Wednesday, January 31, 2018

37 Days – Relational Strife Must Fall

Pastor Randy’s devotional:

So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God. Matthew 5:23-24

January 26th Prayer:

Father, You reconciled me to you through Jesus when there was no other way. I know You have the power to reconcile my relationship with _________________________________________. I ask You to help me. Help them. Soften our hearts . . . and our words . . . and our attitudes. I will forgive them. And I will forgive myself. Help me to release the hurt, anger and resentment of my heart as I walk freely into Your presence to worship . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:

Bitterness comes forth from ones lips, and once done, it is twice as bitter on the lips upon taking them back.  We have all allowed temporary emotions to drive the words and actions which often times destroy years of a loving, wonderful relationship.  Pride is often times at the root of these issues, and controlling that pride is in most cases very difficult and counter intuitive.  Looking at the examples we have in Jesus Christ.  In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, he tells us to “turn the other cheek, love your enemies, go the extra mile to help your brother . . . “  Then again, you recall his words from the cross, “Father, Forgive them; they know not what they do.” He taught us to forgive, regardless of what they have done to us.

We are all given one life to live for the Lord.  Your life is no more valuable than the addict who is strung out in the middle of the alley at night.  In the eyes of God, we are all His children and His desire is for all to be reconciled to Him and with Him in eternity.  Who are we to then determine that someone is unworthy of this plan?  If you are holding a grudge against someone, it is important to take a bigger look at the situation, from the perspective of your Father’s view.  He may see the wrong, but He also sees the good that comes from each of us.  He alone is set to judge good from evil, we are ill-equipped to do so.  Our role is to love our neighbor as our Father loves them, which means swallowing one’s pride and forgiving them.

It’s hard to carry the image of Christ to the world, but this is a sure way to let them see that God is love.

Be Blessed,


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Monday, January 29, 2018

37 Days – Financial Debt Must Fall

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen. Philippians 4:19

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5

January 25th Prayer:
Remember: There’s God’s part, and there’s your part. Both will be needed to attack debt.

Heavenly Father, I thank You that nothing is impossible with You. I ask You to help me eliminate all debt from my life. I ask for the wisdom of God to flow generously in my mind for financial stewardship. I thank You for strategy and conviction to eliminate this mountain of debt. And I also thank You for miraculous provision as I am obedient in my giving to You. I trust You God. And I await Your instruction and provision . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
I was just talking with a friend the other day about material possessions and the fact that everything belongs to God.  Think about it for a second.  Look around you and realize that everything you see are at one point manufactured from natural elements, which only God can create.  Dirt grows plants and food, Water, Metals from the earth, Wood from trees, Fabric from cotton or animals; as just a few examples.  Everything belongs to God in another sense also.  When we die, and we will, we take nothing with us to our afterlife.  You can have it put in your casket, but there it will stay.  So, if it all belongs to God, shouldn’t we be in conversation with Him about our portion?

Financial struggles have been identified as one of the top three reasons for divorce in the family today.  It stems from a misunderstanding of what money is to be used for.  Most of us look at money as a way to enjoy life.  We use it for bills, food, lavish vacations, material things, treating ourselves and buying the favor of others.  It is apportioned to us based on the work and effort put forth to earn it.  This ability to work is based on the gifts that God has given us, at birth, inherent within our very nature.  Because our paycheck comes from the company we work for, we often times put them on the pedestal as our source for everything we have in life, thereby replacing God as our true source of all things.  At the heart of financial struggle is our desire to control the flow of money, thus creating strife between husband and wife, parents and children, and amongst friends.  He wants this and she wants that, and neither is happy unless they both get what they want.  We’ve allowed ourselves to become dependent on money rather than God.

There is a story of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and wealthiest man on earth, when asked by a reporter about the birth of his first child, “Isn’t it wonderful that you now have someone to leave your wealth to?”  To which Bill Gates replied, “I’m not leaving them with the burdens that comes with this kind of wealth.  They will get an education, find a job, work and find their own way.”  He would rather give his billions to charities and help vaccinate children all over the world.  With money comes burdens that having money can’t solve.  Trust issues, dependency issues and pride filled issues arise.  Look at the 100’s of professional athletes or celebrities that have lost everything because they felt they were in control of it all. 

