Friday, July 12, 2013

What About Me?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

""Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." – Matthew 7:21
  If someone says to you, "Hey Joe, your father __________ __________ _______" (fill in the blank) How would you know if that person were lying to you or if what they were saying was legitimate? It wouldn't be that difficult, would it? You know your father well enough to know if the action was within his character or moral compass, right? What about a brother, sister or child or spouse? Likewise, your relationship with them is intimate enough that without question you would be able to assess the situation as truthful or not.

  What if someone made a comment about a distant relative - an aunt, uncle, cousin or grand-parent. I'm sure you would still feel that you knew enough about them to discern truth from fiction, right? Now, what if we were talking about a close or best friend or someone you've worked with for 20 years, a pastor at your church or a mentor/teacher? If you are like most people, the assessment gets a little more fuzzy and you may find yourself questioning a statement with uncertainty. Face it the farther your intimate relationship is from someone, the less you really know about them as a person, and what they are or are not capable of doing.

  It is no different with the Lord. The closer relationship you have with Him the more you come to trust in His truth and righteousness. If you want to know the will of the Father, you need to the one to begin. He is not holding out on you, but rather you are holding out on Him by chasing your own vision for your life. Get closer to God through daily reading of His scripture, prayer for His wisdom and purpose and daily quiet time of reflection on your relationship. Is there any relationship you have today that should be in front of your relationship with Christ? No. Even your marriage, your relationship with children and your relationship with your parents should all come behind your relationship with God. If you could answer the questions at the top with ease; because of the intimacy of your relationship with your father (mother, sister, brother, etc.) then why can't you answer those questions about God? Think about your priorities and realign them if necessary.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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