Friday, February 25, 2011

Get Back Up

'This is what the Lord says: When people fall down, don't they get up again? When they start down the wrong road and discover their mistake, don't they turn back?' - Jeremiah 8:4
Each of us have made mistakes in life. It is not a question of if we will, it is a question of what will we learn from them. The mistakes of our past become the foundation for our future. The real question is, are you repeating the same mistake over and over or turning away in growth.
I often pondered the individual act of authentic repentance. If a person falls to his/her knees with their arms raised and heart open seeking the forgiveness from their Creator, yet rises and continues to do the same action that brought them to their knees, have they truly been repentant? What is it inside each of us that finally triggers a reaction of repentance? Falling down is human nature. Life is filled with situations and circumstances that result in a conditioned response that may be far outside of the bounds of the righteous path that leads to heaven. Yet, God's word is clear - "..get up again", but don't miss the second (and more important) part "...turn back.". A truly repentant heart (Greek: (noun) metanoia) turns away from the mistakes (sins) that brought them to their knees and pursues a new path.
Recognizing mistakes and learning from them is essential to walking the path God has set before you. Many believe God's grace for their salvation, and then expect that from that point forward their works will be the determination of God's acceptance. If we believe that our salvation can only come from grace and not by works, than we must also agree that our works are insufficient to maintain our salvation. God's grace is the only thing that will sustain your life in Christ, and through the Holy Spirit within each of us is our weakness made whole. We learn in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.", that God's grace is strengthened through our weakness. It's not a question of God's grace, but rather a statement of the heart of the individual seeking that grace. Face it, you will sin again; and it should not be considered hypocritical to do so; but staying in that position of sin is. Fill your mind with the word of God, focus on HIs ways and allow the Holy Spirit to draw you from your weakness. Be blessed today through the comfort of God's sufficient grace.

Almighty God,
You have given us Your word and in it rich promises of grace, strength, courage, wisdom, salvation, redemption and hope for our future. We trust that in all things Your promise is true and that we are redeemed through Your Son Jesus Christ - Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just be Patient

“We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”  – Hebrews 6:12
I was recently in a conference which featured Dr. Charles Lowery as a key speaker.  What a privilege it was to hear his message on leadership and developing those characteristics within our personalities.  Dr. Lowery is a psychologist and public speaker, and uses common everyday life stories and humor to encourage his audience with a life changing message.  One of the illustrations that he used was from a study in the 1960’s on patience, originally conducted by Walter Mischel at Stanford University in California.  In this study, children (typically between ages 4 and 6) were brought into a room 1 at a time and sat in a chair.  A marshmallow was placed on the table in front of them and they were told, you can eat this marshmallow now, or if you wait until I return I will give you 2 marshmallow’s.  Several children were then observed and evaluated on their ability to exercise patience waiting for the observer to return and give them a 2nd marshmallow.  Children pick at that marshmallow, toy with it, smell it and then a large percentage of them would nibble at it, and then eat it.  The small percentage that waited were able to exercise patience and experience the rewards of their effort.  The interesting thing in this research was what happened several years later when these children took the SAT test and scored over 200 points greater than those that had not exercised patience with the marshmallow.

Patience is a virtue that is often spoke of in the writings of Paul as it relates to the return of Jesus Christ.  Focusing our attention on the prize at the end of the race becomes a key thread to the life and ministry of Paul as he traveled throughout the Mediterranean Basin in the years following his conversion.  The challenge he faced though was breaking through the desperation of those he was preaching to.  Imagine if you can that you were living in Jerusalem in those days and you had personally witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ just a year ago.  You had heard Him speak before He died about love, forgiveness and serving God.  You had witnessed His miracles in the streets of Jerusalem and the surrounding villages.  Now, here was this man standing on the footsteps of the temple preaching that Jesus Christ will return one day, just be patient.  Your family history is painted with stories of waiting on the Lord.  For 400 years God had been silent, and this man Jesus was supposed to be “the One” to rule over all and break the bondage.  He was killed and here is Paul asking you to wait for Him to come back?

Yes, that is the message.  But, it’s not a message of waiting, but a message of living.  You see very much like the children in the marshmallow research, we have to see past the immediate, instant pleasure and gratification and remain focused on the ultimate reward.  In doing so it is important to live by the principles and examples of our Savior.  He came that we all might have life and that more abundantly (
John 10:10).  He gave us a message of hope of something greater than what we are experiencing in this life, something with eternal implications.  By faith we are asked to trust and believe in Him and His message of eternity.  This is the reward for our patience – eternal life with God the Father in heaven one day.  Although there are many wonderful marshmallows in this life, exercising a little patience will go a long way when this life comes to an end.
Loving Father,
We rejoice in Your promise of eternity.  We long to be with You, and rest in Your glory.  Give us the patience and endurance in this life that we might further Your message of love, peace and mercy to those around us.  Help us, Lord, to be examples to others of Your Son’s love and forgiveness as other’s observe our nature.  We remain focused on the prize and turn away from the distractions in life.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is Going On?

