Wednesday, November 8, 2017

He Never Listens

“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?   – Numbers 23:19

We are all guilty of making promises to others in life and then for one reason or another not fulfilling them.  In most cases, I propose it is not with ill intention that we set the expectations with others.  Certainly (and hopefully rarely) there are those that are acting out of vengeance or resentment that will promise certain things with no intention of fulfilling them.  As much as you have broken promises to others, your kids, your parents, your friends and co-workers; others have broken promises to you.  Isn’t it easier to recall the times when others have broken their promises, than to recollect your own transgressions?  I know it seems easier for me.

Many of us think about God with a perspective of our understanding of the people we associate with.  We have no ability to fully comprehend His perfection, omnipotence and love.  There is nothing on this earth today that is comparable to the character of God.  There is nothing we can point to and understand what it means to be truthful in ALL things, to LOVE regardless, to FORGIVE everything or to keep every PROMISE.  There are promises throughout God’s word.  Promises to bring you comfort, peace, security and confidence.  They do not have an expiration date, nor contingencies, but are given from the Lord, God Almighty for you to take hold of. 

A few promises I hold close to my heart:

God cannot lie, or He is no longer perfect
Christ died for all sins, if not than His redeeming blood is not sufficient for any
God will judge all mankind, and there is a heaven and hell, or the whole bible is for naught

Trust in God’s promises.  Discover them, hold on to them and rely on them when you are struggling in life.  He is there in every situation, with an answer for your worries.

Be Blessed,Rich
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