Sunday, December 1, 2013

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker" – Psalm 95:6
Christmas carols are one of my favorite parts of this season.  I love walking the malls and shops whistling a cherished hymn and just observing the glances from others hurrying about their busyness, trying to get that perfect gift.  A simple tune will often slow them down with a look, a smile and in some cases a comment of Christmas cheer.  Worshiping the Savior of the world shouldn’t be something that is done at Christmas only.  We need to make this a part of our life and our year.

David wrote of this in Psalm 95.  Come to the Lord – notice how this is an action, it is not waiting for God to come and find you, but for you to seek out the Lord and come before Him.  The three kings sought out the Christ child based on their knowledge of the scriptures, the signs and prophecies and the Bethlehem star.  The came to worship Him as a baby, knowing full well that He was the Messiah and would save them from eternal separation from the Father.  Secondly, David tells us to do 3 things when we come before the Lord: 1) Bow down ; 2) Kneel and 3) Worship.  Bowing, especially in a prostrate position acknowledges Christ as the source of power and knowledge.  This says that we are awaiting the direction, the influence and the command of Him, who is in control.  Kneeling places one in a position of supplication or servant, and demonstrates respect and honor for the One in authority.  We count ourselves as nothing in His presence.  Lifting up worship through our words, song, praise and actions is our way of glorifying Him who deserves it, and draws away from ourselves in the act.  We are honored to be in His presence and it needs to show in our gratitude and reverence.

We must respect those that have demonstrated the proper approach to the Father, and learn from them.  The three kings knelt before the baby Jesus and we ought to be doing the same out of respect and honor.  These wisest of all men in that day, knew from David, Isaiah, Daniel, Joshua and others how to worship the King of Kings.  Make this a part of your daily routine this Christmas, kneel at night to say your prayers, humble your heart and truly worship God each day.  See the difference it will make in your life and those around you.
Oh Come let us adore him,
Oh Come let us adore him,
Oh Come let us adore him – Christ the Lord.
Wonderful Father,
Thank you for the examples throughout Your scriptures of the Saints and Prophets coming before You.  Thank you for the demonstration of how to humble ourselves in reverence in Your presence.  Help us to acknowledge You in all things and to lift all of our praise and adoration to You.  Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2013
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