“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ – Luke 12:20
The days will draw to an end, to this there is no doubt.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, for it is not within our power to determine when the sun will no longer rise or the mountains will tremble.  Can any one of us cause the sun to fall from the sky?  Does this power exist amongst mortal men?  Example after example could be given demonstrating the immediacy of death upon us in a manner by which it is, without a doubt, outside of our control.  The people of the world have been shaken of late with natural disasters, rioting in the streets and terrorism at it’s finest.  A boy walking to class is struck by a stray bullet in the streets of New York.  A woman just finishing her grocery shopping steps out of the store and is crushed by the debris from buildings collapsing around her.  An elderly couple are struck in the side of their car as they drive through an intersection, one is taken, the other is not.  A young man with a bandana around his head and fist raised high is trampled as hundreds of thousands storm the gates of the capital building.  Let’s face it, as we step into the world each and every day, we only have so much control over the events in our life.  Certainly we can live cautiously and watch every step we take to ensure that we return home safely at the end of the day, but in this day and age a simple walk to the curb could lead to a tragic ending.

Sadly, some chose the method of their death by self infliction.  This desperate move represents a person’s loss of hope in those around them, and in God.  When a person’s judgment is clouded by the obstacles in life rather than the opportunities, life can look hopeless.  It is easy to look at the strife, anguish and helplessness of people in the world today and begin to lose hope that there is a way out.  I, myself, have looked at the utter chaos within the world and asked, “Can it ever be completed?”  Can the peace, love and hope of the Lord ever reach the masses in a way that draws them nearer to His bosom. 

Many are driven by the moment.  This is no different today than in the biblical days of old.  As new and fresh as people believe it is today, the same lack of respect of our Lord has existed since time began.  The only difference is the scale by which it is measured.  Instantaneous pleasure, selfishness and shameless addictions are a part of the lives of the majority today.  We are all addicted to one thing or another and in most cases, it’s sad to say, it is not God’s will in our life.  As much planning and preparation we do to ensure that our future retirement and lifestyle is secure, is all for naught when the winds blow or the earth shakes tomorrow.  How valuable is our possession when it is buried under 30 feet of rubble after an earthquake, or 20 feet of water after a hurricane.

We are taught to store up our treasure in heaven, where it is secure and ever-lasting (
Matthew 6:20).  Not to be taken literally, but to be understood that the things we treasure, the things of this world are meaningless in the Kingdom of heaven.  This very day your life could be taken from you.  This is not a threat, but a fact that we all must deal with.  The choices we make each and every day as to how to spend our time, our money and use our talents will go to benefit one of two masters.  Either we are investing in our future eternity or we are investing in our temporary comfort and pleasure.  Don’t complicate it more than that, because it’s not. 
We come before You this day filled with hope.  Hope in Your truth and justice to oversee our life and give us purpose each day.  We pray for the safety of Your children in the war torn regions of the world and those places of unrest.  Be with them and guide them to Your side that they might draw wisdom and strength from You, their Creator.   We pray for Your children in those areas of the world struck by natural disasters.  Bring them peace, hope and courage to rebuild and renew their strength in You.  Bless us this day with confidence to face the challenges in our path.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nothing is Impossible

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”  – Philippians 4:13
Trevor Bayne, 2011 Daytona 500 winner
“We said a prayer, you know we pray a lot, about a lot of things, but this just goes to show how powerful God is.”, said Trevor Bayne after winning the Daytona 500 on Sunday.  The Daytona 500 is arguably the largest racing stage in the world, seen by millions around the globe and was Trevor’s first NASCAR Sprint Series race.  He turned 20 years old on Saturday, the day before the race, and has become the youngest person to ever win the Daytona 500.  He has won smaller races over the last 4 years leading up to this and continually uses winner’s circle as a stage to proclaim the word of God.   Once again, an example of God making what seems impossible, possible; just because He can.

We all remember seeing Laura Wilkinson, a diver in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia move from 8th position with 5 dives left to win the Gold medal.  Her initial words to the reporters after being declared the winner were Philippians 4:13.  A global stage, an impossible task, and a young heart driven by the faith of a mustard seed, God continues to demonstrate in this day and age that nothing is impossible for Him.

God is our strength and our refuge in times of trouble (
Psalm 46:1).  In your current situation can you trust this scripture verse?  Consider that the Creator of the world is bound only by His own truth, and therefore is completely sovereign in all things.  There is nothing that He cannot bring to fruition when His children are following His purpose.  He brought the Israelites out of Egypt against every imaginable obstacle.  He delivered the Savior of the world through a young woman with a heart for His purpose.  He allowed Abraham and Sarah to conceive in their old age to bring forth Isaac and the lineage of His chosen people.

