Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hold On

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved." – Acts 27:20

  I’ve heard a story of a lab experiment in which 2 sets of rats were each lowered into separate tubs of water.  The first set drowned within an hour.  The other set of rats were taken from the water periodically and then placed back in.  They swam for over 24 hours to survive.  Why?  Because there was hope that they might be saved.  (Today in the Word, May 1990)

Often times hope is all we have to hold onto when troubles and storms come up in our life.  Financial difficulties, death of a loved one, loss of a job, raising teenagers are all examples of life events that can spin you into a tumultuous storm where it often feels like you are swimming for your very life.  So many times we can’t see the ending, there is no light to guide our way and it seems as though our prayers are falling on deaf ears.  This is a classic tool of Satan to bring doubt into your relationship with God the Father.

Is there an limit to the amount of grace and mercy that God will provide?  Is there a breaking point at which God says, “That’s it, I’ve tried to be reasonable, I’m done with you.”?  The answer is no.  God’s love is immutable and unchanging.  He cannot love you one day and not the next.  His grace is not something that is available to you today, but tomorrow it’s taken away.  These characteristics of the Lord are infinitely available to you and can be trusted even in the most difficult of times.

Hope in the Lord is based solely on the belief that His promises are true, despite what the world has placed before you.  It is the faith in Jesus Christ redeeming blood and His promise to return one day to bring us to heaven.  Life for a non-believer is absolutely hopeless.  For where do they turn when life takes a turn for the worst.  When strife and trouble are piled all around and there is no avenue of escape – whom do they turn to? 

In Acts 27 Paul’s voyage and shipwreck is described in great detail.  Paul’s strict confidence, hope and trust in the Lord’s promise that he would stand before Caesar in Rome kept him focused on the end game.  When other’s on the ship were ready to abandon ship and take their chances against the storm alone it was because they had no faith in the Lord and no hope of salvation.  Paul ends up in Rome months later safe and sound and spent 2 years there.  In this time he wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon while under house arrest.  His hope in God’s faithfulness brought forth some of the greatest writings in the New Testament.  Millions of people have since come to a relationship and deeper understanding of Jesus Christ love and grace because of this storm in Paul’s life.  What does God have in store for you after the storms in your life?  Hold onto the hope of His love and grace and let’s find out.
Prayer:Almighty God,
You have given us hope in Your word and through the death and resurrection of Your Son – Jesus Christ.  Hope for our future, hope for eternity and hope for all of mankind to rest in.  Give us the determination and confidence to hold true to Your promises and Your love that we might endure the hardships in life to come out the other side stronger and more capable to serve You.  In Your name we pray - Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Monday, July 29, 2013

Why Lord, Why?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace," – Romans 8:6
  Morning comes again and the clock, in it’s most annoying tone, awakens his old bones.  He swings his legs from the bed and runs his hands through his thinning hair.  Finding his glasses on the night stand, he closes his eyes and slides them over the bridge of his nose and behind his ears.  There, now he can, at least, see the floor without stepping on anything.  Ever since she died he had failed to tidy up the place and had lost energy to even make it past the front door of their small home in the hillside of their community.  A month or so had passed, and he questioned why even get up in the morning, what was there to look forward too.  The children had long since left, back to their homes and families; and her sister never even came for the funeral.  For 62 years he had woken up next to her and placed his lips upon hers to start the day.  Now, it was just him, and the quietness was deafening. 

  In the corner of the room on the dresser he saw her Bible.  Worn, torn and aged.  He recalled the hundreds of times she would have sat in that rocking chair in the corner with that book open, deep in prayer about one of the children, or the bills, or the ladies at the church.  She carried it with her everywhere she went and often times would be found with her nose buried in it while sitting at the park or at a stoplight in town.  Countless times she had tried to tell him about Jesus, but in his stubbornness, he waved her off and went on about his chores around the yard and the barn.  He picked up the Bible, held it in his hands and looked heavenward.  “Why did you take her from me?  She was all I had.”, he screamed.

