Monday, March 26, 2018

Don’t Forget to Live (pt 4 of 7)

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:13-14
My thoughts:
Over the last week or so I’ve been trying to help you understand that we don’t have to argue with Atheists when confronted, but rather simply ask questions that allow them to see things from a different light.  This brings to the forefront how science and God are not at odds with each other, but perfectly in line, when honest and openly thought through.

Take a moment and do this simple trick for me as you read this. 
Stop breathing….stop…hold on…keep holding your breath…watch the seconds tick by.   How long could you hold your breath, before your brain forced you to inhale again?  Why?  Where did that instruction come from?  Did you have to think about breathing or did your body just force you to do it?
You see, we must breath in order to survive.  The cells of our body require Oxygen, and when it is absent negative consequences begin destroying cells in brain, which can then lead to stroke or an aneurism.  The red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, which result in healthy organs, circulation, muscle motion and cell regeneration.   So, if it is completely through evolution that this all became real, where did the original design and purpose come from?  How frequently do you tell yourself to breath?  If you are like 99.9% of the world’s population, it is never.

Now, intentionally focus on how many times you blink while you read the rest of this blog.  Your nervous system is telling your eyelids to close over your eyeball for multiple reasons.  Most of us are correct to think it is to help hydrate our eyes, but it’s so much more than just that.  We do need moisture in our eye sockets for your eyeball to move up/down and side to side.  The blinking of eyes will help distribute that liquid evenly over the surface and protect the eye from dust, debris and irritation.  But, did you realize it is also a way for your brain to regain focus, to stimulate an internal timer, to capture and relay a snapshot of a given moment, to calm one’s emotions or to simply allow one’s brain to rest for a 100 milliseconds or so?  Every time you blink, all of these things take place.  Yet, I’ll bet you never once in your entire life told yourself to blink.  Even on those really windy days, where dust is flying; you instinctively squint your eyes, and even close them for a longer period of time than a normal blink.  You didn’t have to think about doing it, it just happens. 

Tell your heart to beat again.” was the line from a song a few years back from Christian artist and American Idol winner, Danny Gokey (written by Bernie Herms, Randy Phillips and Matthew West).  It tells the story that when we are heartbroken, we sometimes have to remind our heart to beat again and that it will be okay.  It helps us focus on the fact that God has carried us through troubles in our life and will continue to carry forward in our life.  It also reminds me that my heart gives me life.  It is the engine, the driver of function for the rest of my body.  Blood flows through my body, because my heart beats 72 times a minute (or so).  It increases the blood flow automatically when I am stressed or working out, and slows it down when I’m sleeping.  I’m not ever telling it to pump blood, it just does it.  There is no life unless blood is pumping through the brain, the cells, the nervous system, the lymph nodes, the organs, etc. etc.   You can be brain dead and still be alive, but when the heart stops, everything else stops with it.

This simple test was to help you realize, that you are not in control of your own bodily functions; and it’s not through a random formation of cells and molecules that these three simple functions came into fruition.  They were designed to work perfectly for a given purpose – to sustain life.  You are an amazingly complex creation that required an intelligent design, not an act of random, happenchance circumstance.  If indeed, the Atheist continues to believe that all of this evolved randomly over time to become this perfect, intricate design; we need simply ask them how did our predecessors survive during this evolutionary process?  How did the blood flow through their bodies before the heart existed?  How did the lungs draw in the exact amount of oxygen for sustainable life and exhale out the exact amount of carbon dioxide without the brain instinctively giving the instructions?  How did our earliest evolutionary ancestors see and keep their eyes from drying in socket?

We were created by an intelligent, purposeful maker, known to most as God, the Father.  If someone wants to say there is no proof of that, ask them, where is the proof of life sustainability before the heart, brain, lungs and eyes evolved.  There is none.  Every animal has some form of these organs which help sustain their life.  At some point they were created.  For even if they evolved; and hypothetically we evolved from them; the same problem existed.  Even the earliest evolved form of life had to survive before it could evolve.  Help them understand how little proof there is for any of their hypothesis on the evolution of life.

Be Blessed,
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