Realizing that it all belongs to God gives us, as His children, unbelievable privilege to tap into His resources.  God has all authority and will provide as He sees fit for each our capabilities.  To those who have much, much is expected.  Use His provisions for His benefit, to further His kingdom, to spread His glory and blessings and He will enlarge your territory and expand your opportunities.  Us it for yourself and your personal gain, and quickly it can all be taken away.

Be Blessed,

Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

37 Days – The Veil Must Fall

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
If the Good News we preach is hidden behind a veil, it is hidden only from people who are perishing. Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

January 24th Prayer:

Father, I approach You today in worship of Jesus and all He has provided for our salvation. I praise You for opening the eyes of ______________________________________________________. I intercede for them today and ask that You would break the hands of Satan off their life. Open their eyes so that they may receive salvation. Save them Lord today . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
I’ve personally struggled with this for years.  How can something so blatantly obvious to me seem so bizarre and strange to another.  I have friends who are Muslim, Wiccan, Atheists and other faiths; when I talk of God’s love, grace and salvation, they can’t comprehend it.  Satan is a deceiver and humanity is his prey.  In this world we stand no chance against the Prince of Lies without God the Father by our side.  So those who refuse to acknowledge His glory and righteousness are simply blinded by the evil in this world.  It is the Lord, through you and I though, that need to tear down the veil that hangs before our friends and families eyes.  Help them to see the truth that is right in front of them, and return them to a road of salvation.

Do you recall when Christ was crucified, the veil in the temple tore from the ceiling to the floor?  This veil hung from ceiling to floor in the tabernacle to separate the Holy of Holies from the rest of this Holy Place. Prior to Christ’s crucifixion, only the High Priests were allowed behind that veil one time a year during a celebration called the Day of Atonement.  For you see, behind this veil was the presence of God, and no evil or no sin could be in the presence of God, so the veil kept mankind out.  Have you ever thought about why this veil was torn when Christ was crucified?

The tearing of this veil destroyed the separation between God and mankind.  There was a new propitiation for our sins in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In that moment the world changed dramatically forever more.  Eyes were made wide to see that indeed this Jesus was the Son of God, sent as a redemption for man’s sinful nature.  But, in those days, there were still those who were blind to the Good News.  Pharisees, Saducees, Romans, Evil doers, and so on denied the truth of what had just happened, just as mankind are blinded today by the evil one.  The veil to the Lord’s presence is no longer, but the veil before man’s eyes is as real today as it was then.

Through prayer and loving confrontation we are charged with helping our fellow man tear down the veil before his eyes, so that they may see the beauty, grace, love and glory of our Father.   

Be Blessed,

Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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More information on The Crossing Church can be found here: FB:;

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

37 Days – Strongholds Must Fall

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

January 23rd  Prayer:
Lord, I worship You today! I praise You for demolishing the nagging arguments in my mind that attempt to disqualify me and condemn me—these thoughts have been in my mind for many years. Thank You for victory over habitual sin and familiar patterns of weakness and temptation. Thank you for power over resentment, anger, and unforgiveness. All these arguments and thinking patterns that have restricted my growth for so long now—I present them to Jesus this day. Make these thoughts obey You, Jesus. Thank You for demolishing these torturers . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
Strongholds are those things that you continue to struggle with in your walk with the Lord.  Through unmentionable anguish and effort we continue to overcome these areas of our own accord and abilities.  First, because of pride and the simple truth that we believe we can handle these items on our own, and secondly, because we are ashamed of coming before the Lord, knowing that our actions are outside of His righteousness.  We need to realize that we can’t overcome these things without God.  We can try to will ourselves into a straight-jacket discipline, but the enemy is so much stronger.  When we reach to God for His help, He is much stronger than the enemy.  Knocking down these strongholds is not difficult for Him, but it takes our acknowledgement of His authority and obedience to follow His ways.

Taking control of your thoughts, taking control of your actions and taking control of your words are all things that the Lord can bring to fruition.  He alone can cast down those negative thoughts, violent actions and inappropriate words and bring your life back into line with His path.  You must take the initiative to engage Him and trust that He is fighting on your behalf.  Lift your concerns, thoughts and fears to Him, and ask that He bring His power to bear on your situation.  Ask that He remove the strongholds that keep you from serving in a richer capacity, and keep you from walking along His path.  Earnestly reach out to Him for as your Father, He will watch over and fight on your behalf.  Realize and acknowledge His sovereignty and authority over all things, including the evil one and those that follow Him.  Your Father is one big, bad dude and despite Satan’s big mouth and deceptive lies, he pales in comparison.

