Thursday, December 11, 2014

What is that in the sky?

December 10, 2014

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”  – Matthew 2:2

Oh they will say that it was a comet, or planets aligning.  They can trace back over time and use their astrological maps and science to explain away the bright light that shone on that cold night in Israel.  For centuries scientists have tried to minimize and falsify the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ based on scientific data.  Their inability to accept the sovereignty and omnipotence of the Almighty God of the universe clouds their vision.  Without faith and trust that God can do whatever He wants to do, whenever He wants to do it, they will never be able to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
Science is all based on physical evidence.  Logic, emotion and indeterminate variables aren’t acceptable in their theorems and calculations.  To the most agnostic of them, there is no supreme being, there was no Messiah and there will not be a day of tribulation.  There is a belief that these are stories formed in ancient history before man could comprehend the scientific evidence of matter, energy and our existence.  They might say, it was good enough for their primitive knowledge, but through thousands of years we have evolved into a much more intelligent and aware society.  Some would believe that man’s ingenuity and innovation have resulted in our ability to substantiate and scientifically prove everything, therefore refuting the claims of the theists that there is a God with authority over all things.

Despite the claims and the lack of faith held by some of the most brilliant minds in the world today – there will come a day when their formulas, projections, theories and postulations will become null and void.  There will be a light in the sky so unbelievably bright that all mankind will see and not understand.  You see, I take the bible as God’s holy word.  If the contents in Matthew’s story of the glorious night of my Saviors birth are embellished then God has chosen, in His infinite wisdom, for them to be that way.  It is not for me to understand the reasons behind the scriptures and the presentation of different events, it is simply for me to believe that God has a reason for everything.  If God’s word is flawed in any of it’s content, then one will naturally question the accuracy of the grace, love, mercy and salvation through Jesus Christ. 

It is the Holy Word of our Lord and is complete, comprehensive and accurate to the very letter contained on every page.  Man has interpreted it in many different ways, but the sovereignty of God is still between the bindings and covers.  Let Christ’s light shine from each of us this Christmas season so that others will be drawn to His birth just as you and I were at one time.

Almighty God,
We acknowledge Your supreme authority over all things.  We recognize the Holy Bible as Your inspired Word for us.  We thank You for Your Word, that we might draw closer to You through the events and history captured upon these pages.  Help us to learn from Your word, and become stronger to stand up for the contents and message that is contained within.  Help us to see Your holy light, and let it likewise draw us to the Christ child this Christmas season, just as it did the Wise Men that cold winter night.  – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, December 8, 2014

The Promise from the Father

December 8, 2014

“He said to Me, "You are My Servant, Israel, In Whom I will show My glory."” – Isaiah 49:3

A father looks at his son or daughter and sees the potential, the promise of who they might become.  In this perspective he has determined the appropriate training, knowledge and experiences that will best serve them in their future.  They are molded, taught and prepared throughout their informative years with those essentials that will benefit them most, should they choose to pursue his plan for their life.  All of this work, this effort and this planning goes out the door quickly though, when the child is no longer a child and determines for themself what their future will hold.  In many cases the years of preparation are going to steer their choice within the same discipline as their father had planned, yet other times they will choose to rebel against their father’s plan and strike out on their own.  Either way, the impact of their training, their experiences and their nurturing will be carried with them throughout their lives, and have an impact on those around them.

God’s children, Israel, were strong in faith, trust and love for their Father.  The Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; taught them through scripture and through the prophets and priests righteousness and the law.  They awaited the Messiah, to come and deliver them into the peace and riches of the Father.  They endured the hardships of life under the control of other dynasty’s and persevered the enslavement and rule Rome.  Their history bound them together for the greater purpose that had been implanted in them and passed from generation to generation.