Inherently, he knew there was a God, and that his Esther was up there with Him.  His Momma had preached and prayed over him as a child, and his wife as an adult.  His Daddy had nothing to do with religion and went to his grave cursing God over a broken bottle of whiskey.  What was he supposed to do now?  Who could he turn to in order to better understand this Jesus and the story of salvation.  He sat down in her rocking chair, and lowering his head into his hands, he sobbed.  He grieved over his loss, but also over his selfishness and callousness throughout their marriage.  What would happen to him?  Would he ever see her again?  How does one gain eternal life?  Questions raced through his mind.  His motives were selfish once again though.  He wanted to see his wife in heaven, he wasn’t seeking the King of Kings.  The phone rang.  It was the local Pastor checking up on him to see if he needed anything from the grocery store.  Imagine that; God’s perfect timing once again displayed in the present.

This could have been any farm house in any city in any country around the globe on any given day of the week.  There are those who serve Jesus Christ every day of their life, faithfully, strong and lovingly.  Then there are those who can only come to Jesus in the direst of times, at the bottom of a pit, the rock bottom.  Sometimes God uses a death to change someone’s life forever.  We will never grasp the reality of that, but it is so true in so many circumstances. 

  Who are you praying for?  Who are you sharing the gospel with?  If you suddenly passed away tomorrow, would there be enough evidence with those around you to know without a doubt that you were in heaven?  What are you doing to help those around you come to know Jesus?  Why don’t you think it’s important enough to stop what you’re doing and call them?  I am challenging you today to make a difference in the world.  I’m not talking about going to work, and sitting at a desk or working on the line to make money for your company and put food on your table.  Why aren’t you doing something grand for Him with the one life He gave you?

Let it be known when you pass away that you served, you loved, you preached and you prayed for everyone around you, such that they may also be in heaven with you one day.  It’s important enough to set your other priorities aside for a little while.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Friday, July 26, 2013

Having Fun Yet?

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“So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria enjoyed peace, being built up; and going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it continued to increase." – Acts 9:31

  He sat in the third pew every Sunday for the last 20 years or more.  Often times he was elsewhere though, at least in his mind.  The problems from the week would not naturally shut off just because he stepped through those two heavy doors at the back of the large sanctuary.  He stood when others stood and knelt when others knelt.  When the plate was passed, he made sure to put something in it, so those around him would see that he supported his church.  As the Pastor spoke, often times he would find himself looking at the clock on the back of the church waiting for the big hand to reach the top.  It wasn’t that he disliked church, he just wasn’t engaged in it and thought of it more as an action item each week rather than an experience.

When’s the last time you stepped into a church and actually experienced God there?  Have you ever?  Often times, as we’re leaving church I hear, “What a great sermon.”  Yet, when questioned they have no idea what it was about.  Throughout our life we’ve been coached on the right things to say and the right way to act around other “church folks”, but we have a completely different identity from Monday through Saturday.  Some more recent words I have heard to describe the Christian Churches in America: huge and impersonal, hypocritical, fake, good entertainment on a Sunday morning, funny, profit pool and even a guilt scam.  What have we done to the house of God in the 21st century? 

People are choosing their place of worship based on the entertainment value and how “good” they feel when they leave.  Church is not here to entertain us, and maintain our interest for 60 minutes a week.  Some people look at the church and say:  “It’s okay, I believe in God, I don’t need church to prove that.” or “Their all fakes anyway.  I’d rather stay at home and watch it on TV.”  It is the house of the Lord and the place where we go to commune with Him and the Holy Spirit.  A place where one can bathe in the presence of God and be filled with His love, wisdom and strength alongside of our brothers and sisters.  It is a place where we are free to worship our Creator and fellowship with others who are doing the same.  Can you worship God alone or in front of a television?  Certainly, and there is nothing wrong with that; but it was never designed to be a solitary faith, but rather a community faith.

It’s a shame that we have allowed the secular demands of this world to surround our heart and create the expectation that Church should be a place of entertainment.  We have allowed it to become a business rather than a service to the community.  There is nothing wrong with Mega churches in the world, as long as their purpose is pure and driven by worshipping and basking in the presence of God Almighty and not the cash register.  These Mega churches require a substantial operating budget though and in many cases the business and profit side of the operation have overtaken the ministry side.  This is commonly a Western development though.  There are churches in remote areas of the Far East, that are 10x or even 20x the size of a mega church here in America, and there is no coffee served; or a book store; or a playground; or a glass building; or even chairs for that matter.  Millions of people gather to worship, pray, learn and grow in their faith without the fanfare, pomp or circumstance that often overshadow His presence in our culture. 

