Thursday, December 11, 2014

What is that in the sky?

December 10, 2014

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”  – Matthew 2:2

Oh they will say that it was a comet, or planets aligning.  They can trace back over time and use their astrological maps and science to explain away the bright light that shone on that cold night in Israel.  For centuries scientists have tried to minimize and falsify the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ based on scientific data.  Their inability to accept the sovereignty and omnipotence of the Almighty God of the universe clouds their vision.  Without faith and trust that God can do whatever He wants to do, whenever He wants to do it, they will never be able to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
Science is all based on physical evidence.  Logic, emotion and indeterminate variables aren’t acceptable in their theorems and calculations.  To the most agnostic of them, there is no supreme being, there was no Messiah and there will not be a day of tribulation.  There is a belief that these are stories formed in ancient history before man could comprehend the scientific evidence of matter, energy and our existence.  They might say, it was good enough for their primitive knowledge, but through thousands of years we have evolved into a much more intelligent and aware society.  Some would believe that man’s ingenuity and innovation have resulted in our ability to substantiate and scientifically prove everything, therefore refuting the claims of the theists that there is a God with authority over all things.

Despite the claims and the lack of faith held by some of the most brilliant minds in the world today – there will come a day when their formulas, projections, theories and postulations will become null and void.  There will be a light in the sky so unbelievably bright that all mankind will see and not understand.  You see, I take the bible as God’s holy word.  If the contents in Matthew’s story of the glorious night of my Saviors birth are embellished then God has chosen, in His infinite wisdom, for them to be that way.  It is not for me to understand the reasons behind the scriptures and the presentation of different events, it is simply for me to believe that God has a reason for everything.  If God’s word is flawed in any of it’s content, then one will naturally question the accuracy of the grace, love, mercy and salvation through Jesus Christ. 

It is the Holy Word of our Lord and is complete, comprehensive and accurate to the very letter contained on every page.  Man has interpreted it in many different ways, but the sovereignty of God is still between the bindings and covers.  Let Christ’s light shine from each of us this Christmas season so that others will be drawn to His birth just as you and I were at one time.

Almighty God,
We acknowledge Your supreme authority over all things.  We recognize the Holy Bible as Your inspired Word for us.  We thank You for Your Word, that we might draw closer to You through the events and history captured upon these pages.  Help us to learn from Your word, and become stronger to stand up for the contents and message that is contained within.  Help us to see Your holy light, and let it likewise draw us to the Christ child this Christmas season, just as it did the Wise Men that cold winter night.  – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, December 8, 2014

The Promise from the Father

December 8, 2014

“He said to Me, "You are My Servant, Israel, In Whom I will show My glory."” – Isaiah 49:3

A father looks at his son or daughter and sees the potential, the promise of who they might become.  In this perspective he has determined the appropriate training, knowledge and experiences that will best serve them in their future.  They are molded, taught and prepared throughout their informative years with those essentials that will benefit them most, should they choose to pursue his plan for their life.  All of this work, this effort and this planning goes out the door quickly though, when the child is no longer a child and determines for themself what their future will hold.  In many cases the years of preparation are going to steer their choice within the same discipline as their father had planned, yet other times they will choose to rebel against their father’s plan and strike out on their own.  Either way, the impact of their training, their experiences and their nurturing will be carried with them throughout their lives, and have an impact on those around them.

God’s children, Israel, were strong in faith, trust and love for their Father.  The Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; taught them through scripture and through the prophets and priests righteousness and the law.  They awaited the Messiah, to come and deliver them into the peace and riches of the Father.  They endured the hardships of life under the control of other dynasty’s and persevered the enslavement and rule Rome.  Their history bound them together for the greater purpose that had been implanted in them and passed from generation to generation.

Through Isaiah, God chooses to remind Israel that it is through them that the Messiah will come and bring glory and salvation to the world.  Their purpose was defined by the Father and for the Father’s glory.  Their purpose was to serve God and to trust in His word for them.  The Messiah would bring about the salvation, the redemption and end all persecution, in God’s timing.  Israel needed to hear from the Lord that He had not abandoned them, and that His plan was still in process.  His word, through Isaiah, was meant to strengthen their resolve and rekindle the desire deep inside their hearts.  The desire to serve God and to follow Him, just as King David had done, just as Abraham had done.  His promises were for the faithful and His word was true, but required their endurance and patience to see it come to fruition.  His encouraging words, emphasized that His glory was still to be delivered.

Today, God is telling us to hold fast to His promises.  He will return one day and reconcile this world to His righteousness.  We are to serve Him until that day of His glorious return.  Do not lose patience, but endure through the darkness that surrounds you, for the light is coming and the world will be changed forever.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, December 1, 2014

Jesus – the Word

December 1, 2014

“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14

They had studied the scrolls, listened to the Prophets and heard the stories since their childhood.  Fathers passed along the message to the children.  The boys would study wanting to be a Pharisee.  The law had been given to Moses and had provided their structure and guided them over thousands of years.  The Romans had taken over in the lands of their fathers and pressed down upon them with taxes and laws of another kingdom.  They were looking for a King who would stand up for them, protect them and lead them.  They were looking for their Messiah.

If Jesus walked through the mall this week, would you know Him?
Many have come over the last 2000 years claiming to be the Messiah, the Way, the Chosen of God.  Millions have followed these people and still do to this day.  Why do you believe that you know who Jesus Christ is?  How would you know Him in the mall, in your church, in your place of work or in your school?

There are thousands of recorded examples in the last year of individuals seeing Jesus Christ face to face.  Many are of the Muslim faith, many are of the Taoism or Chinese Religion, many are of the Jewish faith and even many agnostic and atheists.  The stories are similar though.  “Jesus came to me in a dream, healed me, gave me love and a better understanding of God the Father.”  You can look it up, Google it, Bing it, do a little bit of research.  Are they making it up or is Jesus Christ actually appearing to these individuals one by one?

So what does this mean to you and me?  Do we really know Jesus?  Do we have a relationship with the Savior of the World, or do we have an arrangement of convenience?  You have a relationship with your spouse (if your married), your parents, your siblings, your children and your friends.  You could spot any of them walking through the mall or on a busy street, because you know them. You intimately know their characteristics, their behaviors, their style and their personality.  You are not confused when you see them, wondering if it is really them or not.

This relationship is just as important with Jesus as it is with the loved ones around you, if not more so.  But, a relationship is more than a cursory knowledge of someone, it takes effort, intent and desire on your part to want to know the other person.  It’s easy with another person, because you can meet them, have a cup of coffee, go for a walk and share your thoughts & feelings and vice versa.  You bond with another through spending time together.  Likewise, if you really want to know Jesus Christ, you need to spend time together.  It’s not a suggestion, it’s a mandate, to understanding and loving the Lord of your life, the King of Kings and Savior of the world.

John the Baptist knew Jesus was the Messiah without ever meeting Him.  The disciples knew Jesus was the Messiah when He called them to follow Him, having never met Him.  The Pharisees, Sadducees and Priests of that day denied He was the Messiah, because they were looking for royalty, for a stately King like David, Solomon and Saul from their past.  They missed the one true Messiah when He appeared.  Who are you looking for, and will you also miss Him when He appears?

Let this Christmas be a season of reflection, study and strengthening your relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Do not grow weary for there is no greater relationship you could obtain than this.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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