Through Isaiah, God chooses to remind Israel that it is through them that the Messiah will come and bring glory and salvation to the world.  Their purpose was defined by the Father and for the Father’s glory.  Their purpose was to serve God and to trust in His word for them.  The Messiah would bring about the salvation, the redemption and end all persecution, in God’s timing.  Israel needed to hear from the Lord that He had not abandoned them, and that His plan was still in process.  His word, through Isaiah, was meant to strengthen their resolve and rekindle the desire deep inside their hearts.  The desire to serve God and to follow Him, just as King David had done, just as Abraham had done.  His promises were for the faithful and His word was true, but required their endurance and patience to see it come to fruition.  His encouraging words, emphasized that His glory was still to be delivered.

Today, God is telling us to hold fast to His promises.  He will return one day and reconcile this world to His righteousness.  We are to serve Him until that day of His glorious return.  Do not lose patience, but endure through the darkness that surrounds you, for the light is coming and the world will be changed forever.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, December 1, 2014

Jesus – the Word

December 1, 2014

“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14

They had studied the scrolls, listened to the Prophets and heard the stories since their childhood.  Fathers passed along the message to the children.  The boys would study wanting to be a Pharisee.  The law had been given to Moses and had provided their structure and guided them over thousands of years.  The Romans had taken over in the lands of their fathers and pressed down upon them with taxes and laws of another kingdom.  They were looking for a King who would stand up for them, protect them and lead them.  They were looking for their Messiah.

If Jesus walked through the mall this week, would you know Him?
Many have come over the last 2000 years claiming to be the Messiah, the Way, the Chosen of God.  Millions have followed these people and still do to this day.  Why do you believe that you know who Jesus Christ is?  How would you know Him in the mall, in your church, in your place of work or in your school?

There are thousands of recorded examples in the last year of individuals seeing Jesus Christ face to face.  Many are of the Muslim faith, many are of the Taoism or Chinese Religion, many are of the Jewish faith and even many agnostic and atheists.  The stories are similar though.  “Jesus came to me in a dream, healed me, gave me love and a better understanding of God the Father.”  You can look it up, Google it, Bing it, do a little bit of research.  Are they making it up or is Jesus Christ actually appearing to these individuals one by one?

So what does this mean to you and me?  Do we really know Jesus?  Do we have a relationship with the Savior of the World, or do we have an arrangement of convenience?  You have a relationship with your spouse (if your married), your parents, your siblings, your children and your friends.  You could spot any of them walking through the mall or on a busy street, because you know them. You intimately know their characteristics, their behaviors, their style and their personality.  You are not confused when you see them, wondering if it is really them or not.

This relationship is just as important with Jesus as it is with the loved ones around you, if not more so.  But, a relationship is more than a cursory knowledge of someone, it takes effort, intent and desire on your part to want to know the other person.  It’s easy with another person, because you can meet them, have a cup of coffee, go for a walk and share your thoughts & feelings and vice versa.  You bond with another through spending time together.  Likewise, if you really want to know Jesus Christ, you need to spend time together.  It’s not a suggestion, it’s a mandate, to understanding and loving the Lord of your life, the King of Kings and Savior of the world.

John the Baptist knew Jesus was the Messiah without ever meeting Him.  The disciples knew Jesus was the Messiah when He called them to follow Him, having never met Him.  The Pharisees, Sadducees and Priests of that day denied He was the Messiah, because they were looking for royalty, for a stately King like David, Solomon and Saul from their past.  They missed the one true Messiah when He appeared.  Who are you looking for, and will you also miss Him when He appears?

Let this Christmas be a season of reflection, study and strengthening your relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Do not grow weary for there is no greater relationship you could obtain than this.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, November 24, 2014

Fundamental Truth – He will Judge all Mankind

November 24, 2014

“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son” – John 5:22

If they don’t believe in Heaven and Hell, they certainly don’t believe they will be judged.  At one point in our history there was actually a fear of judgment day.  If you observe much of the news in these days though, it is easy to see that many are only living for the moment with no concern of a coming judgment day.  For if we were, would we not take more care about hurting others, minding the 10 Commandments:
            Thou Shalt not . . .
               Kill, Steal, Commit Adultery, Lie, Envy (covet)

These are broken in every city, every day by hundreds of people with no concern of reconciling with the Lord.