I propose we get back to the roots of our calling and church become a service to mankind rather than coddling to their insatiable appetite for entertainment.  I propose that you step into your local church this weekend having prepared your heart to worship God, rather than sit through it.  Seek the Holy Spirit, draw close to Him, experience His presence and leave a stronger, changed and prepared disciple of God the Father, ready to serve mankind for Him.  In the early church, Paul, Peter, Timothy, Mark and others would gather together with those of faith and those not of faith and they would actually worship His name, study His word and learn more about the God they served.  That is church, and it doesn’t happen on your couch, in your living room, at iHOP or on the golf course.  It doesn’t happen just being on the church campus sitting at the coffee shop, or in the bookstore.  You have to dive into it to experience it.  Take the step this weekend won’t you?

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Thursday, July 25, 2013

He Loves You

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“You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." – Micah 7:19

  “It’s time for you to all be honest in your actions, thoughts and prayers”, she said to her class after someone had taken $20 from the money jar.  The class had spent the last week gathering quarters, dimes and nickels to help an anonymous family in the area that had fallen on hard times, keep the electricity on for another month.  The jar had been filled near the top with coins, so the teacher took the jar to the local bank and converted some of the coins into bills to make more room in the jar to continue the collection.  Not a single student came forward and admitted to taking the money, which disappointed the teacher greatly.  It wasn’t that she was angry with the class for their dishonesty, she was more heartbroken that one of them had stolen from the charity.  By the end of the week, the collection had slowed down.  On Friday, the teacher called an end to the collection and thanked all of the students for their generosity and loving gifts to support another family.  “Is there anyone who would like to make a final donation?” the teacher asked as she reached into her purse, took out a crisp $20 bill, folded it and put it into the jar.

Jimmy had taken the $20 for lunch money because his single mother did not have anything to give him that week.  He felt incredibly bad about his actions, but did not come forward and left the classroom that day filled with feelings of guilt and shame having watched the teacher put her own $20 into the jar to replace what he had taken out.  He arrived home that night and went straight to his room with tear filled eyes and cried himself to sleep.  He was awakened by the sounds of adult conversation in the living room.  He stepped out into the hallway as he heard his mother crying and saying, “Thank You, Thank You….I’ll pay you back I promise.”  Jimmy froze and listened when he heard his teacher’s voice, saying, “No, it is a gift from my class.  Please, don’t tell Jimmy though, it can be our secret.”
The Lord is going to bless you.  Do you believe this to be true?  Do you believe that God has infinite love for you and will pour out blessings upon you, more than you can handle?  God is not angry with you, even though there are times in our lives when it seems as though He is pouring out His anger upon you and your life is spiraling out of control.  He does hold anger against the sins of the world, including the sins that capture your attention and heart’s desire.  God is a jealous God and will not stand for our sinful nature, because it is not acceptable in His perfect kingdom.  This is the depth of His love for you though.  He so desires for you to be with Him in heaven, to the point of pain and suffering over it.  His love is demonstrated in John 3:16 which we all know to proclaim, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 

Unfortunately, most of you could quote that scripture, but do you truly take it to heart?  Your sins will keep you from heaven.  This was not acceptable to God the Father, so He took it upon Himself to provide a way for your sins to be covered.  He paid the price and it cannot be paid back.  There is nothing you can do to repay God for what He has given up for your sins.  The guilt and shame you feel over your sinful nature is washed clean by the acceptance of Jesus Christ and repentance (turning away from the sin).  What can you do that is not covered by Christ’s blood and the grace of God?  The scriptures tell us that there is one and only one thing and that is the rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  In Matthew 10:33, “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven” 

Micah wrote of God’s redeeming grace 700 years before Christ was born.  His prophetic message speaks of God’s compassion and mercy, and a way to lift us above our sins of which all will be cast into the sea.   God’s plan for this compassion and mercy was the giving of His Son to die for your sins.  Put your faith and trust in Him as the path of salvation and trust in His love as pure and eternal.
Prayer:Almighty God,
You have cast our sins as far as the East is from the West.  You have created in us a new heart that will beat for You.  Through Your grace we are giving a place in eternity where sin will no longer reign.  Help us to live in repentance of our sinful nature.  Give us the strength to overcome the sin in our life and turn from it, to trust in Your loving, compassionate salvation.  In Your name we pray - Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Seeking Peace

