Wednesday, January 17, 2018

37 Days – Take A Step: Risk

Pastor Randy’s devotional:

About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost! “But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. Matthew 14:25-30

January 17th Prayer:

Jesus, if it’s really You, tell me to come! If you are calling me to take a risky step, then help my heart to know Your voice. And, if it’s You, I’ll do it. I do not want to live safe and risk free when You have so much more for my life. I don’t want to coast in to my finish line. I want to take big steps of faith. Give me the courage to obey You . . . in Jesus’ name!
(If you have a decision in front of you now that involves risk, write it down and pray about it. A tough conversation that needs to happen . . . a business decision . . . a financial decision, etc.)

My thoughts:

What does it mean to trust in the Lord? 
Does it mean to believe in Him? Yes.  Does it mean to follow His teachings? Yes.  Does it mean to share His word with others? Yes.  Does it mean to step out and do what He is asking you to do?  Yes.  Peter stepped out of the boat, David picked up 5 smooth stones, Mary listened and followed the angel Gabriel, John the Baptist baptized others, knowing the Christ was coming, Abraham raised the knife above his son Isaac bound body – all examples of individuals in the scriptures that stepped out in faith, trusting God without knowledge of the outcome.  They took risk, which in turn lead to great things for the Kingdom.  So what is God calling you to do, and will you step out?

There are so many huge opportunities to make an impact in this world, but most of us aren’t willing to actually step out in faith and trust in the Lord’s promise that He will be with us.  We contemplate the risk to our current lifestyle and often times retreat back to a place of comfort.  By nature, most of us will evaluate a scenario and upon seeing the potential risk required, will find ourselves unable to fulfill His request.  Rather than stepping into it with faith and seeking the wisdom of the Lord, we pass and stay put in our comfort zone.

God calls each of us to greatness.  This cannot be achieved by staying in place, it takes an act of courage, and act of faith and getting out of your comfort zone.  In Houston and surrounding area there are around 6 Million people.  By national statistics 35% of those are 2.1 million claim to believe in God and saved by Jesus Christ.  Because we are in the “Bible belt” you could raise that percentage to over 50%.  So 3 million +/- would make this claim, and 3 million +/- would say they don’t believe.  How will these folks come to know the truth about Jesus Christ?  What about your city, your area or your state?  Think about those that are destined for eternal separation from God the Father simply because someone did not take the risk to step out and have a discussion with them.  Perhaps today is that day.  Praise be to God the Father.

Be Blessed,



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