We put our earthly logic and perspective on situations and deem that they are impossible.  Abiding in His grace and love requires that we accept His directions in our life.  God is not held to our standards, but vice versa.  He can do whatever He wants, however He wants and whenever He wants.  If you have been struggling to conceive, it is not impossible for God.  If you are weak and continually tempted by drugs, alcohol or sex, it is not impossible for God.  If you are face with unbelievable challenges at work or school, it is not impossible for God. 

The more difficult question is not whether we will praise Him when we get what we want, but will we praise Him when we don’t.  There are times for reasons unknown to us that things do not work out the way we would choose.  Even in those times, we must trust that God knows best and hears our cries.  I often ask why God doesn’t just do it this way, or that way.  I struggle with this at times, because I can see the shortest path to my desire.  I have to take a step back and realize that I don’t see everything He sees, and often it is for my benefit that things do not come to fruition.  Don’t give up, just because you haven’t seen the results of your prayers, my friend.  Just keep breathing and keep believing.  It’s in those times that I remind myself, “God is in control.  He gave me another day, and I am blessed to be in it.  Use what He has given me, and have faith for what He will.”    


Loving Father,
We learn from Your word that we are loved and that You hear every word that comes from our lips and every thought on our mind.  Before we ask, You know our needs.  Help us Lord to be patient and to trust in You.  We acknowledge Your sovereignty and omnipotence and rest in knowing that You are in control.  We will praise You in our joy, and we will praise You in our sorrow, for You are worthy of all praise.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Daily Thought for the Weekend: Turn Back Time

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  – Hebrews 13:8
Time is a variable we have no control over.  For decades mankind has been looking for the way to travel through time, or to turn the clocks back.  The problem is that we see a historical reference point portrayed through books, pictures or movies and it stirs an emotion inside to experience it firsthand.  They want to take the  knowledge they have today and apply it against the problems or challenges of days gone by in hopes of changing the outcome in a more favorable way.  Think about that for just a second.  If you could take the knowledge of last week’s lottery numbers and could turn back time to the Friday before the drawing, you could be a millionaire right now.  People want to see into the future out of curiosity and to better understand the changes that lie before them.  Once again, in hopes of using the knowledge they have today to alter the course of their life in a more favorable way to match the desires of their heart.

This is what it comes down to when you really think about it.  In general, people are not satisfied with the life they have and are constantly in a mode of looking for ways to improve it.  Through relationships, money, drugs and any other addiction we are looking for something that will give us the life we have always dreamed about, because there is this belief that there must be something better than what we have.  To this point, most people are right.  There is a better life than what you have, but it is not likely based on anything that you can control.  You can make your life better through these things mentioned above, but it is all temporary.  A year later, or two or five years later, you will want change again, because our earthly, flesh driven desires are constantly changing.  Through all of this though there is one constant and that is God the Father.

God is the only truth, never changing and constant in all of time.  Jesus Christ was the physical manifestation of God on earth, and therefore held to these same characteristics.  Yet, at the same time he was completely human.  He wasn’t wealthy by earth’s standards.  He had daily problems just like all of those around him.  The physical elements of Jesus Christ changed day to day as he grew up from a baby in Bethlehem, child in Nazareth and a man amongst the masses in Jerusalem.  When Paul tells us in Hebrews that Jesus was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow; he is not talking about Jesus Christ physical nature though.  Here we find Paul describing the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  The love of Jesus Christ was to pay the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of mankind.  It is in this sacrifice that we are to hold true to.

Discovering God’s plan for your life and living to that plan is the key to overcoming the constantly changing lifestyle we struggle with.  Because He is never changing, you know that when you are in His will and living for His purpose, your life is heading true north.   

Heavenly Father,
You have come in the form of Jesus Christ that we might see You through Him, and that we will find everlasting salvation through His death on the cross and resurrection.  Help us to become less focused on changing our lives for the better, and more focused on changing others lives for Your goodness.  Help us to see Your plans unveiled in our lives and to find peace in pursuing these without abandon.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Thought: The Coming Flood

"The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." -Romans 13:12

As I listen to the news of the world recently, I struggle to find God in it. The economy, the weather, the politics come up in nearly every conversation I have with people I meet as I travel. I can't help but feel a sense of apathy and to some degree helplessness wash over them as they think of the complexities of this world, and how small they feel next to it all. I see little sense of urgency to worry about the events and times we are living in that are outside of their direct control. This is caused by the sheer magnitude and global reach of every decision, which minimizes the impact of any single person. As a result we resort back to the things we can control - checking account, mortgage, education, food and our immediate family.

I once heard a word picture that stuck with me, and I'll share with you.
Imagine that you are in an indoor sports facility (domed baseball field) which might seat 50,000 people. Now imagine that you are taken to the very top row, right next to the glass roof and hand-cuffed to a chair. If someone were to drop a single drop of water into the center of the field, and then dropped a doubled amount every minute (1-2-4-8-16...) until the stadium were filled . How long would you have before you'd drown?

