Monday, June 1, 2015

Fact or Fiction: You must decide

If there is empirical evidence of David’s existence and empirical evidence of Paul (the Apostle) existence, then why do some people find it so hard to accept that there was a man Jesus Christ that lived between these two men in a historical context?  We’ve never seen Paul, we’ve never seen David, we’ve seen the results of their lives though by traveling through the mountains and cities of the Middle East and along the Mediterranean Sea.  Hard evidence has been uncovered that both of these men and countless others from Biblical reference actually walked where the scriptures say they walked and did the things the scriptures say they did.

Most read the Bible like a fairy tale, a story, a soliloquy of what the early years of this planet were like.  They read of wars, of adventures, or life and death, of love and lust, of truth and deceit and victory and defeat.  They read of the struggles of mankind in a world run by the Supernatural, the omniscient presence of God.  But, have you ever opened the Bible as if you were reading a history book, a newspaper or a first hand diary of those who walked and talked with the most high?

The Bible has been translated 1000’s of times and many say the original text and meanings have been lost.  Although it is true that there are translations in the hundreds of languages, accuracy statistics have demonstrated very little statistical inaccuracies between translations to the original Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek.  I am not a Bible scholar, so there is no way for me to tell you how to do this comparison or what was found, but I can tell you that I have walked the streets of Jerusalem, Capernaum, Haifa and Jericho.  I have been to Masada, Nazareth, Mt Carmel and King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem and his stables in the hills of Megiddo.  These places are very real and are exactly as described in the Biblical references.

We tend to take the parts of the Bible that are easy to accept and then set aside that which requires us to stretch our faith.  We believe in Paul because the scriptures accurately depict the exact scene of his preaching to those in Athens, Ephesus and Corinth, down to the description of buildings that are still there today.  Yet, we read the scriptures of Jesus Christ birth, life, death and resurrection and claim that it is fantasy; symbolic or even created hundreds of years later by those trying to deceive the world. 

By believing the Biblical accuracy of Jesus Christ life, death, burial and resurrection; we must then also believe in His purpose and the truths that He shared through His gospel.  If we take this leap, than it requires that we give up control of what we have and who we are in order to follow Him.  It is my belief that this is why so many argue the existence of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, because it requires an action that most are unwilling to partake of.  The Bible is either 100% true or it is fairy tales.  I’ve walked the steps of the Saints and can without hesitation commit to you today, it is 100% truth.  You must decide for yourself though.

(c) Sondove Enterprises, 2015

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