Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Don't be Deceived

Selfishness is inherent in each of us.  Just read the news this week and you’ll see it everywhere you turn.  People are doing everything they can to make it “all about me”, yet at the same time praise God in the very next breath.  Seriously?  I’m intentionally not being detailed about the “who” in this reference, because it’s easy enough to find several examples today alone where we are bringing the attention to our-self rather than pushing all the glory to God above. 

Politicians, Televangelists, Music artists, actors/actresses, Sport heros, your kids, my kids, your friends at work just to name a few.  It’s endearing to hear a celebrity stand on a stage and praise God for their success, and give Him the appropriate glory He deserves.  But, follow this same celebrity when they walk out of the spotlight and they are living 100% for themselves and all that they can achieve.  It has become obvious that many are using a faith in God as a marketing tool to expand their customer base into the religious circles of the world.  Preying on the gullibility of the Christian population, to enhance their exposure and image, and thereby expand their wallet by doing so.

How do you know someone is a Christian?  Is it because they claim to believe?  Is it because they go to church?  Is it because they say they will pray for you?  Is it because the “Thank God”?  The scriptures tell us “15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.”  (Matthew 7:15-17 NASB)  A Christian is continuously a work in progress to become more like Christ.  Their works represent that of Jesus Christ, as our representation of God in the flesh.

He wears a Cross, He points to heaven when something good happens, He lowers his eyes and demonstrates praying when people are watching.  Yet, he stands on stage in sagging pants, underwear near his genitals, no shirt, tats of skulls, naked women and profanities adorn his chest, arms and back; sunglasses, spiked bracelets and sings out words of disgust and vileness about sexual perversion, killing policeman, doing drugs and living without abandon.  I ask you, not to be the judge for there is only one judge and that is Jesus Christ, if this man falls off the stage and breaks his neck tonight, is he going to heaven?

Authentic salvation changes your heart, your outlook and your intentions.  Every moment is spent living for the Lord and His Kingdom.  Actions (fruit) will demonstrate the existence of Christ in your life.  Your words are uplifting, loving, righteous and bring glory to God.  Your hands are busy helping others, serving, expanding His Kingdom.  Embracing His purpose, His presence and His love; and then sharing it with everyone.  The scripture in Matthew 7:22-23 continues: “22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’”

God’s not playing games folks.  You are going to die and stand before Him one day. He cannot be fooled by our actions or words.  He knows your heart and the truth that lies within.  Do not focus on yourself, but focus on others and how God can use you to help them.  Then, you will truly begin to see just who Jesus really is and how very much He loves you.
(c) Sondove Enterprises, 2015

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