A few months? Maybe a few weeks? At least a few days, right? What if I said you would only have 49 minutes before you were overtaken by the pool of water. Even more surprising is at 44 minutes the stadium would only be 7% full. The sheer volume that overtakes a person happens in the last 5 minutes.
So, what does this have to do with God. For years you have heard corner preachers screaming, "Repent, His time is at hand" and yet we continue about our busy life. The bible is very clear, that Christ will come as a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:1-2) and we will not know when. Very much like the person chained to the top of the stadium, you know eventually the water will get here, but it doesn't seem obvious when there's only a few drops on the field. Now just imagine how much you can do for God's Kingdom if you shed off the apathetic, helpless garb earlier and put on the armour of God well before the waters closed in. If 90% (44 min) of the time has elapsed before you begin to worry, that last 10% (5 min) will happen like a flash in the night. There is much to do and the clock isn't slowing down. If you have a thought on how to spread God's word and help others, by all means take a stand now my friend, for the world is in need of a Savior and you have the answer.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let's go Fishin'

“Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.”  – Psalm 55:22
Times are troublesome, there is no doubt.  Many of us are struggling each day with economic pressure, relationship issues and health issues.  Every morning I wrestle in my quiet time with the day’s issues and trying to clear them from my mind to focus on what the Lord has in store for me.  There are mornings when so much is going on I have a hard time hearing God through the chaos of the daily grind.  Have you ever had so many things going on in your mind that you just can’t cut through the noise to find the quiet peace and serenity of the Holy Spirit.  My prayer time often reminds me of a 5 year old’s birthday party.  Imagine 10 to 15 children all age 4 through 6 in a small room.  Laughter, music, singing, running and playing and yes even the occasional crying fill the room.   It’s typically not an abusive noise level, but when all of these things are combined it can be very overwhelming.  But one by one, the noises begin to fade away as the party draws to a close.  Finally, the last child walks out the front door and that same little room is now unbelievably quiet. 

There will never come a day when you do not have issues in front of you that need to be resolved.  We must be able to rid our mind of the confusion, the noise and the chaos.  Focusing on God is critical in order to hear His word each day as you kneel to pray.  To cast means to hurl it away from you using force.  Picture yourself casting your problems as far away as they will go.  I’m not much of a fisherman, but I can imagine holding a fishing rod over my head, holding down the button on the reel and then casting as far as possible into a crystal clear lake.  The bait and hook sink below the surface of the water, and unless I reel it back in it has been cast away.  This is what the Lord is asking us to do with our worries, fears and concerns each day.  Start the day by giving them over to God and clearing your thoughts to hear His word. 
The things that stand between you and God will continue to create distance in your relationship.  Let’s face it, there are days when we wonder if God even hears us when we pray.  I can assure you, God does not leave your side.  He is omnipresent, where would He go that is not encompassed by being everywhere at the same time?  If there is a feeling of separation from God, it is strictly based on our movement and distractions.  God promises to take our burdens and to lift us up when we can’t go on.  Trusting in Him is a foundational element of this relationship with the Father.  Start today and verbally give your concerns to God, clear your mind of worry and then open up your heart and mind to hear the Lord.    

Father Almighty,
My mind is filled with the stress from work and the struggles of making ends meet this month Lord.  I give my financial concerns to You , I give my time concerns to You and look for Your support at work to help solve the problems I am facing.  Lord, I cast my struggles upon Your promise and I calm my spirit to hear Your word this morning.  Bless me with Your wisdom and peace as I take on the challenges of the day.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Know Who You Are

“Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?””  – Mark 8:27
I was walking the halls at work one day and ran into a gentleman that I knew from many years ago.  It was one of those moments when you look at someone for a brief second and realize that you know them, but for some reason can’t remember their name.  I felt this strong conviction to stop and catch up with him, but didn’t.  This gentlemen and I gave a nod and went on our way without a conversation or dialogue, just an acknowledgement that we knew each other.  As our paths drew farther apart though his name clicked in my mind.  Now the question, do I go back and acknowledge him with a more formal greeting or do I continue down the path I was upon and let that circumstance pass?  I chose the later, but I must say I felt convicted by it for the rest of the day and into the following day.  For one reason or another I could not let it go, and it was one of those convictions that makes you feel guilty the longer you wait.  For some unexplained reason I looked his number up in the online directory at work and proceeded to dial his office.  I was ready to confront my guilt and lay it out there for him in an apology for passing him by earlier.  When the phone was answered, I was completely caught off guard though.  The voice on the other end was not his voice but the voice of his secretary, who stated; “Vice President Williams office, may I help you?” 