I believe there will be a day when Jesus Christ will return and take His children home as stated in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first” 
I believe that Jesus Christ will judge the righteous from the unrighteous as captured in Matthew 25:32-33 “"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.” 

I believe that denying Jesus Christ will lead to an eternal separation from God the Father.

I believe that one cannot earn their way (through good works) to eternal salvation, that it is only through the belief in His Son.  Though many believe that they can be “good enough” it is a lie of the evil one.  For none of us can be “good enough” to be in the presence of God.  We must rely upon the sacrifice and redeeming blood of Jesus Christ to atone for our wickedness.

I believe that there will be many who believe they are saved, but will suffer on judgment day having been misled their entire life by the evil of this world. 

I believe many religions are loving, caring, peaceful and stand on good intentions, but it is my belief that if they do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Savior of the World and Lord; then they will be judged one day as wicked.

Many argue that I have no right to judge others and their beliefs and they are correct, I do not.  I am not the judge, nor do I even have any perspective on what is in another man’s heart and the truth of their relationship with Jesus Christ.  But, I do have the right to fear for them and to at least tell them what I believe, so they may make an informed decision.  For if I do not tell them of what I believe to be the truth, how am I any different than the wickedness of this world in condemning them on judgment day.  For you see, it is because I believe in Jesus Christ that I am called to spread His word to the corners of the earth.  It is because I believe that I am charged to share His love with others and do good works, in His name and for His glory.  I do not do good things to earn His love, but I do them because of His love for me.

I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord.  I want to share this with you and I want you to share it with those you know.  By the definition of multiplicity, through the sharing of the word we can communicate these fundamental truths to the world through email, social media and your testimony.  I encourage each of you to share this with your contacts and in doing so share His gospel truth. 

In the love of the Lord, be blessed.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Friday, November 21, 2014

Fundamental Truth – He is God

November 21, 2014

“The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” – Hebrews 1:3

They will tell you there is No Trinity.  They will say that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are each individuals.  They will say that He was God’s first creation, but He isn’t God in flesh.  Some say His bones are still in a hidden grave in Israel, some have claimed to find His bones in a grave.  Some do not believe He existed because they have never found His bones.

I believe He was God incarnate, He is truly God in the flesh, conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary and born fully man and yet fully God.  I believe He was on the earth for a purpose of providing salvation for mankind.  Upon completing His purpose on earth, He ascended to the Father once again, where He waits for the end, where He will return for those that have acknowledged Him as Lord.

Prior to Christ, salvation came through a yearly sacrifice of a perfect, spotless lamb.  The father of each family would take the offering to the temple, where it would be sacrificed and the blood would atone for the sins for that year.  God looked down upon mankind and saw that despite His loving-kindness, His provision and His Commandments, man continued in sin and lawlessness.  In His grace and mercy, He chose to provide a single, final provision for the sins of mankind, not because we deserved it, but because He loved us so. 

This sacrifice had to be from a perfect, flawless and fully holy, righteous man.  No such man could fulfill these requirements, which meant God, Himself, must provide the sacrifice.  He provided His Son as that provision.  Through His perfect life, death and resurrection, Jesus Christ became that perfect lamb, the sacrifice for God’s family (all of mankind).  He rose from the grave and ascended to Heaven because He is God.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fundamental Truth – He descended into Hell

November 20, 2014

“For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;  in which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison” – 2 Peter 3:18-19

“There is nothing after life.”  “There is no heaven, there is no hell.”  “Three guarantees : 1) You were born; 2) You will pay taxes; 3) You will die.”  These are the comments I have heard from those debating the existence of God.  If their opinion and belief is true than this life is worth absolutely nothing.  If there is nothing beyond death, than what difference does it make that we are even here?  What hope is there in this life if there is nothing beyond this?  Why would mankind love one another, care about others, or restrain himself from destroying others? 