Be Blessed,

Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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Monday, January 22, 2018

37 Days: Week 4 Foundation - These Walls Must Fall

From Pastor Randy Harvey's devotional for 37 Days Week 4

These Walls Must Fall

And then this, while Joshua was there near Jericho: He looked up and saw right in front of him a man standing, holding his drawn sword. Joshua stepped up to him and said, “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies’?” He said, “Neither. I’m commander of God’s army. I’ve just arrived.” Joshua fell, face to the ground, and worshiped. He asked, “What orders does my Master have for His servant?” God’s Army Commander ordered Joshua, “Take your sandals off your feet. The place you are standing is holy.” Joshua did it. Joshua 5:13-15

The situation seems impossible. As Joshua scouts out Jericho, he wonders, “How in the world are going to get past the walls of this city? I’ve never seen walls so thick and tall, and we’ve never fought a battle like this.” And just like that, Jesus appears as a man standing with sword drawn ready for action. Joshua confronts the “man” at first asking, “Whose side are you on—ours or theirs?” “Neither!” Jesus answers. “Me and My army are here to bring about the will of the Father, and you are now under My command.” At this, Joshua falls to the ground before the Master and worships. “What would You have me to do, Commander?” Jesus says, “Take off your sandals, for the place you are standing is holy.” Then Jesus lays out the battle plan. “Joshua, Me and My troops are going to do all the heavy lifting. You and your troops are mostly going to worship all around the walls.”

You see, Jesus instructed Israel to take the Ark of Covenant—the very presence of God—and march around the city with the priest blowing the ram’s horn (called a shofar). This was the horn of worship. Ordinarily, a metal horn was used for military signals and battle communication, but Jesus called for the priest to lead the march and for the worship sound to fill the air. For six days, the priest worshipped while the armies walked with them around the walls of Jericho (about seven acres of walled city). Then, on the seventh day, they circled seven times and began to shout to the Lord.

On the seventh time around, the priests blew the trumpets and Joshua signaled the people, “Shout! For God has given you the city!” (Joshua 6:16) And then it happened.  The walls began to crack and the ground shook. Huge boulders were dislodged as the armies of Israel worshipped God and the priest sounded the shofar. The city collapsed and the victory was fast and miraculous. Praise God! 

So how about you? Have any obstacles in your life that seem impossible to remove?  Like Joshua, you and I can keep looking at the issues and try to figure out how we are going to get past them. Or, we can worship. That’s right. A completely illogical plan that seems to make no sense . . . at least not to our minds. However, if it’s impossible for us, then it’s going to be Jesus and His troops who do the heavy lifting. Our job is to cheer Him on as He fights our battles.

This week we are going to target areas of difficulty that we will call “walls.” We will pray and worship and trust God to do the impossible. These walls must and will fall!

January 22nd  – Blindness Must Fall

When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. “Oh, sir, what will we do now?” the young man cried to Elisha. “Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire (the armies of God). 2 Kings 6:15-17

Heavenly Father, open my eyes. I believe in You, but struggle as the servant of Elisha because of what I see with my natural eyes. Open my eyes to see this impossible situation resolved. I worship You, O God, for Your power to do the impossible. And I will worship You every time I think of this wall in my life that needs to come down. I shout to You Lord for You have given me the victory . . . in Jesus’ name!

(Name your wall. Write down the seemingly impossible obstacles and begin to worship God for His resolution.)

37 Days – Take A Step: Pray

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises. Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven. James 5:13-15

January 21st Prayer:
To the God who answers prayer—I repent of my lack of prayer. I ask forgiveness of You for losing confidence that You even hear my prayer. You have called me to pray and I am committing to pray. I will pray for healing— pray for provision—pray for the lost—pray for family—pray for direction and guidance. Father, I am excited today to renew my faith in You. You would not call me to pray if it had no value. You are going to hear a lot from me in 2018 . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
Her spine was deformed at birth, but unknown to her mother and me.  When she was 2 she fell and through an MRI at the emergency room the deformity was discovered.  There was one neurosurgeon specialist in the US who could perform the surgery, and he was booked solid for months into the future.  We hit our knees, we went to the church and prayed with our pastors, we reached out to our friends and family for prayers.  Within a few days we received a call from the assistant to this skilled neurosurgeon, and they wanted to see her the next week.  Was it a co-incidence?  No, I believe it was an answered prayer.

