Monday, December 10, 2018

Stand Tall, Even if You’re Alone

Click Here: Read Luke 10

“But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.”  – Luke 10:33

There is absolute right and wrong in today’s world.  We are called to do the right thing, despite what other’s will say or think.  You represent the living Christ, born to take away the sins of man, to bring salvation to the world.  By conforming to the ways of the world, you are condoning and encouraging their actions.  Stand tall, even if you’re alone.

Walking away from the gentlemen’s club when everyone else is walking in.  Reaching for a glass of water when the scotch is flowing freely.  Stopping by the side of the road to help those living in cardboard boxes while the cars drive by.  Using the big stage as a pulpit despite the ridicule and resentment it might cause.  Standing your ground when the world attacks challenging every moral compass known to mankind.  These are all examples of courage in the world today.

We all recall the story of the “Good Samaritan”.  A man traveling along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho is beaten, stripped and robbed, left for dead along the side of the road.  A priest passed by without stopping, then a Levite passed by without stopping.  Finally, a Samaritan stopped to aid the man, without concern for himself, he took the time to tend to the needs of his another.  In those days the road from Jerusalem to Jericho was a dangerous road.  Many times thieves, robbers and murderers would attack along this road, for there were many places for surprise attacks.  To stop and help another along this road meant you were putting yourself in danger for the attackers may still be in the area, and secondly; the person you stopped to help may be pretending simply to lure you into a trap.  This is what makes the Samaritan courageous in my eyes, not just loving and helpful.

Knowing that we are going against the common acceptable rule and standing strong on our own moral beliefs takes enormous courage.  The world is telling you that everything is okay, live and enjoy, have fun for life is short, who cares what tomorrow brings live for today.  I beg to differ.  We are all held accountable to an authority greater than ourselves.  The values, morals and ethical boundaries are our compass and the Holy Spirit living within our heart convicts us against this set of principals as God would have for us.  So many today are making poor choices because of the social pressure, their peer community, and the fear of being isolated and left out.  The person of strong character stands firmly on the moral fabric of the word of God and makes choices that represent His character of righteousness.

Courage doesn’t always mean strength through violence or power, it is often in the little things that are done through love and commitment to a bigger purpose.  Stand for what is right – be Courageous in these trying times and see how others are impacted through your positive choices rather than trying to impress by going along with everyone else’s choice.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2018
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