That is where their premise falls apart.  The principle foundation for morals, values, love, honor and respect, center around the life that Jesus demonstrated.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:36-40, Love your God … and love your neighbor as yourself, stating these are the greatest commandments.  The 10 Commandments captured by Moses from God in Exodus 20, set the basis for our laws whether we want to acknowledge it or not.  For without these fundamental principles and laws we are a society of self-preservation, which means man vs man in all things (survival of the fittest).  We would hold no value over another person’s life if this were the case. 

I believe in the truth from the scriptures that there is a heaven and a hell, an eternal life after our death here on this earth.  Hell is for the unrighteous that have chosen to refuse Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, the Savior and Messiah.  We are all unrighteous, but through Jesus Christ we are forgiven and made wholly righteous in God’s eyes.  I believe Jesus was dead and buried and then descended into hell before He was raised from the grave.   What did He proclaim to those spirits in hell {prison}?  That’s a good question and we will never really know.  But, it doesn’t change the fact that Jesus died, was buried, and overcame death, thereby breaking the bondage that ties us to hell through His love, mercy and by the grace of God – atoning for the sins of mankind.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fundamental Truth – He was crucified, dead and buried

November 19, 2014

“But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed.  So Pilate decided to grant their demand.  He released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder, the one they asked for, and surrendered Jesus to their will.” – Luke 23:23-25

Just like many today, the people of Jerusalem turned on Him.  They shouted from the streets – “Crucify Him, Crucify Him”   While only days before they had yelled from the same streets, “Hosanna, Hosanna”  What changed?  Why did they seek His death so vehemently after only a week?

In Mark 8:31 Jesus tells the disciples, “He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again”  They did not understand His foretelling of the coming days.  He knew what was going to happen and realized that by entering into Jerusalem during that Passover Celebration, He would fulfill the purpose God had sent Him for.  It was pre-destined, it was not by chance that the people turned on Him.  It was a necessary part of the Lord’s plan.

I believe God the Father orchestrates our lives as well.  I believe in His supreme authority and sovereignty, He watches over us as we move along life’s path.  I believe that this world is rejecting Jesus Christ, just as they did in those days; and it is a sign that His return is very close.  Luke 21:10-24 tells of the devastation, the fighting, the wars and the persecution of Christians before Governments. 

People hear the gospel, they want something to believe in, to trust that there is something greater; but refuse to recognize His presence.  Just like those in Jerusalem were waiting for a King to overthrow the Roman Government, people today are looking for a leader amongst man to take on the established Governments and free them from bondage.  The fear I have is that they are so desperate, that they are blind to reality of God’s provision, and Jesus Christ, the Holy One, does not meet their expectations. 

Satan has clouded their eyes, just as he did with the people of Jerusalem.  For you see, Satan knows exactly who the Christ is, and realizes when people fall down to worship Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, he has no chance of rising in power.  So he works through those in authority in this world to control the rise of the true authority – God the Father.  I believe we are living in the last days, and I believe it is going to get much worse before it gets better.  I also, believe that in and through Jesus Christ strength we will overcome all that this world will stand against us.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, November 17, 2014

Fundamental Truth – Immaculate Conception

November 17, 2014

“The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God” – Luke 1:35

They say she was raped.  They say she was covering up an out of wedlock pregnancy.  They abandoned her, attempted to kill her.  They say she lied.  Take away the miraculous conception within Mary and the story falls apart.  For without the conception being perfect, holy and righteous; there is no Messiah, no Savior, no Deity. 

