Monday, July 22, 2013

I Want to See You

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last." – Revelation 1:17

  In a pool of sweat, the sheets sticking to his flesh, despite the chill in the air that evening.  Sleep was fleeting, his eyes ached with the desire to close and simply rest, but the thoughts racing through his mind prevented it.  Reaching to the night stand he sees the numbers change from 3:10 to 3:11; as he picked up the bottle of water.  Drinking from the bottle, his thirst quenched momentarily.  For reasons unknown the man rose and feel to his knees, and lay prostrate on the floor near the bed, crying out to the Lord he once knew.  In his mind, he saw the King of Kings standing atop a mountain, and He motioned for the man to come up.  Fear welled up inside of the man’s mind, as he made his way up to the top.  From there he could see the world, in it’s entirety, and He heard these words from the Man standing with him – “Fear not, My child; for I am with you always, and I will never leave your side.  You’re going to do great things for My kingdom and many will hear the words which I will give you.  You are forgiven and your path is clear, do not turn from what I have called you to do.  Now rest.”  With that the Spirit was gone and the man sang out in worship to the Lamb of God.  Three hours later the alarm sounded and he awoke completely rested as if he had slept for days.

  She was born crippled in her arm and legs.  Her mother died at a young age and her father dedicated his life to finding helping her find a cure, even resorting in driving to Mecca multiple times and praying to Allah.  After her father’s death, she lost it, feeling abandoned, helpless and alone in this world.  In a dream Jesus came to her and introduced Himself as the healer.  For three years she continuously read the scriptures of His healing powers, but nothing happened.  One night in her despair she called out to Jesus, “Why have I prayed and yet you have not healed me?”  Then the room was filled with bright light, and standing amidst the light was Jesus Christ, radiant beyond description, with eyes of blue filled with passion.  “I am Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, Son of God.  You have been praying my name for 3 years. Come to me. . . I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.  You get up and come to Me.”  New flesh came upon her crippled bones and she was able to walk to Him.  Kneeling at His feet,  He blessed her and made her body whole once again.

  He walked along a road when suddenly a bright light came from the sky and blinded him.  A voice came from within the light and said, “Saul, Saul, Why do you persecute Me?” “Who are you?”  “I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.”  “What shall I do?” “Get up and go to Damascus, there you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.”  (Acts 22:7-10) After the light was gone, he rose to his feet, now blind and was helped by his traveling companions to the city of Damascus.  There he met a man who had also heard from Jesus in a dream.  This man revealed the calling of Christ on Saul’s life and his name became Paul – the greatest Apostle of Jesus Christ ever to walk the earth.

So, perhaps you’ve never had a face to face encounter with the Son of God; does this make Him any less real to you?  Personal encounters with Jesus Christ have been testified too by millions of people over thousands of years.  It’s funny though, when some hear of such an encounter, their first reaction is to be a skeptic and discount it as just someone’s fantasy to gain attention. The truth is that Jesus Christ is very much alive and amongst us today.  There is a spiritual world around us and He is actively engaging people in this realm as He has since the day He ascended to the Father.  Why can we read about it in the scriptures, where He engaged Peter from the shore, He engaged Saul on the road to Damascus, He engaged the disciples in the upper room, He engaged John on the island of Patmos (to write the book of Revelation).  If indeed we believe the scriptures to be true and sacred, than why can’t we wrap our head around the reality that Christ stills will engage individuals today.

  I for one have no problem at all accepting that Christ is alive today and speaking with people when He deems it is appropriate.  There are countless testimonies of people in the Middle East seeing Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in their presence.  Millions of Muslims have testified and given up their Islamic religion because Christ has come to them.  We hear countless stories of people who on their death bed have encountered Jesus Christ, and then come back to testify to His glory and existence.  Many more have the gift of prophecy and hear from the Lord frequently with direction and purpose for their life.

  So, how about you?  What would you say to Jesus Christ if He stood at the foot of your bed?  Would you fall to your knees and worship Him, or would you beg forgiveness, or would you cry out in anger over something that has gone wrong in your life?  Would you fear His return, for yourself or for those around you, who may not have a relationship with Him?  Accept the fact that He is real and is with you always.  Whether you see Him in your lifetime or not, does not make Him more real.  Reach out to Him with your prayers and praises on the faith of His love and God’s mercy and grace.  He will answer your prayers in His timing. 


© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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