feel offended and turn from His love.  Perhaps if we were more obvious with what His love provides for them, freedom from the mire of this world would become obvious before their eyes.

I press upon you, my fellow followers of Jesus Christ, to stand for righteousness in love and graciousness, for His sake.  Stand and be strong in your faith, for weakness’ is unbecoming of what we have been called to be.  If you observe Paul, Peter, John, Mark, Timothy, Phillip and the others – weakness was not in their character definition, nor should it be in yours.  The rules and guidelines established by our Savior are just as real today as they were 2000 years ago, we must simply accept and live by them.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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If these Walls Could Talk

Make 2014 a year for sharing

““When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and began to wait on him”” – Matthew 8:14-15

I realized this weekend that summer is soon upon us and with it the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends.  The ability to reconnect with all of those that have the opportunity to visit during vacations and weekends.  Those late night conversations that seem less complete over a phone or through e-mail.  Sure, it’s more buy with sports and activities, but it’s also a very wonderful time of year to enjoy each other’s company.  We spent the weekend at a beach here in Texas and I was reminded of another beach I visited several years ago.

A small city on the shores of the Sea of Galilee is recorded as the home for Jesus for more than 20 months of his 3 year ministry.  This is the village of Capernaum, where Peter lived.  It was here that Jesus would visit, and stay for the evening after preaching, teaching and healing people throughout the day.  It was here where Jesus would teach in the synagogue.  It is here that He healed the centurion’s servant based upon the faith of the Roman soldier.  Capernaum is where Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, in Peter’s home. 

Peter’s home became the home for Jesus when he was traveling through Capernaum.  Many nights were spent with the disciples gathered in this home, listening to the deep teaching of our Lord and Savior.   Jesus would preach on the streets and in the synagogues a message of love and grace, and then retire to this home to teach the disciples with more depth and purpose.  We see this many times throughout the scriptures where Jesus and His disciples would retire to the house for the evening as He prepared them for their mission in life through parables and life lessons. 

I’ve traveled through Israel on 2 different occasions.  I have walked the streets of Capernaum, and seen the excavation of homes from the biblical times, verified through carbon dating of the artifacts and the black basalt stones used for building.  I’ve stepped foot upon the very floor of the synagogue in Capernaum where Jesus taught, as referenced in passages in all four of the Gospels.  It’s amazing to actually see the excavation of Peter’s home, according to tax rolls and historical records, and the inner walls which would have been the very room Jesus and the disciples retired too for these deep, meaningful teachings.  The old cliché, “If these walls could speak, what a story they would tell.”  Immediately came to mind as I stood observing the history of this place. 

We draw two things from today’s Daily Thoughts:
1) It is important to spend time fellowshipping with one another and building up the strength in the Lord through dedicated time together.  Step away from the busyness of life and gather with others to reflect, teach, learn and listen to the Lord’s message.  It is in these situations where we come to a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior.

2) Open your doors to welcome the weary traveler.  So many times it is convenient to stay at hotels when we travel, but have you considered the loss of reconnecting with friends and family.  Jesus had no home during His ministry.  He laid His head to rest in many different homes throughout His 3 year ministry, each of which were blessed to have had His presence.  Take time this summer to reconnect with your friends and family by inviting them to stay at your home.  Don’t waste the opportunity, for you never know when you may get another chance.

Loving Father,
We thank You for Your grace and Your mercy on our lives.  We ask for You to bless us with knowledge and understanding of Your word and it’s purpose in our life.  We ask for those opportunities to engage with others in fellowship and reunion over this busy summer season, that we might be able to learn and grow stronger in our faith as a result.  Bless us with peace, calmness and clearness of mind as we seek rest and relaxation this summer.  In Your name we pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Friday, May 9, 2014

Her Pain, Your Gain

Celebrate Mother’s this Weekend

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13

The heavenly Father created you in your mother’s womb.  He shaped your DNA and molded into the very first cells of life the unique personalities, characteristics, mannerisms and appearance.  Then the creation process began with the duplication of cells until such time as they took shape into a body, with organs, fingers, toes and hair.  Throughout His miraculous creative process though, her blood filled your vessels as they were being formed. Your nutrients came from her, through her body’s interaction with yours.

The woman that carried you in her womb for 40 weeks (+/-). The woman that sang you songs and spoke to you when you were in her womb. Other than God's creative process, she is this person that gave you life. Her blood sustained your nutrients during the most critical part of your life - when all of your organs, muscles, tendons, bones, brain and heart were being developed. Yet, knowing that you had caused her immense pain during childbirth, she still took you, in the hospital room, and held you close to her bosom to calm your anxiety in this new world. The bond between a mother and her child is second only to the bond between our heavenly Father and His children.

A father may or may not be in the picture, but the mother is always there at the birth. A child cannot be born from a petri dish. It can be created there, but then through insemination it develops, grows and is born from the womb. The relationship between a woman and her child creates the foundation of our very being. This is why mothers are called blessed and are rightfully deserving of the title. This weekend, take the opportunity to reflect on your mother and the blessing she has been in your life. Then tell them.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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