I have friends of the Islamic religion and they cannot, nor will even attempt to believe that a holy God would pro-create with a human.  This fundamental reason prevents them from accepting Jesus Christ as a Messiah and Savior, but more as a Prophet and Spiritual Leader.  I believe God, the Holy Spirit, conceived within Mary a Holy and perfect child. In doing so he broke the chain of sin in the world and provided a way by which all sin could be redeemed.  For without accepting the Immaculate Conception, the Christ-child cannot be perfect and holy.
You see mankind is sinful, all the way back to Adam and Eve.  Upon conception each new child born since then has likewise been sinful as the sperm fertilizes the egg with the chromosomes, DNA and blood of the father.  This blood comes from a sinful man, into a sinful woman, and therefore the fertilized egg is also sinful.

God, coming upon the virgin woman, through the Holy Spirit, conceived within her a child of holiness from the Father and thereby washing away the sinful nature of her past.  As the baby is born, it is born 100% Holy, Righteous and Perfect.  Through His life, He lives perfectly in alignment with God, the Father, unlike Adam; or any other human being up to that point.  It is because of this perfect Holy creation that Jesus Christ could become the Lamb of God, and the sacrifice for our sins.  I do not believe that the story of Mary’s incarnation is just a story made up for us to feel good, it is part of God’s miraculous path of salvation and a key to His holy plan of salvation.

Why would we question the authority of God to do whatever He chooses to do?  He is omnipotent and sovereign and all powerful.  There is nothing beyond His capability.  Right?

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Friday, November 14, 2014

Fundamental Truth – Jesus is the Son of God

November 14, 2014

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” – Luke 2:11

They say he was a good person.  They say he was a prophet.  They say he was an angel who became a man.  They say he is the brother of Satan.  They say he was a story made up to make us feel better about ourselves.  They say he never actually lived.  He is the most documented figure in the history of the world, and the most debated.   

 I believe He was the Son of God, the propitiation for our sins, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He was prophesied throughout the Old Testament, yet unknown to those who expected Him.  His life would demonstrate the love of the Father, the pureness and righteousness of being holy.  I believe the truths from the Bible, as God’s holy Word.

Why do I believe these things?
I’ve been to Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jericho, Sea of Galilee and Jerusalem; and seen with my own eyes the truthfulness of the Bible.  Things written about thousands of years ago, with extreme detail are still evident today through the archaeological findings in and around Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Ceasarea Philippi, Jordan River and Capernaum.  We can read in the Word, and see with our eyes the truths from that era, just as you would any history book ever written.  Yet, for some reason, there are those who read this history book and believe it is fairy tales and nonsense.

I was told of Jesus at the young age of 6 or 7.  At First Baptist Church of Tecumseh, I learned who He was, what He did for us and how much He loved us.  I accepted Him as my Savior and Lord, and was baptized at the age of 12.  I have never been persecuted for my faith in Jesus Christ, although there have been many times in my life where debates would ensue with friends and colleagues.  I’ve no proof of Jesus life, neither do you.  What I stand on is the faith that He is who the scriptures say He is.  The story of His miraculous birth and life have transcended time.  I believe in Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God the Father.

Just as Jesus asked Peter in Caesarea Philippi in Matthew 16:15, “Who do you say that I am?”  I ask you today.  Who do you say Jesus Christ is?

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fundamental Truth – God Created

November 13, 2014

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

The battle rages on.  Science vs God.  Logic vs faith.  Big Bang vs Creation.  It’s another one of those divisive tools used by the enemy to destroy the goodness created by our Heavenly Father.  The hypothesis for the very beginning, the instantaneous moment when everything started – time, energy, fusion, photons, electrons, neutrons and protons has been called the Big Bang theory.  An alternative introduced by man in 1927 to explain how everything around you has come into existence. 

I’m not talking about the chair your sitting in, but rather you, the animals, the oxygen, the trees, the grass, the dirt, the lava, the oceans, the atmosphere, the ozone, the stars, the galaxy and yes, the universe.  Because man is limited in his brain’s capacity to comprehend the unknown he uses the little amount of wisdom and knowledge he does have to try to explain it away and put boundaries around it.  That is the main center of the argument – mankind is incapable of actually understanding how it all started and because there is skepticism around the mono-theocracy view point of Creation, man tries to become the creator.

