Saturday, March 10, 2018

Is There a God (pt 1 of 7)

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made”   Genesis 2:1-2

My thoughts:
The age old question that has stumped mankind for 100’s if not thousands of years.  Which came first the chicken or the egg?  If you do not believe in a divine creator that made all things, there is no way to answer this question.  For you see, if the egg came first, then how was the egg created?  If the chicken came first, how did it come to be?  This simple illustration helps us better understand that something must have created the final product (in this case a chicken) from nothing.  Now the question is, can something be created by nothing?

In the RDOF ministry we are learning to ask questions when facing the debate on is there an intelligent designer (God) or are we simply random compilation of cells and molecules that function perfectly together?  Daryl Youngblood, leads this ministry, and teaches that God and Science can co-exist and actually God is a huge part of science.  Scientists and Atheists will debate that there is no God, because there is no evidence of God.

If we are honest with ourselves and not reacting on an emotional level, we must look around and see all that has been created.  The Bible tells us that God created the world in 6 days and then rested on the 7th day, saying “the heavens and earth were finished”, rested from creation.  In these 6 days He created atoms, molecules, cells, natural elements, life, water, land, blood, DNA and how all of these interact with each other.  He created the heart, the lungs, the liver, kidneys, neural network, blood cells, arteries, veins, plasma, bone, bone marrow, toe nails, hair, eyes, lips, tongues, tastebuds, ears, skin cells, nerve endings, reproductive organs, intestines, bladder, uterus, ovaries, mammory glands, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water to sustain the life he created.  Seriously, think about it.  All of these things must require on the other in order to function, so how could they evolve from nothing. 

For if an eye evolved into an organ for vision, how did we see before it evolved, and how did we know we needed to be able to see?  Which came first the heart or the arteries and capillaries?  Just like the chicken and egg – if the heart evolved first, then what was it’s purpose if the arteries, veins and capillaries didn’t exist.  But if the arteries came first, what was their purpose if there was no heart to pump the blood through the arteries.  Did the entire cardiac system evolve in an instant?  For if it did it over time, how was life sustained during that process? 

You see, we are taught to ask questions.  Don’t ridicule the science community or atheist community for their choice to deny the obvious, but pose questions to let them come to an understanding of how their logic is flawed.  Over the next week I will be on vacation, but taking time to probe on some of these deeper thoughts.  I hope you find them useful in your walk with the Lord.  We ought not shy away from atheists, but enter into conversation with respect and the truth.  You are an ambassador for the Lord, now’s the time to serve His purpose.  I strongly suggest you take a look at WWW.RDOF.ORG  for additional methods of defending the faith and questioning the critics.

Be Blessed,

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