Monday, April 9, 2018

The Defense Rests (pt 7 of There is a God)

"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!" - Job 40:2

My Thoughts:

I'm the first to admit that I have no clue about God's ways. Where does He go in the late afternoon's after the sun sets in Houston? Will His physical presence envelope the Earth, Milky Way and Universe all at the same time? How will we recognize each other in heaven, if we leave our physical body behind? What on earth did God mean by Psalm 137:9 "... seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." ? Where is Noah's Ark? Why did God need to rest on the seventh day?

I'm sure you have come across those that will question God and criticize you for your faith. With the globalization of the communication network we are constantly bombarded with those that have contrary views to that of a Christian. It's humorous to me though, to see the perspectives of those trying to justify their disbelief by ridiculing those of us that do believe. I am often tempted to jump in and try to defend God, then I pause and ask, "Does God need me to defend Him?" Of course He doesn't need me to defend Him. The Creator of the Universe is perfectly capable of striking His opponent's dead at any given moment, should He desire that. And that's the key - He doesn't desire that, or at least I don't believe He does.

You see, you and I are incapable of loving those that criticize and ridicule our foundational beliefs, and this is the very foundation of our Lord. His love is not segmented to this man or that woman or these people and not those. The very love of God is available to ALL and this leads me to the belief that God wants even His critics to come to an accepting faith, that not one should perish (
Matt 18:14; 1 Timothy 2:3-4)

So what is our role in enlightening those that attack our faith? First, we must be able to share the good news of Jesus Christ. You could argue with an atheist for hours, days and in some cases a lifetime around the life of Christ and the biblical proof of God and His followers, yet at the end of the debate - most atheists are unchanged. Without scientific proof, and with apparent contradictions throughout the New Testament, it often seems like an uphill battle. When it all comes down to it, those questioning the existence of God and disregarding the divinity of Jesus Christ are actually lacking a significant capability in life.

They lack the ability to accept the reality of God on faith. Yet, when we question them and they realize just how much of their own belief is on faith in something and not actual facts, it many times helps them see things a little more clearly.  This lack of faith in God doesn't make them unworthy of God's love, just blind to it. So, can you give faith to someone who doesn't possess it? Can you get it on e-Bay, at Wal-Mart or at church? It's an intangible, logical and emotional response that those of a certain personality type just can't bring themselves around too. Let me ask you to decide for yourself right now - why do you have faith in God - Jesus Christ, His Son - and the Holy Spirit? I'm going to ask you to take a moment and right that down. You need to know this. It needs to be muscle memory so when you are backed into a corner you are strong in your understanding of your own faith. You can't get it from your parents, your grandparents or even your priest or pastor. Your faith is just that - yours.

You believe for a reason without questioning God, because for one: you are capable of respecting the hierarchical nature of life. You recognize that there are authorities over all things, except God - Himself. Certainly, by acknowledging that you have a faith and belief in God gives you a foundation to accept that there are things you will never know and rightfully so. If you want to get a glimpse of some of the mysteries of God's wisdom read 
Job 38 & 39. Then you will have the capability to share this glimpse with those that choose to question His existence. As an example: Who is it that drew the lines between the sand (shore) and the water of the mighty ocean?  Or, Who places the constellations in the exact location every night so that we are able to enjoy their brilliance?  Is this magnificence by happen chance only or is it a part of a perfect design?

As a child of God, we must come to realize that God is sovereign and certainly has given us free will to decide on what we will do with this faith and belief structure. Do not allow yourself to engage in debate with someone trying to destroy your faith.  Remember, we simply ask questions to allow the antagonist to contemplate their own thinking.  Never do this without first inviting God to represent you in the debate. His ability to defend Himself greatly outshines your ability to defend Him, so I highly suggest letting Him do it for and through you.

Be Blessed,



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