Monday, July 15, 2013

Why were you born?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” – Psalm 8:3-4
Mercy Me is one of today’s top bands playing Contemporary Christian Music.  Some of their greatest hits include: “I Can Only Imagine”, “Word of God Speak”, “Beautiful” and “Bring the Rain”.  Another song from this great band, although maybe not as well known is “God With Us”.  One of the strongest lyrics in the song challenges me frequently as I evaluate my walk with my Creator.
Who are we?
That you would be mindful of us
What do you see?
That’s worth looking our way
To think that we are being pursued by the Creator of the Universe, the Solar System and the Earth continually amazes me.  Each and every one of us have a heavenly Father that wants nothing more than our time, our love and commitment.  Have you ever thought of why God pursues you with such passion?  What does He need that you have?

Perhaps He needs your skills at sport or dance?
Perhaps He has questions that only you can answer?
Perhaps He needs your money and possessions?
Perhaps He needs your knowledge and wisdom?
Of course these are all ridiculous by nature, for God has no need for anything from you or I.  He is omnipotent, and omniscient, above all things.  There is nothing that we can teach Him, nor is there anything that we can give to Him that He does not already own; other than our love. 

What God is seeking from His children is their acceptance and love.  His desire is that not one shall perish with the evil one {Matthew 18:14}.  He knows the good and the bad, the beauty and the ugliness of each one of us.  He sees through the outer appearance of every person and knows what is in the heart.  He cannot be fooled, or manipulated through a sharp tongue, or bribed or cajoled.  He has provided the path of salvation and righteousness for mankind to follow.  He has made it available to all of mankind to participate in, yet some remain scoffers and skeptics because it is just too simple to be true.

You were born to serve the Almighty and that’s it.  The life you are living here is temporary and is filled with self-induced distractions, which we have all come to accept as our meaning and purpose.  Your job, your school, your sports, your entertainment, your material possessions and even your friendships are nothing more than opportunities put before you for spreading His message of love and grace.  If we are not using them for this purpose, than we are wasting the opportunity, in the big scheme of life. 

Pursue life with the awareness that this flesh and bone, physical world is only temporary and live life as a stepping stone to what lies beyond.  This is why God pursues you and provides for you, so that you in turn may pursue and provide for others, likewise with His grace and mercy.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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