I believe that God is the originator and creator of all things.  He alone spoke them into existence from the void that existed prior to something existing.  I believe the Holy Bible is His communication and explanation through His chosen authors.  I believe in it’s authenticity as the truth, carried forth from the day it was scribed by Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and others to today.  Archeological evidence exists of the original scriptures on papyrus dating from before Christ’s life.  But, even without this, I believe in a Creator because of the intricate exactness and synergistic existence of all things.

Likewise, there must have been an original point for man’s existence, we all must agree on that.  At that very point, the earth was already here, and it was pure, uncontaminated and rich in everything we needed to survive.  There was food, water, and shelter in the wilderness.  Man chose to pursue his own desire and therefore created the appetite for injustice and self-indulgence, which to this day has not been satiated.  You and I sit here thousands of years later, still trying to buy happiness, joy and satisfaction with the life we were given.

Man is destructive by nature.  At one point in time the earth was covered in water and beautiful trees, plants and life.  We are only capable of using 10% of our brain, yet slowly, but surely, through our most inventive, creative thoughts and actions we are actually destroying the earth.   Man has learned to innovate and create measures of financial trading, homes, transportation, weapons, buildings, concrete jungles, drugs, alcohol, electronics, global communications and so many other things.  When we really get down to the value of any of that though, we must honestly say that it is destructive by nature.  We have destroyed natural resources.  We have invented ways to separate humans from each other, and to create a valuation system that elevates some, while depressing others.  We have learned to murder, steal and destroy one another over power struggles, pride and selfishness.

We have proven that we are incapable of inventing completeness in our lives.  We can fulfill one desire, but in doing so, have stimulated a desire for more, and so on and so on.  Therefore, if we are incapable of innovation and creative ingenuity to solve life’s basic question on why do I exist, there must be something greater than us that can.  I believe that in God the Father, the Creator I have found the one source who is able to create perfect love, harmony, life and existence.  We have corrupted what He created.  I believe in God as the Creator of heaven and earth, and all things.

So what do you believe?  Tell your family, your friends, me, the world or at least tell somebody.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fundamental Truths – God is God

November 12, 2014

“This is what the LORD says -- Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty:  I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God” – Isaiah 44:6

Many have questioned it.  Many find it impossible to believe that there is something unseen ruling over our existence.  Many refuse to believe that there is only one authority, but that there are many.  Many believe that all representations are one in the same, just different ways to believe.  Many will walk through their entire life hearing of the truth, yet refuse to accept it or embrace it. 

I believe in the Holy Word, the Bible, as the direct communication from God the Father to His people.  I believe that God is wholly righteous and therefore cannot and will not deceive, mislead, lie, tempt or cause unrighteousness, deceit or evil in this world.  I believe the world was created by His hand, at His word and that we are likewise created by His breath.  I believe that He is sovereign, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.  There is no greater authority and never has been, nor will there ever be.  He was not created, but is the Creator.

Why do I believe these things?
We can believe one of two things: Either God exists, or He does not.  In the latter we are 100% dependent upon the flawed human being as our authority, which over time has only led to destruction of mankind and offers nothing beyond this life.  I observe the chaos, the hatred, the selfishness, pride and arrogance of mankind and I realize that with all of the intellect, the love we have for one another, and the desire to improve this life, this is the best we can offer.  The oppression, injustice, survival of the fittest mentality is in and of itself dominant and not loving.  The most cherished thing on this earth is love.  Time and time again it has been proven that without love we will perish.  If there is no Supreme Being, no authority over all things, than we are left to the best solution mankind can come up with, which is “Natural Selection”.  The thought of natural selection focuses on the power and authority of one human over another and therefore naturally opposes the principle of loving your neighbor. 