I asked to speak with him, and she asked if I had an appointment.  To which I replied; “No, I just needed a few minutes to chat.”  This was certainly much more difficult than I expected it to be.
She responded with another question, “What’s this regarding?” 
I so much wanted to hang up the phone but didn’t.  “It’s a personal matter.” 
She let my phone call go through.  When he picked up the phone, his voice seemed very different than I remembered, more confident and authoritative.  We said our hellos and I proceeded to apologize for passing him by earlier.  He stated, “I know.  I could sense that you couldn’t remember my name.  After we passed the gentlemen walking with me asked if I knew you.  I answered him yes and proceeded to tell him how you had given me advice one time, and because of that advice I had made a career choice, which led to the office of VP.”  He continued, “You see Rich, to you I was just another person in the path of your life; but to me – you were the catalyst that made me realize just what I wanted to become.  I could never forget your name.  The other day when we passed, I was hoping you would stop so I could thank you for your advice, but I realize you are very busy and had something else on your mind at the time.”  We chatted for a few more moments and caught up on our respective life.  A few years have now past and we haven’t spoken again since, but the impact of that phone call will stay with me forever.

Folks, we never know how much we may be influencing others in our conversations and advice.  Every person you meet will have a story to tell about you, based solely on that encounter.  You may never know the impact you have on someone’s life based on the words you say or the actions you demonstrate. If you think back over your life’s path, I’m sure there were those that influenced your career decisions and choices to lead you directly to where you are.  It is likely that many of them do not even know the impact they had on your life, lest you take a moment to thank them.  So what are we sharing with others when the opportunities present themselves?  Or better yet, who are we sharing?

Walking in the light of Jesus Christ is important at all times, because others are taking notice and making decisions in their life based on who and what they see in you.  It is difficult to demonstrate the love and confidence of Jesus Christ in our daily walk unless we are consistently building that relationship with Him.  It is so important to know who Jesus Christ is to you.  What does His life, His ministry and His promises mean to you?  In today’s world people are making choices as to who this man is, and based on those choices they are influencing those around them to believe likewise.  If someone were to ask another person about you, would it be known that you are a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God?  That is my desire, my goal in life.  What do you want people to say about you when someone asks them, “Who is that?”  Know who you are, and then live up to that in the public’s eye; and be rest assured God will use your words and actions for His purpose.

Heavenly Father,
Let Your words be upon my lips as I communicate with others.  Let Your actions be in control of my feet and hands as I do Your work.  Let Your love show through everything I do, so You are seen by all of those around me.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011

14 Days of God's Love - Day 14 - God is Love

“God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever should believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
(c) Sondove Enterprise, Artist: Richard Palmer
Happy Valentines Day.  Today is the day that millions of people will go to any means to express to their spouse, children, parents and friends that they love them.  Some will give flowers, some will give candy and still others will give jewelry.  It represents a need deep inside every one of us to feel loved and to hear from others that we are loved.  But what about the giver?  How do they benefit from the giving?  I, for one, love giving gifts.  I love seeing the joy and happiness that is derived from receiving gifts that I have put thought and effort into.  It’s not just physical gifts though.  In many cases it’s serving and helping others, without their knowledge or request.  Taking a warm bowl of soup to a homeless person, or buying the lunch for a soldier before they head off to serve our country.  It warms the heart to do something for others, without any visible gain from it, but often times an enormous spiritual and emotional gain.

Certainly, one of the most recognized verses in the entire bible is John 3:16.  It’s popularity has been broadcast worldwide on sporting events, from concerts, journalistic events and a plethora of other entertainment events.  Where it could be predicted that millions, if not billions, would be watching there was always someone who was willing to stand up for God and in doing so spread His good news.  This one scripture sums up God’s plan of salvation for mankind.  To once again draw the closed to His side, He took it upon Himself to bridge the gap. 

God so loved the world.  I tell my wife, “I Love You Most” and it comes from deep within.  The deepest feelings I have for anyone in this world are shared with one person only.  This love exemplifies the emotional as well as physical love that brings two souls together.  One step removed is the love I have for my children, grand children, parents and family, often greeted with “I Love You More”.  I would cross the ocean or desert to help any single one of them, because we share a bond of blood that cannot be reversed or unseeded, there will always be an emotional tie between family.  Finally, there is the love I have for my friends.  A love that is bound by values and life’s experiences.  A loving relationship that develops stronger over time.  Do I love the world?  Could I?  Certainly not.  Trying to put logic around God’s statement of loving the world, one must first realize that God is omnipotent and omnipresent and solely capable of loving every person in the world at the same time with the same depth.  Without first accepting this fact, one can never fully embrace God’s ability to love the world and every one in it.