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“My soul waits in silence for God only; from Him is my salvation." – Psalm 62:1

 Fire consumed the buildings and raged across the horizon as far as they could see.  Flames shot 75 feet into the air and leaped from one building to another as it moved throughout the city.  The reflection of the flames rippled across the waters as the smoke filled the dark night sky and screams could be heard from miles away.  Two hundred and Seventy Five lives were lost that October night in 1871, and over 90,000 people were left homeless in the city of Chicago.  One family, the Spaffords, had lost all of their businesses and investments, but their home remained intact in a Northern sub-burb of Chicago.  Horatio and Anna, and their 4 daughters, counted their blessings that evening and took nothing for granted.  With the little money they had left, they fed the hungry and helped the homeless and those grieving the loss of loved ones.

Fast forward two years.  Anna’s health declines, and times are very difficult rebuilding their business, so they choose to travel back to Europe for Anna to recover with her family and for Horatio to spend time with evangelist Dwight L. Moody, spreading the Word across Europe.  Just as they were about to depart a situation in their business arose that required Horatio to stay behind in Chicago.  Giving his wife and 4 daughters a hug and kiss, he bid them a bon voyage, with every expectation to see them as soon as possible in Europe after he solved the business problems here. 

On November 22, 1873, the steamer ship Ville du Havre collided with a British sailing ship, the Lockhearn, and sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  Anna managed to hold onto a piece of debris and survived the event, her message to Horatio read, “Saved Alone, What shall I do?”  All four daughters were lost at sea.  Horatio immediately boarded the next vessel to Europe to join up with his wife once again.  As they crossed over the location of the sunken ship, Ville du Havre, he penned one of the most famous songs ever sung in a church building.  Through the heartache, the devastation, the mourning and the tragedy he was able to see that though this life is painful, we trust in the salvation of the Lord.  (Jane Winstead, Jun 29, 2008, Yahoo.com)

It is Well With my Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows, like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well, with my soul
It is well, with my soul
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
. . . .
If you are faced with hurt and pain today, recall the grace of God and trust in His Sovereignty. He has blessed you, and loves you beyond comprehension, and though the events in life are painful and tragic, His blessings do not diminish.  He is our Salvation and there will come a day when you will rest in His arms and be filled with eternal joy and happiness.  Trust in the Lord, and walk with your head high for you are His child and He has mighty plans for your life, despite the immediate circumstances that you face.  Reach out to Him for comfort through your grief, hurt and pain; and the Holy Spirit, Comforter, will be with you.  Be blessed today my friends.   

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Monday, July 22, 2013

I Want to See You

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“When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last." – Revelation 1:17

  In a pool of sweat, the sheets sticking to his flesh, despite the chill in the air that evening.  Sleep was fleeting, his eyes ached with the desire to close and simply rest, but the thoughts racing through his mind prevented it.  Reaching to the night stand he sees the numbers change from 3:10 to 3:11; as he picked up the bottle of water.  Drinking from the bottle, his thirst quenched momentarily.  For reasons unknown the man rose and feel to his knees, and lay prostrate on the floor near the bed, crying out to the Lord he once knew.  In his mind, he saw the King of Kings standing atop a mountain, and He motioned for the man to come up.  Fear welled up inside of the man’s mind, as he made his way up to the top.  From there he could see the world, in it’s entirety, and He heard these words from the Man standing with him – “Fear not, My child; for I am with you always, and I will never leave your side.  You’re going to do great things for My kingdom and many will hear the words which I will give you.  You are forgiven and your path is clear, do not turn from what I have called you to do.  Now rest.”  With that the Spirit was gone and the man sang out in worship to the Lamb of God.  Three hours later the alarm sounded and he awoke completely rested as if he had slept for days.

  She was born crippled in her arm and legs.  Her mother died at a young age and her father dedicated his life to finding helping her find a cure, even resorting in driving to Mecca multiple times and praying to Allah.  After her father’s death, she lost it, feeling abandoned, helpless and alone in this world.  In a dream Jesus came to her and introduced Himself as the healer.  For three years she continuously read the scriptures of His healing powers, but nothing happened.  One night in her despair she called out to Jesus, “Why have I prayed and yet you have not healed me?”  Then the room was filled with bright light, and standing amidst the light was Jesus Christ, radiant beyond description, with eyes of blue filled with passion.  “I am Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, Son of God.  You have been praying my name for 3 years. Come to me. . . I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.  You get up and come to Me.”  New flesh came upon her crippled bones and she was able to walk to Him.  Kneeling at His feet,  He blessed her and made her body whole once again.

