Monday, July 6, 2015

A Daily Walk

If you were asked about the greatest sin in your life, what would it be?

Adultery, Pornography, Lying, Stealing, Hatred, Greed, Anger, Envy, Self-Righteousness, Murder, Drugs, Drinking, Abuse, Homosexuality, Blasphemy, Cursing, Gambling, Selfishness and Pride; just too name a few.  You must all agree that these are all sinful actions against a Holy and Perfect God, and this is just off the top of my head.  If Jesus Christ came to die as the propitiation for the sins of all men, as stated in 1 Peter 3:18; “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit”; then who are we to say that one of these sins is greater than the other.  For in saying this, then one must expect that there is another action coming by which the greater of these sins is washed away.  Otherwise we have limited and minimized the saving grace offered up by the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Do you then believe that Christ died for your sins (some of those mentioned above), so that you can spend eternity with Him and the Father in heaven; but this same act (Christ’s death) is not sufficient to cover other sins mentioned above?  If your belief is true, than have you not place limitations on the saving grace of our Lord?  Salvation comes from belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, but coupled with the act of repentance.  This means sin no more.  Jesus told the woman caught in adultery; “And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.””  {John 8:11}  We must acknowledge our sinful actions and turn from them, relying on and trusting in the strength of the Lord to overcome our weak flesh and desire to continue in our sin.  This is true with every sin. 

Accept that only through the Holy Spirit can we take hold of our addictions, our transgressions and turn away from them.  This goes for the simplest of sinful action to the greatest.  Continuing in our sinful action suggests that we are still holding onto our fleshly desires rather than repenting of them.  We all have sinned, yes, even you; and must decide if we will continue in our sin or walk from it.  Our choice in this matter says a lot about our desire to live for God Almighty or to live for ourselves.  Before we condemn another in their sinful action, perhaps we should all take a very good look at our own, and where we are in overcoming them.  This is a daily walk with the Lord close by your side to help overcome our weaknesses.  

1 comment:

  1. Rich....I do this way too often...trying to justify my sins versus what others have done. I try to convince myself that what I have done cannot be as bad as others. Who is it really hurting? Who is it really affecting? As you mentioned though, a sin is a sin "from the simplest sinful action to the greatest."

    Also, there is a message on the marquee outside of one of the churches in our town that states, "Daily Exercise with God...Run from Satan and Walk with the Lord. Great Message Today!!