She went through 18 months of many visits back and forth to this doctor 900 miles away.  After several visits, she was 3 years old, when the Doctor came into the room after seeing results of that visit and gave us the news that she would need surgery within the next few weeks.  We had drained our savings, we arrived home that week in panic of how to make it back in 2 weeks.  Again, we kit our knees, we went to our church.  Prayers were lifted up, Pastor Randy laid hands upon our little girl and prayed for her healing and successful surgery.  Within a single day we received a call from a close Pastor friend at another local church with a word that our travel was completely paid for.  

That week, we received an invitation for coffee with the parents of a 17 year old friend of our oldest daughter, who had been to this exact same neurosurgeon with the same problem when she was a young child.  Again – could it just be a co-incidence that this girl lived in the same city as us, and was friends with our daughter, and had the same problem and the same surgery that our daughter was going to endure.  No; it was not a co-incidence, it was an answer to prayer.  We left that coffee table fully informed and much more prepared for what lie ahead and comfort that our little girl was going to be okay.

We arrived the day before the surgery, and our family came in from Michigan and met us there.  We were wrapped in love and strength in this trying time.  The morning of surgery the doctor prepared us for what to expect.  A metal brace and halo would be mounted to her head to extend the spine for surgery.  This would then remain attached for 4 to 6 months while she recovered.  As the doors closed and her gurney was wheeled down the hallway, we turned away as broken parents.  If you’ve been in a similar situation you know the emptiness that is felt inside, knowing you are helpless to solve your child’s problem.  The next 8 hours were spent in prayer, in fear and in quiet with our family around us.  The doctor came out and called the two of us into a room.  They were 80% through the surgery and the surgeon’s exact quote was, “..I’ve done thousands of these surgeries and never had one this successful.  She is doing absolutely wonderful, and we will be able remove the metal brace and halo.”  Four hours later he emerged with a huge smile on his face and the wonderful news that the surgery went perfect.  2 weeks later we took our sweet little girl home.

So tell me, does God answer prayer?  Do prayers for healing work?  In total there were seventeen miracles/answered prayers in this 2 ½ year journey.  God answered our prayers then and today our beautiful miracle baby is 14 years old, incredibly smart, playing sports and following the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Her medical records have been logged in Science and Medical Journals as an exceptional case of spinal stenosis surgery.  God is our provider, our healer and our salvation.

Be Blessed,
Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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Sunday, January 21, 2018

37 Days – Take A Step: Confess

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16-17

January 20th Prayer:
Father, I long to be free from sin. I desire to be healed from the effects of my sin and pain. I will obey Your word. Show me who I can trust. Lead me to Godly counsel and a safe place to open up. Heal me Lord! Once and for all—deliver me from this bondage of sin as I obey Your word to “confess” . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
Accountability – does that word make you cringe like the rest of us?  It means someone is there to hold you accountable to what is right and help you turn from those things that are not.  It takes serious trust, serious strength of character and serious commitment to one another if you indeed are expecting results of a positive nature.  Having said this, I strongly recommend it though.

We are all inherently wired to be self-interest first individuals.  We do what we want to do most of the time, and think of how it will impact us.  Often times we shy away from the difficult things, the stretch goals and the uncomfortable situations.  Most of the time we are less honest when evaluating our own actions than we might be of another.  We can frequently justify a wrongful act as we convince ourselves that we aren’t that bad.  An accountability partner will be strong enough to tell you, to point out those wrongful acts and yet still love you afterwards. 

An accountability partner should be a person close to you, but closer to the Lord.  A person that will never question bringing petitions before the Lord in prayer.  When you seriously look around yourself, there are no more than a handful of individuals that you can trust, love and that will also be a bright beacon of the Lord for you.  From this list, I suggest that you earnestly pray about who you should open up to and begin with a simple conversation.  Secondly, ensure that they know your intent and that you are seeking their support.  They need to know that there is a confidential relationship between the two of you that must be honored in order for this to work.  Finally, I suggest getting a meeting scheduled with them to lay out your needs, your intent, your goals and your obstacles.  Start from a clear playing field wrapped in truth and honesty.

Bring your meeting with this person before the Lord to ask His blessing and assurances.  He will be the guide for you and your partner.  You need to trust in Him for His power and blessing upon you.  Take heart young warrior, you are on the verge of expanding your presence in the Lord.

