Monday, September 17, 2012

Holding Daddy’s Hand

“How precious is Your loving kindness, O God!  And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.”  Psalm 36:7

 His hand has grown 10x it’s original size, according to the averages in the US, from birth through the age of 7.  Yet, it barely fills the palm of my hand when we hold them next to each other.  When we are in a busy place or by a road, my hand naturally opens, and his is always right there to grab ahold of it.  I wrap my fingers around his small fingers tightly, but not too tight.  It is my way of ensuring that he is protected, he is not lost nor in harm's way when I am holding his hand.  It’s no different with any of my other children or grandchildren.  There is something comforting about holding their hand and guiding their direction away from the obstacles in life.

 If you’ve been watching the unfolding events over the last week or so you are likely feeling somewhat vulnerable, angered and perhaps even confused.  The hatred, the anger and the violence that has erupted throughout the Middle East was predictable, yet we must realize that our Father knows how to protect His children and to guide them to safety and peace.  The times that we live in will continue to be tumultuous and the uprisings and rage will escalate as the true battle’s in life become more tense.  These events are simply an outward display of a war that has raged for centuries and millennium.  We see it much more transparent because of the media and the digital media coverage that has made it available globally.

Understand that the battle between those of the Islam faith and those of the Jewish faith and those of the Christian faith is ancient.  Those radicals that seek out the death and destruction of the others are in the minority and do not represent the loving kindness of the Father.  You see, they are worthy of God’s grace as much as you are.  Although confused through their culture and upbringing, they are no less loved than you and I by their Creator.  God’s love is unchanging and equally available to all mankind, yes, even those that are battling against Him.  God is our salvation and His plans will persist despite the efforts of mankind.

Trust in His word, and realize that He knows exactly what is going on, even though you and I don’t.  In Ezekiel 36, 37, 38 and 39; he prophesied about the war against Israel in the end days.  He wrote those prophetic books over 2500 years ago, and we see it unraveling today as all eyes are upon Israel, and those that wish to annihilate that little piece of land of 8 thousand sq miles (the size of New Jersey, USA).  Some discount it as rubbish, but those of us who know that God is in control of all things look at the events of late and realize that Ezekiel’s prophecies and visions have merit to them.  We are His children, and can trust that He is our protector through these events.  Do not lose sight of His eternal plan as you get lost in the mire and confusion of the media around you.  There is nothing that is going on that our Lord has not already planned for, so seek refuge under His wings and hold on to His hand and He will guide you and I through these obstacles and into our eternal future with Him.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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