  He walked along a road when suddenly a bright light came from the sky and blinded him.  A voice came from within the light and said, “Saul, Saul, Why do you persecute Me?” “Who are you?”  “I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.”  “What shall I do?” “Get up and go to Damascus, there you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.”  (Acts 22:7-10) After the light was gone, he rose to his feet, now blind and was helped by his traveling companions to the city of Damascus.  There he met a man who had also heard from Jesus in a dream.  This man revealed the calling of Christ on Saul’s life and his name became Paul – the greatest Apostle of Jesus Christ ever to walk the earth.

So, perhaps you’ve never had a face to face encounter with the Son of God; does this make Him any less real to you?  Personal encounters with Jesus Christ have been testified too by millions of people over thousands of years.  It’s funny though, when some hear of such an encounter, their first reaction is to be a skeptic and discount it as just someone’s fantasy to gain attention. The truth is that Jesus Christ is very much alive and amongst us today.  There is a spiritual world around us and He is actively engaging people in this realm as He has since the day He ascended to the Father.  Why can we read about it in the scriptures, where He engaged Peter from the shore, He engaged Saul on the road to Damascus, He engaged the disciples in the upper room, He engaged John on the island of Patmos (to write the book of Revelation).  If indeed we believe the scriptures to be true and sacred, than why can’t we wrap our head around the reality that Christ stills will engage individuals today.

  I for one have no problem at all accepting that Christ is alive today and speaking with people when He deems it is appropriate.  There are countless testimonies of people in the Middle East seeing Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in their presence.  Millions of Muslims have testified and given up their Islamic religion because Christ has come to them.  We hear countless stories of people who on their death bed have encountered Jesus Christ, and then come back to testify to His glory and existence.  Many more have the gift of prophecy and hear from the Lord frequently with direction and purpose for their life.

  So, how about you?  What would you say to Jesus Christ if He stood at the foot of your bed?  Would you fall to your knees and worship Him, or would you beg forgiveness, or would you cry out in anger over something that has gone wrong in your life?  Would you fear His return, for yourself or for those around you, who may not have a relationship with Him?  Accept the fact that He is real and is with you always.  Whether you see Him in your lifetime or not, does not make Him more real.  Reach out to Him with your prayers and praises on the faith of His love and God’s mercy and grace.  He will answer your prayers in His timing. 


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Friday, July 19, 2013

Accept It

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“And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit" – Matthew 20:22

  What if we actually accepted the premise that “Christ lives in me.”?  What would be impossible for you to accomplish?  Who could stand in your way from serving the Lord with everything you have and without fear?

  Unfortunately, most of us wake in the morning, say our morning prayer, ask God for help for the day and then go on our merry way.  We then attempt to take on the day based on our knowledge, experience and talent, rather than through Him.  What if you actually let God run your life?  Would you still go to the same job?  Would you still worry about your makeup, your ensemble, the wrinkles in your shirt, or whether your socks matched?

  We claim Christ as our Savior, so we can be assured a place in heaven.  That is all well and good and an absolute blessing, but it is only scratching the surface of what Christ did for you and me.  When you walk with the confidence of Christ, there is absolutely nothing that can come between you and Him.  He is on your every thought, every breath and word.  When Christ died and was buried, it was the Spirit of God within Him that brought Him back to life, and rose Him from the grave.  This Spirit, I refer to is the ever powerful, and omniscient Holy Spirit of God Almighty. 

  After He had ascended to heaven, Christ returned and met with the disciples in the Upper Room, and breathed upon them the Holy Spirit.  The same Holy Spirit that rose Him from the grave, and the same Holy Spirit that dwells within you and I, if we have accepted Him.  If we could grasp the unbelievable truth of who is inside of us and if we could realize the unstoppable force that is waiting to burst upon this planet, we could change the world through Him.  Satan is defeated, it is only a matter of time.  The Holy Spirit has proven time and time again that God is God and there is no other.  What was demonstrated by God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ at Gethsemane, was that the power of Satan in this world is incapable of overcoming the love, grace and mercy of God the Father.