Be Blessed,

Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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Friday, January 19, 2018

37 Days – Take A Step: Speak

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth! Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.” Jeremiah 1:9-10

January 19th Prayer:
Father God, You have placed Your words in my mouth. Your words can move mountains, change hearts, change minds and convict of sin. Your word is alive and active. Give me courage to speak to my world—to change the atmospheres in my relationships, business, school and family. Fill me with grace and truth so that I can speak Your word in love . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:

There are times in my life when I have no idea what I’m going to say in a given situation.  Have you been there?  When a friend is going through deep, heart wrenching struggles; or when a family member’s feelings are deeply hurt by something and they come to you for counsel; or the death of a loved one; or someone comes to me for counsel on life decisions.  These are examples where the answers are seldom something known or derived from my own wisdom.  But, in the moment of truth when the counsel is needed, the Lord has placed the perfect words in my mouth that the other person might need to hear.  Many times it has been in the written word, but also in the spoken word, as I have trusted that He is wise, compassionate, all knowing and will use me as a simple vessel for His truth and love.

In Numbers 22:28, “…the Lord gave the donkey the ability to speak.”  In Exodus 3:4, “God called to him from the middle of the bush…” and in 1 Kings 19:12, “…but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.”  The Lord has the ability to put Himself wherever He so chooses.  He is fully sovereign over all things, plants, animals, elements and yes even humans.  If He wants to speak through you, do you truly believe it is not possible?

Has He spoken through humans in the past?  Certainly you must agree that He has.  Biblical examples include the prophets like Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel & Elijah; the apostles like Paul, Timothy, John and Mark; John the Baptist in the wilderness; and of course the son of God – Jesus Christ.  Beyond the bible though, God has continued to speak through people in visions and dreams and even in prophetic voice.  Sure there are showmen who claim this, but there are also those who are authentically given the word of God to share with others.  Our Pastor Randy Harvey is one such man.  He has a keen ear and ability to hear the word of the Lord and then relay that to us in his congregation.  I believe Jesus is speaking to and through thousands of Muslims and Jewish people today as they come to a belief in Him as their Savior.

God can speak through anyone, or anything He chooses.  We have to have enough faith, trust and willingness to allow Him to.  Sometimes (as in the 2nd chapter of Acts) this will sound like babble or utterances, and unrecognizable by humans in our given language.  This “speaking in tongues” is as real as the very next breath you take.  The Holy Spirit (God in spirit) is able to speak through us in a manner that most will not understand, but the Father does.  I’ve witnessed this first hand and know of it’s truth.

So, when you face the unknown and someone asks for your counsel, your advice, your helping support and wisdom on a subject, first go to the Lord in prayer and ask for Him to use you, to speak through you and to help you.  He is your provider and your counsel on all things and indeed will provide you with the right things to say at the right time.  Trust in Him.

Be Blessed,

Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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Thursday, January 18, 2018

37 Days – Take A Step: Say “Yes”

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
The Lord gave me this message: “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” “O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!” The Lord replied, “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you. And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Jeremiah 1:5-9

The gifts and callings of God are under full warranty. He will never remove your call from you. Romans 11:29

January 18th Prayer:
Heavenly Father, You have known me before I was ever born. You know why You created me and what You’ve called me to do—and who You’ve called me to be. I surrender. I want to please You and obey You. Please fulfill Your purpose for my life in my lifetime. Don’t let me die without succeeding at the call on my life. I say “yes” to Your calling . . . Your assignments on my life . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
I’m not capable of doing what the Lord wants me to do.  I’m too young, I don’t have enough time, I can’t speak in front of people, I don’t know enough, I can’t answer questions, . . .  Have you disqualified yourself from serving the Lord?  Yeah, me too.  The good thing is God never disqualifies you, and He is extremely patient with us as we try to convince ourselves that He can use us.  If we accept the fact that God actually knew us before we were born, we would realize that He knows us better than we know ourselves.  With this principle we must learn to accept that He will call us into what He knows we are capable of, not necessarily what we are comfortable with.

At conception God created you with a purpose to serve His kingdom.  He formed you in your mother’s womb, spent 40 weeks with you one on one.  You know His voice because it was the first one you heard.  When He calls upon you to do something, why would He not be there to help you do it?  Think about it, God has given you specific gifts and talents in order to serve Him.  You are designed to do it, you have the ability to do it, you are capable.  You may not recognize it or feel comfortable with it, because you have convinced yourself that you aren’t capable; but God says you are.