We are living through examples of this, as more and more we are trying to remove God from our society, and replace Him with mankind’s self-centeredness and self-empowerment beliefs.  If we were to adhere to the binding principle of God’s Word, the Bible, “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself”, our society would once again be strengthened and most of the chaos would calm.  I believe God exists because He alone promises love and eternity beyond this life.    

So what do you believe?  Tell your family, your friends, me, the world or at least tell somebody.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Responsibility is Real

November 10, 2014

“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven. – Matthew 10:32-33

“You can’t handle the truth.” (Jack Nicholson as General Jessup, 1992, A Few Good Men) 

This is more true about life than it was ever intended in the movie.  Most of us are looking around us and willing to compromise on the truth in order to feel good about being “nice” or “politically correct”.  Every human being is born with the same unalienable rights to pursue life in the manner which they so choose.  I’m not going to debate that fact, it is given to you just the same as it is given to me.  But, it is also true that each of us must make a choice as to what we will do with the reality of death, not just life.  For you see, you will die, there is no way around it. The question is “What then?”

Living today requires planning for tomorrow.  If you are not thinking about the bigger picture than you are significantly impacting your ability to truly live.  Each day will continually be riddled with struggles, temptations, stress, worry and sorrow.  In realizing that there is a bigger purpose, something beyond today, we are able to make it through with an understanding that what we see is only temporary.  Look around and ask yourself, who do you love beyond life itself?  What are you doing for them today?

Do they cross your mind when you pray?
Does their salvation mean anything to you at all, or are you comfortable pursuing your own salvation and leaving them to their own choices?
Love is not just an emotion and warm feeling, it is an action as well.  It is taking the action to help others come to realize that there is more beyond this life.  Society will tell you to mind your own business and leave them to theirs, because in reality, they don’t want to deal with the truth.  Consider the outcome.  Keeping in mind that we all are going to die, and there are only two paths from the grave. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sometimes It is Hard to Do

“Anyone you forgive, I also forgive. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.” – 2 Corinthians 2:10-11

I am one of those that tend to hold a grudge, are you?  When it becomes obvious that another person has chosen to intentionally wrong me, I struggle to find the grace to forgive them and move on.  The inherent pride and desire of my heart though is to cause my adversary to experience pain similar to that which I have experienced.  I believe it’s in our human nature to seek justice against those that have wronged us.  The problem comes in that we lose focus on who is in control of justice and what true justice actually means.

The Lord tells us in Leviticus 19:18, “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.”  I fully embrace the fact that God is looking out for me.  As a follower of Jesus Christ I am comfortable that He is my provider, my defender and my strength.  When we desire for others to stumble and to fall as a point of declaring justice for their wrong doing, we are in essence seeking unrighteousness upon them.  But have you considered that it is not just going to negatively impact the other person, but you as well?

By seeking retribution against others we are taking the situation from God Almighty and claiming that we know better than He does, how to deal with it.  We are actually introducing unrighteousness into our own lives by driving a wedge between God and ourselves.  This desire to control the outcome of a situation gives Satan an opportunity to introduce evil behavior into the situation.  As hard as it is most times to sit back and let God have control, that is exactly what we are asked to do in these circumstances. 

Have faith and trust that every action against you as a child of God, is an action against God himself.  When we read in Romans 12:19, “Do not revenge…”It is mine to avenge, I will repay,” says the Lord”  we must trust that He is Sovereign and will indeed bring those that have wronged you to justice in His own timing.  You may never see the vengeance acted out, and you may never be the benefactor of the justice in that situation; but you can be confident that the Lord is going to deal with it.

Praying for and forgiving the other person is the righteous thing to do.  I’m not saying it is easy, because it’s not, but it will strengthen you, help you get past the situation, and keep your spirit focused on God where it should be, and not on the temporary things of this life.  Think eternally when you begin feeling anger, spite and vengeance toward another.  You will see, how it helps put everything in a God perspective.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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