Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Beatitudes: Blessed are the Mourners

"Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted. " - Matthew 5:4

Losing someone is difficult for all of us. There is no easy way to transition from a moment when you are embracing a loved one to the moment of saying goodbye for the very last time. With the death of a loved one, there is an emptiness that consumes those left behind as they struggle with the emotions that have been nurtured, protected and strengthened over years and even lifetimes in many cases. Relationships are built on trust, love and forgiveness. I have known individuals who have lost a loved one and had unfinished issues with them. The inability to forgive or receive forgiveness has haunted them for years after the death. Likewise, there are those who did not have the last opportunity to share their feelings of love with the deceased, leaving them feeling guilty and no means of escape.

We learn from these experiences not to leave unfinished business or empty words with those we love. But, how do we resolve the past events? If you have ever been to a wake or a funeral you know how difficult it is to comfort those in mourning. There is a song by Casting Crowns titled, "Love them Like Jesus", which discusses the difficulties of bringing comfort to our fellow brothers and sisters in times of mourning; but it also reminds us that God is the ultimate provider of comfort in all circumstances. While being 100% God and full of the sovereignty and wisdom of God; Jesus was also 100% human with the complexities of emotions and feelings, the same as you and I.

If you recall, even Jesus wept. He wept at the tomb of his friend Lazarus, and over Jerusalem; as even He mourned their fate and their lost direction in life. His weeping was out of love for the children of Israel. Knowing that He would be with them only a few more days before the crucifixion and their faith and understanding were still lacking. We are asked to stay by their side and love them like Jesus would love them. Empathy, love and just a mere presence is often times the right anecdote. Many times the best thing for us to do is to hold someone's hand and cry with them.

We are reminded by this verse in the 5th book of Matthew that those who mourned will be comforted by God the Father in a way that man cannot. Even in those circumstances when we are angry at God because we wanted His intercession and miracle, His love doesn't change. Three words put together make an incredible impact when understood: God Loves You. It is not to be flippant or taken lightly. You see God's love is the only true constant. There are no requirements, conditions or circumstances that cause His love to increase or decrease. By first accepting this, we then need to understand that His love for you is exactly as the love He has for those who are mourning, and the same as the love He has for the deceased. Comfort is provided to those who are mourning by the loving embrace from the only true source of unconditional love - God the Father.

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