Be Blessed,

Join us on Facebook @ 10 Minute Reader Daily Thoughts or on Twitter @Sondove
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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

37 Days – Take A Step: Risk

Pastor Randy’s devotional:

About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost! “But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. Matthew 14:25-30

January 17th Prayer:

Jesus, if it’s really You, tell me to come! If you are calling me to take a risky step, then help my heart to know Your voice. And, if it’s You, I’ll do it. I do not want to live safe and risk free when You have so much more for my life. I don’t want to coast in to my finish line. I want to take big steps of faith. Give me the courage to obey You . . . in Jesus’ name!
(If you have a decision in front of you now that involves risk, write it down and pray about it. A tough conversation that needs to happen . . . a business decision . . . a financial decision, etc.)

My thoughts:

What does it mean to trust in the Lord? 
Does it mean to believe in Him? Yes.  Does it mean to follow His teachings? Yes.  Does it mean to share His word with others? Yes.  Does it mean to step out and do what He is asking you to do?  Yes.  Peter stepped out of the boat, David picked up 5 smooth stones, Mary listened and followed the angel Gabriel, John the Baptist baptized others, knowing the Christ was coming, Abraham raised the knife above his son Isaac bound body – all examples of individuals in the scriptures that stepped out in faith, trusting God without knowledge of the outcome.  They took risk, which in turn lead to great things for the Kingdom.  So what is God calling you to do, and will you step out?

There are so many huge opportunities to make an impact in this world, but most of us aren’t willing to actually step out in faith and trust in the Lord’s promise that He will be with us.  We contemplate the risk to our current lifestyle and often times retreat back to a place of comfort.  By nature, most of us will evaluate a scenario and upon seeing the potential risk required, will find ourselves unable to fulfill His request.  Rather than stepping into it with faith and seeking the wisdom of the Lord, we pass and stay put in our comfort zone.

God calls each of us to greatness.  This cannot be achieved by staying in place, it takes an act of courage, and act of faith and getting out of your comfort zone.  In Houston and surrounding area there are around 6 Million people.  By national statistics 35% of those are 2.1 million claim to believe in God and saved by Jesus Christ.  Because we are in the “Bible belt” you could raise that percentage to over 50%.  So 3 million +/- would make this claim, and 3 million +/- would say they don’t believe.  How will these folks come to know the truth about Jesus Christ?  What about your city, your area or your state?  Think about those that are destined for eternal separation from God the Father simply because someone did not take the risk to step out and have a discussion with them.  Perhaps today is that day.  Praise be to God the Father.

Be Blessed,



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37 Days – Take A Step: Witness

Pastor Randy’s devotional:

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:7-8

January 16th Prayer:

Precious Holy Spirit, I open to You today. Place an opportunity before me today. I have (name the person)__________________________________________ on my heart today. Please use me to be a witness to them. Empower me to move past any apprehensions and fear to be an opportunity for them to be saved. I know You are the one who deals with the heart. You are the “Convincer” of the soul. I avail myself to be used today . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:

The day of Pentecost in the scriptures, referenced in Acts 2, as an amazing event; “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Some would laugh this off as one of those crazy bible stories, but not me.  You see I believe that God is capable of things we cannot imagine or fathom.  He created the universe, the water, the land, the sun, the stars, the moon, the animals and finally man.  Is it so far fetched to believe that He actually spoke to and through these individuals in a manner that they could not understand?  Why is this so hard to accept?  He’s God and capable of anything He so chooses to do.  Perhaps we need to think on that for a minute or 10; and accept it as fact rather than cliché`.

The Holy Spirit is God indwelling in every Christian.  Jesus tells us the Holy Spirit is our counselor, advocate and helper.  He is not a “force” as in Star Wars; or a “ghost” as in Casper.  He is ever present in your life though and there to encourage, comfort and lead you towards righteousness and away from the evil in this world.  Some would refer to the Holy Spirit as your conscience, but they would be wrong.  Is the Holy Spirit guiding your conscience, probably so, but only towards those things of the Father.  For you see, the Holy Spirit is the Father, but within you.

Your prayers, your thoughts, your actions and your words are all a part of your being.  The Holy Spirit is capable of engaging you in all of these areas, if you will let Him.  Many struggle with the concept of God living within them because they still have sin, they still make mistakes and they still struggle each day.  The closer your relationship with the Holy Spirit becomes alive in you, the less of these things will threaten you each day.  Living in the Holy Spirit is our goal.  This helps defend against the worldly evil which knocks on your day every hour of every day. 