  Live like He made you to live.  Love others, help others, serve others and serve Him in doing so.  Speak with the Holy Spirit as your trusted counselor and advisor, and not a Genie in a bottle.  His desire is to strengthen you and fulfill God’s purpose through you.  Accept it and embrace it, then learn how to live it.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Created for You

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“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

The seas roll upon the sands and the mountains stand strong and mighty in the nighttime sky.  There is a hush over the forest as the winds settle into the valleys and a chill covers the land.  The canopy of stars expand the horizon beyond our visible interests and force our mind to seek answers that cannot be comprehended.  The depth of the darkness, the breadth of the vastness and the brightness of the stars overhead remind us just how small we are in this existence.  There are around 6.3 billion inhabitants of earth, and to the best of our knowledge, there is no life on any other celestial body.  The sheer acceptance of that fact alone boggles the mind of most. 

What random act of creation put all living creatures on this one globe, while there are numerous others globes out there?  Yes, earth has all of the necessities we require for life, but who decided what we require for life?  If it is all completely by chance, than why were our lungs formed in a way to only breathe oxygen and not any other gaseous substance?  For if it was a complete random event than we could have landed or evolved on any given planet and succumbed to the natural elements of that environment.

No, we were created in perfection by the single Creator of the Universe, designed to live in this paradise called earth.  When God breathed life into man, He and He alone formed the environment for our existence in an absolute perfect manner.  We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, which is the natural fuel to sustain growth of foliage, trees and plants.  They absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen in a manner that sustains mankind globally.  This perfection is not random by design, but planned and architected to every microscopic detail.

Yes, the solar system is filled with other celestial bodies, but by His choice, He created this planet uniquely for us.  So do not take for granted the things before your eyes that represent His perfection in creation, but rather stand in awe and wonder and realize just how much He loves you to give all of this to you to enjoy.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How Long is Forever?

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“Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”   - Psalm 23:6
Wow, what a statement of faith from King David.  The forethought and knowledge, that the mercies of the Lord and the goodness would always be there.  Not temporarily during the good times, not for a few years, no “all the days of my life”.  God’s love is a constant, unchangeable guarantee that David recognized early on in his reign over God’s children.  He drew from this promise in his battles with Goliath, in his dealings with Saul, and in leading the armies of Israel against numerous foes.  He especially leaned on this grace during his period of disobedience and indiscretions with Bathsheba.

He held true to the belief that God would never leave him, no matter what.  He fully experienced God’s unchanging, unconditional love which we also draw from.  No matter how many days you are blessed to walk this earth, it is important to note that God will never stop loving you.  You could have a past of unmentionable sins and transgressions, but God’s love doesn’t change.  You could come to His table heavy laden with guilt, embarrassment and shame, the grace of Jesus Christ, created by His death for your sins, and His resurrection can wash you white as snow.  This doesn’t change throughout your entire life on this earth.  It is available today, and should you sin tomorrow, His grace is still sufficient to those with a redemptive spirit.

Holding this final verse of the 23rd Psalm close to your heart is my recommendation.  Hold onto the knowledge that as a follower of Jesus Christ your days are determined and planned for.  Your eternal destination is secure and your reservations are locked in.  Indeed, trusting in the Lord’s salvation will ensure your ability to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  That is not just good news, but great news that you can rely on as truth from the Lord.  Grab a hold of it today, won’t you, there’s no better news coming your way than this.
PRAYER:Almighty Father,
We call upon your grace, peace, love and mercy to reign down upon us.  You have delivered us from the grips of the evil one and drawn us close to Your Son.  You have given us salvation, and the promise that You will always be by our side, in good times and bad.  We draw near to Your word and hold close the truths of our future to dwell in the Your house forever. In this we can be assured.  By the power of Jesus Christ we pray.     Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Monday, July 15, 2013

Why were you born?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” – Psalm 8:3-4
Mercy Me is one of today’s top bands playing Contemporary Christian Music.  Some of their greatest hits include: “I Can Only Imagine”, “Word of God Speak”, “Beautiful” and “Bring the Rain”.  Another song from this great band, although maybe not as well known is “God With Us”.  One of the strongest lyrics in the song challenges me frequently as I evaluate my walk with my Creator.
Who are we?
That you would be mindful of us
What do you see?
That’s worth looking our way
To think that we are being pursued by the Creator of the Universe, the Solar System and the Earth continually amazes me.  Each and every one of us have a heavenly Father that wants nothing more than our time, our love and commitment.  Have you ever thought of why God pursues you with such passion?  What does He need that you have?

