Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Know Who You Are

“Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?””  – Mark 8:27
I was walking the halls at work one day and ran into a gentleman that I knew from many years ago.  It was one of those moments when you look at someone for a brief second and realize that you know them, but for some reason can’t remember their name.  I felt this strong conviction to stop and catch up with him, but didn’t.  This gentlemen and I gave a nod and went on our way without a conversation or dialogue, just an acknowledgement that we knew each other.  As our paths drew farther apart though his name clicked in my mind.  Now the question, do I go back and acknowledge him with a more formal greeting or do I continue down the path I was upon and let that circumstance pass?  I chose the later, but I must say I felt convicted by it for the rest of the day and into the following day.  For one reason or another I could not let it go, and it was one of those convictions that makes you feel guilty the longer you wait.  For some unexplained reason I looked his number up in the online directory at work and proceeded to dial his office.  I was ready to confront my guilt and lay it out there for him in an apology for passing him by earlier.  When the phone was answered, I was completely caught off guard though.  The voice on the other end was not his voice but the voice of his secretary, who stated; “Vice President Williams office, may I help you?” 

I asked to speak with him, and she asked if I had an appointment.  To which I replied; “No, I just needed a few minutes to chat.”  This was certainly much more difficult than I expected it to be.
She responded with another question, “What’s this regarding?” 
I so much wanted to hang up the phone but didn’t.  “It’s a personal matter.” 
She let my phone call go through.  When he picked up the phone, his voice seemed very different than I remembered, more confident and authoritative.  We said our hellos and I proceeded to apologize for passing him by earlier.  He stated, “I know.  I could sense that you couldn’t remember my name.  After we passed the gentlemen walking with me asked if I knew you.  I answered him yes and proceeded to tell him how you had given me advice one time, and because of that advice I had made a career choice, which led to the office of VP.”  He continued, “You see Rich, to you I was just another person in the path of your life; but to me – you were the catalyst that made me realize just what I wanted to become.  I could never forget your name.  The other day when we passed, I was hoping you would stop so I could thank you for your advice, but I realize you are very busy and had something else on your mind at the time.”  We chatted for a few more moments and caught up on our respective life.  A few years have now past and we haven’t spoken again since, but the impact of that phone call will stay with me forever.

Folks, we never know how much we may be influencing others in our conversations and advice.  Every person you meet will have a story to tell about you, based solely on that encounter.  You may never know the impact you have on someone’s life based on the words you say or the actions you demonstrate. If you think back over your life’s path, I’m sure there were those that influenced your career decisions and choices to lead you directly to where you are.  It is likely that many of them do not even know the impact they had on your life, lest you take a moment to thank them.  So what are we sharing with others when the opportunities present themselves?  Or better yet, who are we sharing?

Walking in the light of Jesus Christ is important at all times, because others are taking notice and making decisions in their life based on who and what they see in you.  It is difficult to demonstrate the love and confidence of Jesus Christ in our daily walk unless we are consistently building that relationship with Him.  It is so important to know who Jesus Christ is to you.  What does His life, His ministry and His promises mean to you?  In today’s world people are making choices as to who this man is, and based on those choices they are influencing those around them to believe likewise.  If someone were to ask another person about you, would it be known that you are a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God?  That is my desire, my goal in life.  What do you want people to say about you when someone asks them, “Who is that?”  Know who you are, and then live up to that in the public’s eye; and be rest assured God will use your words and actions for His purpose.

Heavenly Father,
Let Your words be upon my lips as I communicate with others.  Let Your actions be in control of my feet and hands as I do Your work.  Let Your love show through everything I do, so You are seen by all of those around me.  In Your name we pray – Amen

©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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