First, you must accept the fact that there is truly a Holy Spirit living within you.  Second, you must be able to trust and have faith that the Holy Spirit will guide you and bring you comfort against the world.  Finally, you must strengthen your walk with the Holy Spirit through your prayers, words and action so that you can become the person you were created to be for God’s true purpose.  Take the steps today, with a prayer to the Holy Spirit, and ask Him to walk with you and strengthen you.

Be Blessed,


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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

37 Days – Week 3 foundation - Take a Step: Give

37 Days – Week 3 foundation

Get Your Feet Wet

The Lord told Joshua, “Today I will begin to make you a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites. They will know that I am with you, just as I was with Moses. Give this command to the priests who carry the Ark of the Covenant: ‘When you reach the banks of the Jordan River, take a few steps into the river and stop there.’” Joshua 3:7-8; 15-17

It was the harvest season, and the Jordan was overflowing its banks. But as soon as the feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river’s edge, the water above that point began backing up a great distance away. Then all the people crossed over near the town of Jericho.

I love this part of our story. Joshua has taken his new position as the leader after Moses’ death. All eyes are on him, and he has to be feeling the pressure. Everyone is thinking the same thing. “If Moses were here, he would lift up his staff and command the Jordan river to part. After all, this is what he did at the Red Sea. A river would be easy for Moses.” But God was going to teach the new leader and the new Israel a different way of living. The land of Canaan was reserved for a people of faith. That’s why God left the giants and all their enemies in the land. He wanted Israel to believe in Him enough to act in faith. Fight in faith. And this “Joshua generation” was up for the task. God was moving His people from the desert of “just enough” to the land of overflowing. And in order for His people to take their inheritance, they would have to take a step of faith. God was saying, “Instead of Me drying up the Jordan so that no faith is required of you, I want you to take the first step into the water in faith. And when you act in faith, I will respond in power.” In other words, “Get your feet wet!”

Years ago, our hearts were stirred to be more generous in our financial giving as God was doing a healing work in the way we thought about and stewarded our finances. It was exciting. However, I was praying that God would increase our income. In prayer, God spoke clearly. He gave me a list of things to sell to decrease unnecessary debt. The list had a prized bass guitar—my pride and joy as a musician. “No Lord! Not my bass?” “Yes. Sell it and free up the money so you can do what you said you wanted Me to do.”

I did it, but now I had no bass guitar. This was part of my livelihood, not just a hobby. I was under orders to pay cash for its replacement, I had only one-third of the purchasing power and was very discouraged with the available choices. Late one Wednesday night, as I was locking the church to go home, a man came running into the building with a bass guitar in hand. He was a local custom bass-builder and had built this one-of-a-kind prototype instrument. When he opened the case, the woodwork and hardware were stunning . . . beautiful woods and elaborate detail. And then he said, “Whatever you were going to pay for your next bass, I’ll take that for it.” I bought it, and it’s now worth double the one I sold. That single step began a series of wonderful blessings from God on our home and finances.

This week we are going to pray and listen to hear God’s directive. We are anticipating an action step that He might speak so you and I can get our feet wet and see Him move miraculously.

Got a river to cross? Get your feet wet!

January 15th – Take A Step: Give

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” Luke 6:38

Father, I come before You today to honor You with my finances. You have blessed me. I desire to see Your power manifested in my income, job, investments, and all sources of financial provision. Please show me where to give today. Put someone or something on my heart. I look forward to giving the tithe. I look forward to giving an offering. I am excited to obey You in stewardship. I am listening for my next step. And I anticipate Your blessing upon my financial life this year . . . in Jesus’ name!
(Take a moment and just listen. Ponder any impressions you may receive.)

My thoughts:
I have become so deceived in thinking that I can handle my finances, my work and my bills based on my own strength.  How easy it is for the world to enter into my thinking and tell me that I need more, deserve more and am entitled to more.  It all belongs to God.  I know that is a nice thing to say, but when you step back and think about it, it’s actually very true, for those of us who believe in Him.  He has given me the skills and knowledge I require to do my job, which in turn provides and income, which in turn buys the food, the clothing, the home, the cars, the “stuff” that we use everyday.  If I didn’t have the skills and knowledge that was designed into my DNA, I certainly should not expect to have all of the benefits mentioned above.