Perhaps He needs your skills at sport or dance?
Perhaps He has questions that only you can answer?
Perhaps He needs your money and possessions?
Perhaps He needs your knowledge and wisdom?
Of course these are all ridiculous by nature, for God has no need for anything from you or I.  He is omnipotent, and omniscient, above all things.  There is nothing that we can teach Him, nor is there anything that we can give to Him that He does not already own; other than our love. 

What God is seeking from His children is their acceptance and love.  His desire is that not one shall perish with the evil one {Matthew 18:14}.  He knows the good and the bad, the beauty and the ugliness of each one of us.  He sees through the outer appearance of every person and knows what is in the heart.  He cannot be fooled, or manipulated through a sharp tongue, or bribed or cajoled.  He has provided the path of salvation and righteousness for mankind to follow.  He has made it available to all of mankind to participate in, yet some remain scoffers and skeptics because it is just too simple to be true.

You were born to serve the Almighty and that’s it.  The life you are living here is temporary and is filled with self-induced distractions, which we have all come to accept as our meaning and purpose.  Your job, your school, your sports, your entertainment, your material possessions and even your friendships are nothing more than opportunities put before you for spreading His message of love and grace.  If we are not using them for this purpose, than we are wasting the opportunity, in the big scheme of life. 

Pursue life with the awareness that this flesh and bone, physical world is only temporary and live life as a stepping stone to what lies beyond.  This is why God pursues you and provides for you, so that you in turn may pursue and provide for others, likewise with His grace and mercy.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Friday, July 12, 2013

What About Me?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

""Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." – Matthew 7:21
  If someone says to you, "Hey Joe, your father __________ __________ _______" (fill in the blank) How would you know if that person were lying to you or if what they were saying was legitimate? It wouldn't be that difficult, would it? You know your father well enough to know if the action was within his character or moral compass, right? What about a brother, sister or child or spouse? Likewise, your relationship with them is intimate enough that without question you would be able to assess the situation as truthful or not.

  What if someone made a comment about a distant relative - an aunt, uncle, cousin or grand-parent. I'm sure you would still feel that you knew enough about them to discern truth from fiction, right? Now, what if we were talking about a close or best friend or someone you've worked with for 20 years, a pastor at your church or a mentor/teacher? If you are like most people, the assessment gets a little more fuzzy and you may find yourself questioning a statement with uncertainty. Face it the farther your intimate relationship is from someone, the less you really know about them as a person, and what they are or are not capable of doing.

  It is no different with the Lord. The closer relationship you have with Him the more you come to trust in His truth and righteousness. If you want to know the will of the Father, you need to the one to begin. He is not holding out on you, but rather you are holding out on Him by chasing your own vision for your life. Get closer to God through daily reading of His scripture, prayer for His wisdom and purpose and daily quiet time of reflection on your relationship. Is there any relationship you have today that should be in front of your relationship with Christ? No. Even your marriage, your relationship with children and your relationship with your parents should all come behind your relationship with God. If you could answer the questions at the top with ease; because of the intimacy of your relationship with your father (mother, sister, brother, etc.) then why can't you answer those questions about God? Think about your priorities and realign them if necessary.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When Tragedy Strikes

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“'Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted'” – Matthew 5:4

Death has a way of raising the thoughts of our own spiritual awareness and questioning our readiness should the good Lord call us home. It causes many to ask "Why would God let this happen?" and others to ask, “Am I doing all that I can do?” In events of death there are always more questions than answers and seldom easy answers to the questions on our minds. It is not for us to know the ways of the Lord but to be consistently aware that the days of your life are numbered, just as are the hairs on your head.

  Imagine if you could see your obituary in the paper the day after your passing. What story would it tell? Is it a life story that you would be proud to hold up in front of the Lord, or is it one that you would be proud of in front of your buddies down at the pub. We are not granted access to heaven based on the good works that will be captured on our obituary, no it is strictly by the grace and through the blood of Jesus Christ. Having said this though, our works on earth are used to further expand the Kingdom of God and open the doors for others to discover the salvation that waits for them at the foot of the cross. Our children are watching, our friends are watching, our co-workers are watching and our family is watching.