God gave His one and only Son.  I have 6 children and 2 grand children, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for them.  I would give of my own life before putting any of them in harms way, so I can’t fathom the type of love that is referred to here.  How can a loving God ever consider sending His Son to become the sacrifice for all mankind?  It wasn’t that God sent His Son to die, for this result was predetermined and God knew the glorious events that would unfold 3 days afterward.  It was the pain, temptation, suffering, rejection, humiliation and degradation that Jesus Christ would have to endure leading up to Calvary.  Jesus even asked for another way, but ensured his Father that if not, he would follow through.  God gave His Son to establish a path of salvation for mankind and to demonstrate the love of the Father for everyone forever more.

The path to eternity was clearly articulated in John 3:16.  “..whoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have eternal life.”  It seems straight forward.  Many claim that they don’t understand the Christian faith and all of the rules and guidelines.  They don’t comprehend the differences between Catholicism, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Methodist, Calvinistic or Reformed Baptists.  Partially because of these differences the world has been led to believe that there are many paths to heaven.  The truth comes from the scriptures.  Salvation is derived from believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Messiah, and will return one day to bring His children home.

When we reflect on the last 14 days of God’s Love for mankind.  It all boils down to one thing, which is captured in 1 John 4:8; “…God is Love.”  That sums it up.  You can’t escape this definition of God, for everything we understand of love – emotions, serving others, words of affection, time with one another, and even the physical touch; it all stems from what God has given us through His Son -  Jesus Christ.

Loving Father,
You have given us love.  You have shown us the truth in how to love one another and the future in how to receive salvation.  You have given us Your Son to teach us and to demonstrate Your unending love which is available to all mankind.  We rejoice in knowing that You love us and want us to be with You in heaven.  Thank You, Father, for providing a path of redemption, sanctification and eternity in Your presence.  I tell my wife, “I Love You” and it comes from deep within.  The deepest feelings I have for anyone in this world are shared with only one person.  One step removed is the love I have for my children and grand children. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

14 Days of God's Love - Day 13 - Amazing Love

“No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.”  – John 16:25
It was the day after Sabbath and the people stood along the pathways into Jerusalem, waving palm branches and laying them upon the ground as he entered the city.  Riding upon a small colt, the King of Kings was received by all of those in Jerusalem as Hosanna, the chosen one.  Cheering, reaching out for him, singing praises and worship, the crowds accepted him as their savior.  In a matter of a few days, less than one week, oh how their attitudes and opinions would change though.

It was Friday and the people once again had gathered together.  No love in their voice, no reception or greeting with praises and worship.  They had gathered once again to ensure that this man was put to death for all his supposed claims of blasphemy.  They yelled from the crowd, Crucify Him, crucify Him.  What had happened in 5 days?  This man must have been a serial killer, a complete heathen, an enraged convict escaped from prison, a man who had stolen from the temple or something outrageous like this in order for the entire population of Jerusalem to be up in arms and insisting on his death.  We are told of his week throughout the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John.  These clearly represent the amount of love, compassion, joy and peace that he had lived this last week in.

 He challenged the authority of the time with the truthful and righteous love of the Father and in doing so, drove a wedge between them and the people.  He opened up the gates of heaven to all people, not simply the Jewish brethren of that day.  This contradicted everything the leaders had been teaching, and was seen as a challenge to their authority.  In dealing with this challenge their choice was to put him to death, and they stirred the crowd with enough distorted perspective to create this demand for his life.  They could not see that he had come from the Father to usher in eternity and the Kingdom of God.  Their
blindness was prophesied by Isaiah and lived out during the life of Jesus Christ.

Jesus took the pain, humiliation, guilt, suffering and death on that cross for one purpose and one purpose only.  YOU!  As the blood dripped from his back, arms, legs, chest and head; he was completely focused on fulfilling his mission.  His mission was to sacrifice himself for the sins of mankind, such that we all  would one day enter into eternity with God the Father.  That’s it in a nutshell.  He came and loved all of those he met.  He shared God’s love through parables, actions, words, joy and laughter; so that we could see the beauty of our Father.  He healed people, performed miracles and even rose the dead in demonstration of his authority granted by God above.  But, his most enduring and meaningful action of his short 33 years on this earth came 3 days after he had died.  When he rose from the grave and ascended into heaven, he put to rest the questions about who he was.

For the last 1985 years (or so) we have had to make a choice regarding our salvation.  Those who have chosen to follow this man – Jesus Christ – and accepted Him as Savior and Lord, have been promised God’s love and eternity in heaven one day.  Those that have denied this man, still have the opportunity to realize the truth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our salvation.  If you have questions or would like to discuss this, please email me directly at or leave comments on my blog at .  Be blessed.

Prayer (in a song):
I’m forgiven because You were forsaken,
I’m accepted, You were condemned.
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me,
Because You died and rose again.
Amazing love, How can it be
That You, my King, would die for me?
Amazing love, I know its true.
Its my joy to honor You.