It’s funny, I was talking with a family member just the other night about income and entitlement. When I started my professional career (1984ish) I made $27,500/year; and thought I had hit the jackpot.  Right after Lisa and I were married (3 years later), I was given a raise to $31,400; and together we thought we had it made. Over the last 30 years, I’ve relocated my family to Florida, then Massachusetts and for the last 20 years Texas; all chasing higher wages and better jobs.  Sure, the income has gone up substantially over that 30 year period, but there is a part of me that realizes I sure seemed happier at $31k than I do today.

 I am now interviewing candidates coming out of college demanding 6 figure salaries as their starting income plus flex days, where they don’t have to come to the office or only work 3 or 4 days a week.  The attitude is as long as the project gets done why should they have to work 5 days or 40 hours a week.  This generation have decided that living a life is not about working; it actually is about living.  I’ve also noticed that many in this generation are unbelievably compassionate and supportive of the underappreciated and undervalued in our society.  These young adults spend much of their free time giving back to charities, missions, and shelters. 

I also see many of them lost in their spiritual life.  Seeking a higher purpose while in this life is the goal of many – but it’s not about religion or scripture or belief in a deity.  No, it’s about self worth, morals and values.  I have found them to be genuinely engaged in causes of suffering and justice in the world.  They are giving of themselves and using their gifts in a way that isn’t tied to income, or a 9-5 schedule or 2 hour commute.  They want income for food, shelter and electronics; but not the frivolous things in life.  Many, including myself, have been found making jokes or sarcastic remarks about the millennial generation, when honestly, they probably have it more together than any of us “aged veterans”. 

So the question is, how do we help them find Jesus Christ and use their gifts for His Kingdom?  That is a new goal of mine.


Be Blessed,



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Monday, January 15, 2018

37 Days – Embrace the Grace

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.  - Ephesians 4:7

January 14th Prayer:
Paul was confident in the measure of grace apportioned to him. Like Paul, you must embrace the grace God apportioned to you. When you live within your sphere of grace, you will stop comparing your life to others and wrestling with all the insecurities that accompany comparisons. You have a specific deposit of God that you are responsible to reflect. God has dealt each of us a measure, and it’s all you need to fulfill the purpose of God for your life. Relax and enjoy your measure. Embrace the grace! Thank You for the measure of grace You’ve given me.

Thank You that I’m not called to perform like anybody else. Thank You that I’m free from the need to compete with any of my brothers and sisters in Christ. I applaud the grace in the lives of others. And I thank You for the unique expression of Jesus that I am. I am excited to grow more and more in the grace apportioned to me . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:

One of the greatest differences of Christianity vs every other religion of the world (past or present) is Grace.  Simply put, you have the opportunity to receive eternal life with God in heaven because of what He has done, not because of what you have done.  He has graciously given us a path to redemption, despite the fact that we don’t’ deserve it or for many, even accept it. 

He had to create a sacrifice to atone for our sins, because God is perfect, His heaven is perfect and our sin-filled lives cannot enter therein.  But God had a plan, He created the perfect sacrifice because He realized man could not do it alone.  He created a path just so you could join Him in heaven.  This path would cost Him the very life of His only Son, but His love for you is so deep that He went through with the plan.  He brought His Son to the earth, and watched mankind, amidst the pain and suffering, destroy him on a cross.  What man didn’t know though was this was actually God’s planning, and a part of how He would redeem the world.  In the sacrifice of His son’s life; a perfect spotless, sinless man; He saved the world.  This is an unspoken love that neither you nor I can fully comprehend, because we are unable to do the same.  You can’t ever pay it back, it is beyond your ability; yet He gave it to you anyway.  This is God’s grace, His oh so amazing grace; and you can only choose to accept it or not.

He gives it to you, so you can be saved.  He gives it to you, so you can find salvation in Him.  He gives it to you, so you can live eternally with Him one day.  He gives it to you, so you can share it with others.  Just as He gave everything to set you free, are you willing to do the same?  Are you able to give grace to others when they absolutely, without a doubt don’t deserve it, or even want it; and can never pay it back?  To each of us grace has been apportioned accordingly.  Enough grace to overcome our sinful, unrighteous and worldly lives.  God has enough grace to overcome anything you have done.  You can rest on this truth, that by believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He and He alone, can bear your sins so you can stand before the Lord, blameless and worthy of His Kingdom. 

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found,
was blind but now I see.

You were lost, but now you’re found.  You can now see how much God loves you and has prepared a way for you to join Him in heaven.  Take the step today, admit you have been a wretch, but you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the redeemer of your sinful actions.  Be born again today, and rest in the grace of our Lord.   

Be Blessed,

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