  If tomorrow, there were a tragic accident and my life were required, I know without a doubt that I will walk with Jesus Christ from that moment forward. His blood has made that possible. But, from that moment on I have zero capability to help my children, their children, my friends or family and others discover the amazing love of God. I want my obituary to clearly state that I was a servant of God in this world. Don't you?

  Pray for the families mourning the loss of loved ones, needing to be comforted by the Holy Spirit. Pray that their spiritual walk is not hindered by the loss, but strengthened and renewed by the opportunity to share of their loved ones life story.  We are all going to struggle with the death of a loved one at some point in our life and we need to be able to praise God through those difficult moments just as much as we praise Him through the good.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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Standing Up

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?" Paul replied, "Short time or long-I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains." “  - Acts 26:28-29
 I was having dinner with some colleagues of mine, years ago.  We had just executed an incredible negotiation with a major retail company resulting in our product ending up on the shelves of 2800 stores world-wide.  The atmosphere was very jubilant as we sat down to order.  We were high-fiving and complimenting each other around the table.  Each person had done their job and we all had much to be proud of.  After the waitress took our order, I asked if I could say grace.  You could have heard a pin drop, as the spotlight fell upon me.  Glancing around the table the joyful smiles and jubilation had all been sucked right out of the room.  Then one gentleman said, “If you feel it’s necessary, go right ahead. As for me I’ll order another beer.” and he proceeded to rise and walk over to the bar. It had never dawned on me that he would be offended.  I continued with my prayer of thanksgiving and continued success for our team, and ended with a special prayer to soften my colleague’s heart.  Just as I was concluding he walked back up to the table.  “I said I don’t need your prayers.”  I still regret the next words that came out of my mouth, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.”

  Paul’s response in front of King Agrippa II was so perfect.  He was there in the amphitheater in Caesarea next to Herod’s palace on the Mediterranean Sea.  Agrippa II, the Jewish grandson of King Herod,  had studied the scriptures, knew the prophecies and had heard of this gentleman named Paul, who was arrested for preaching about Jesus Christ, the Messiah.  Paul had shared his testimony with King Agrippa II and provided details of his a first-hand encounter with the Savior.  With all of the passion, love and emotion that Paul could muster, he shared his faith with the audience present that day.  Yet, even still King Agrippa II did not accept the facts before him.  With all of his knowledge of the scriptures and the coming Messiah, he still did not accept Paul’s story as fact. Why? Perhaps, he wanted to show power, perhaps he feared ending up arrested like Paul, perhaps he did not want to give up his sinful life; we really don't know. 

  I propose that what most Christian’s fear when the opportunity to share their faith actually comes along is rejection. Sharing your story with friends and other Christians is easy, but standing before a group of strangers is exponentially more difficult for most of us. The uncertainty, fear, pride and potential embarrassment is often times debilitating.  The simple fact that those around us might label us as weird causes most Christians to cover up the most incredible news and cower to the authority of this world.  Often times, there is a fear that we will screw it up and cause more harm than good.  Consider the fact that you can’t save someone anyway.  You do not have the authority for salvation or forgiveness of sins or eternal grace.  Only our Heavenly Father has that power and authority.  What you do have is the love in your heart, placed there by this same God of the Universe.  Your life-story will have an impact on people, just like someone else’s life-story one time had an impact on you. 

  So, tell your story and then let God take it from there.  If someone looks at you and deems you weird or a religious nut, just nod and take it as a compliment.  For your sowing the seeds of the Lord’s harvest, which will be plentiful one day soon.  For the times that have come and gone where you might not have “stood up” for the Lord.  Get over it.  There are plenty of new opportunities before you and God’s already dealt with the past.


  Humbly we come before You and acknowledge that You are God. We acknowledge Your presence, Your grace, Your love and Your sovereignty. Help us be confident in the face of conflict and opposition to Your will. Let Your words be upon our lips and Your love exude from our hearts as we face evil in this life. You have shown us through Paul, the apostle, how to share Your message with others, let us have the opportunity before us to do so. For it is in Your name and through Your power that we have a story to tell. Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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