    - Chris Tomlin, 2010
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

14 Days of God's Love - Day 12 - He did it!

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  – Romans 5:8
"I didn’t do it", he says as I walk down the hallway to the bedroom.  A loud thud had startled us as we sat in the kitchen.  Of course being concerned for his safety, we called out to him to see what had happened.  Looking into the door of his bedroom, the bookshelf had tipped over scattering toys and books everywhere.  He was the only one in the room and all indications pointed to his guilt in the situation.  When we asked him what happened he explained quickly, “I didn’t do it.  I was just standing here and it fell.”  Obviously, he was trying to cover up his guilt, but it went even farther.  My son, at age 4, began to blame it on his imaginary friend Luke. 

With the straightest face in the world, he looked up at us, his eyes twinkling with imagination and crafted an unbelievable story about his friend who was invisible, and maybe he was climbing up the shelf and knocked it over.  Well, I did what any father would do.  I told him that Luke could not play at our house anymore if he was going to do dangerous things like that.  He would have to stay outside, because we don’t want things in the house getting broken when Luke climbs on them.  My son’s response was one of responsibility, “Okay, Dad, I’ll tell him for you.”  Luke hasn’t visited us in quite awhile, but I’m pretty sure he taught our son how to climb shelves, because that hasn’t stopped.

Making mistakes is natural.  It happens every day to every one of us.  As hard as we try to do the right things, we are going to mess it up from time to time.  Life is filled with temptations and it takes a strong will to resist giving in to them.  In our weakness we are prone to succumb to our human desires and emotions, resulting in separation from God’s perfect will in our life.  The scripture captures God and heaven as a place of perfection (
Matthew 5:48) to which no unrighteous, sinful man is capable of entering.  We are all born into sin though, which originates from Adam and Eve.  Because of our inherent sinful nature, we are all prone to living in a state of sin in our life.  This causes a huge chasm between the perfection required by God the Father and His children (us).  Jesus Christ was not born of man, but of the Holy Spirit, thereby separating Him from mankind’s original sin.  Through His perfect life He taught us who God is and what God expects from us.  He was sent from God the Father with the sole purpose of ushering us into God’s plan of salvation. The fact that God has provided a way for us to overcome our sin and join Him in eternity demonstrates His huge love and desire for us. 

Just as any father watches over the safety of his children and throughout life teaches them to follow rules, be truthful and love others; God in heaven is teaching us the same.  There are many excuses and others we can blame for the sin in our life, but we must realize God sees and knows all things.  He knows we are sinful, yet still loves us.  He knows we cannot overcome our propensity to sin, but gave us a path to heaven anyway.  We don’t deserve to enter His perfect kingdom, but He wants us regardless.  This is the grace of our Lord.

Loving Father,
You have provided for our every need.  You have forgiven our sins and provided a way for us to cross the chasm of unrighteousness and join You in eternity.  We lay our sins at the foot of the cross and look to You saving grace.  Build in us the strength to overcome our sinful nature and give back to You the love You deserve.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

14 Days of God's Love - Day 9 - Here Comes the Bride

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”  – 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
As those gathered quiet themselves and find their seats, the Minister looks down over the congregation and then directs his eyes to the front row.  Tears are ever present on the delicate cheeks of the woman seated right near the center of the aisle as her husband sits next to her and take her hand in his.  He provides strength and compassion as all eyes focus on the couple at the front of the church.  The Minister opens his bible to 1 Corinthians 13 and begins to recite the all too familiar verse describing the love of the Father.  The soon to be married couple hear some of the words, but the butterflies in their stomach, and the nervousness that they feel take their attention away from his words.  They are focused more on getting through this service and onto the rest of their life together. 

Many of us have been there, standing in the front of the church, all eyes upon us as we recited our vows of love for one another.  The words of Paul the Apostle have become a standard part of most weddings in an attempt to describe the act of loving one another as God has loved us.  This is not a new verse to most of you, but it is a verse that is often times overlooked as we build a marriage relationship centered on the heart of God the Father.  These verses capture the keys to a successful marriage: “Love each other as much as God loves the other person and your marriage will be long and fruitful”

Love is patient and this is absolutely necessary in a marriage.  The other person will have a different and unique personality from you, and you will have to be patient to accept them for who God made them to be.

Love is kind – it all starts with kindness.  In every situation, the first thing we should focus on is kindness and in doing so realize that God is kind to us in all things.  Kindness is highly under-rated when it comes to relationships, yet such a strong power for building trust between two people.

Love does not envy, even when you feel cheated out of something.  God has blessed you and your focus needs to be on being grateful for what you have been given, not what your neighbor may have.
Love is not boastful or proud.  We all struggle with pride from time to time.  It is a tool of the evil one to separate individuals from one another and from God.  It requires that one focus their attention on themselves, lifting their qualities up and in doing so, pressing down upon others.  We are all created equal and in God’s eyes there is no hierarchy of importance, therefore there is no room for boasting or being prideful.

