Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Time Management 101

“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years” – Genesis 1:14

Everyday we are making decisions in life.  Decisions on what to wear, what to eat, what meetings to attend and how we spend our time.  We attempt, as best we can, to manage life in 24 hour increments.  We have allowed the to-do list to overwhelm us and as a result we have lost sight of the things that are truly important in life.  Of course, I am speaking in general, not in regards to any one life, but society as a whole.  We tend to be consumed with the frivolous while the meaningful matters slip to the side.  Time is a commodity that cannot be recreated.  You are given a finite amount and are asked to manage it appropriately.  It has never increased nor decreased.  The same window of opportunity in each given day existed in the life of David, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Paul, Peter and the others; as exists for you today.  Great leaders of the more common era had the exact same allotment of time in their day as you do, but I propose to you, that they took control of their time in a more manageable fashion than you and I are doing.

The sun rises on each day with a newness for you to do great things for the Lord.  We think about those in history that have changed the world, some for better, some for worse.  They woke each morning to a sunrise and through focused attention drove towards a purpose that was greater than themselves.  It wasn’t through intellect or riches that visions and goals are obtained, but through passion and purpose.  When the sun set on their day, they would stop, refocus and lay out their plan for the next day.  They would re-energize and rest, to take on the obstacles that they knew were on the horizon.  Rather than look to others to solve their problems they took the responsibility on themselves. 

God created the heavens and the earth to be inhabited by those who love Him.  He gave us day light and night time to dwell within His paradise, not to try and consume it and control it.  From the moment of original sin though, mankind has continually attempted to do just that, to control the things within our purview.  I propose that is the single biggest reason some people resist the opportunity to give their life to Christ.  The act of submission, of releasing authority and control to another is counter intuitive to the very sinful nature that we are born with.  The realization that following Christ requires one to humble themselves and submit their life to the purpose that God has called them too is frightening to most.  I’ll be so bold as to say that most self-proclaimed Christians have not truly embraced this calling in their own life; including myself.

The 24 hour window that God has provided for us to serve Him is consumed with serving our own pleasure, desire, habits and ambitions.  We must work, we must provide for our families, we must feed and nourish our bodies.  But must we sit for hours in front of the computer or TV; or shopping, or seeking entertainment to avoid our boredom in life?  Really?  I ask you, how is any of that expanding or helping the Kingdom of God on this earth.   Here’s a question for you to contemplate: “Do you long for the opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus and praise Him endlessly?”  If Jesus walked amongst you today, would your calendar and “To-Do” lists change?  God did not create this world so you could draw farther from Him, He created it so you could draw closer to Himself.  We aren’t here to celebrate our life, we are here to celebrate Him and His presence amongst us.

In Psalm 100:3, the author writes; “Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture”
  We are to follow Him, because He created us to do so.  You did not make yourself, and choose to be born, and thereby have no real authority over what you were created for.  You truthfully should have no control over your purpose in this life, other than following the One who has created you. So as you plan your next 24 hours and you make your next “To-Do” list, I ask you to seriously consider the impact you will be making for God’s Kingdom based on the items you have written down.  Then ask yourself, “What am I going to do differently with the next 24 hours knowing that I belong to God, and only God?” Make your life important in His Kingdom, not in man’s world.  

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