Love does not dishonor another individual.  In a marriage we should be looking for ways to lift up our spouse and bring honor to them through our words and actions.  So often I see spouses pointing out the shortcomings and problems with each other rather than focusing on the positives.  When God looks at any of us, He sees who He made us to be, not who we have become.  When you look upon your spouse, focus on the fact that they are a child of God and when you speak about them you are reflecting an image of the Father to those that are listening.

Love is not self-seeking.  Studies have shown that the number one reason for divorce is selfishness.  People in general want happiness and joy for themselves first.  Putting another’s needs ahead of our own is difficult and counter-culture.  Society has taught us to look out for number one because nobody else is going to.  God teaches us to serve one another and humble ourselves before His throne.  The contradiction is evident and requires a conscious choice in every situation.  When we place our own needs above the needs of the marriage, we are destined to slide down this slippery slope.  This is an area that requires strict attention and work from both members of a marriage.

Love is not angered easily, regardless of the situation.  Controlling ones temper is an example of maturity in the Lord.  During the courtship and dating phase of a relationship it seems so easy to bite your tongue when the other person says or does something wrong.  Something changes though when we put the wedding band on the finger as if all of a sudden the individuals are no longer working together, but are against each other.  My wife has a subtle way of reminding me of this when we are having a difference of opinion.  “We are on the same team.”  This little phrase is a quick reminder that the situation is not bigger than the commitment we made to God and to each other.  The “team” consists of the three of us: God, Lisa and me; and there is no room for fighting amongst the team.

Love keeps not record of wrong-doing.  God forgives and forgets, why then can’t we.  Human nature is generally forgiving, but it is something completely different to forget.  Our memories hold onto those things that cause hurt or pain in our life as a defense mechanism for the future.  Unfortunately, this hanging on causes the pain to resurface again in the future, long after the actual event has been washed away.  We must learn to let go of the past, for if God has forgotten it, who are we to hold onto it?

These words take all of about 15 seconds to read during the wedding ceremony, but when put to use throughout the marriage can help sustain, for a lifetime, what God has brought together.  As we draw near to Valentines day, focus your attention on how God loves you in these ways, and how you should be loving your spouse likewise.
Loving Father,
Thank you for giving us marriage counseling throughout Your scriptures.  Help us to put these principles in place in our relationships with each other and with You.  Help us to pause and reflect on how we can improve our love for each other through Your word as provided by Paul the Apostle.  Let Your words convict our hearts and minds, and let our lives be forever changed.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

14 Days of God's Love - Day 8 - Mighty To Save

“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.”  – Zephaniah 3:17
One of the most popular Christian songs of 2009 was Mighty to Save, written by Reuben Morgan in 2006.  It has been sung in churches and choirs all over the world for the last five years and continues to be one of the most widely known contemporary Christian songs because it speaks of the deep need of mankind to find compassion.  We are all in need of someone to love us without condemnation, without opinion and without judgment.  We need to feel that there is someone out there that will accept us as we are and loves us enough to die for us.  People want to believe that God is there and will save them from themselves.  We want to trust that He will love us, despite our choices and mistakes in life. 

God’s justice will one day fall upon the world.  In that day we will be lifted up and held close to His chest.  Those of us who have fallen upon our knees and proclaimed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Almighty, will be sifted from the rest and brought before the Lord clean, spotless and redeemed.  In that day the Lord will judge the nations and every knee will bow before His great throne.  Those who have denied Him and those who have blasphemed Him will be judged without the compassion of the Savior.  The strongholds of the opposition will be broken and they will be left helpless against God’s wrath and fierce anger.

God is filled with compassion for those who call upon His name.  We will be forgiven of our wrong doing, and shown mercy and grace.  Eternity is open for the children of God, despite our transgressions because He has made a way.  He has unlocked the doors to heaven for His people to enter in.  Through Jesus Christ, He has provided the redeeming grace. 

The reason this song speaks so strongly to millions of people around the world is because it provides hope in the truth of the Lord.  What we have learned through the scriptures is exemplified through the lyrics of this song and makes a connection with God’s children.  The first time I heard the song at Fellowship of the Woodlands, I was brought to tears.  It spoke so deeply to my heart that God loves me enough to move mountains and every other obstacle in my path, until I am left alone with Him.  Jesus Christ conquered the grave and death.  He defeated Satan in that day and will one day return to defeat him in the final battle.  In God you have hope and a love that’s never ending.

Loving Father,
Today let us walk in Your light of glory.  Let Your compassion be known in our hearts and in our minds.  Fill us with Your love that we might share it with others and that they might see You through us.  I draw upon the hope of Your saving grace through Your Son, who rose from the grave and conquered death.  You provided a path of salvation for me because of Your incredible love for me, and I thank You with all of my heart.  In Your name we pray – Amen