Wednesday, February 13, 2019

14 Days of Love – Day 14 – God is Love

 “God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son, that whosoever should believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
Happy Valentines Day.  Today is the day that millions of people will go to any means to express to their spouse, children, parents, and friends that they love them.  Some will give flowers, some will give candy and still, others will give jewelry.  It represents a need deep inside every one of us to feel loved and to hear from others that we are loved.  But what about the giver?  How do they benefit from the giving?  I, for one, love giving gifts.  I love seeing the joy and happiness that is derived from receiving gifts that I have put thought and effort into.  It’s not just physical gifts though.  In many cases, it’s serving and helping others, without their knowledge or request.  Taking a warm bowl of soup to a homeless person, or buying the lunch for a soldier before they head off to serve our country.  It warms the heart to do something for others, without any visible gain from it, but often times an enormous spiritual and emotional gain. 
A simple example happened to me just today.  I came out of the store with several things in my shopping basket.  I arrived at my car, and proceeded to load them into the backseat.  As I stood to push my cart back down the parking lot to the cart return area, a gentlemen looked up from his car and walked toward me.  “Are you all set there, you want me to take that for you?”  He then proceeded to push my cart 100 feet down the aisle to the cart return area and then walked back to his car.

Certainly, one of the most recognized verses in the entire bible is John 3:16.  Its popularity has been broadcast worldwide on sporting events, from concerts, journalistic events and a plethora of other entertainment events.  Where it could be predicted that millions, if not billions, would be watching there was always someone who was willing to stand up for God and in doing so spread His good news.  This one scripture sums up God’s plan of salvation for mankind.  To once again draw them close to His side, He took it upon Himself to bridge the gap. 

God so loved the world.  I tell my wife, “I Love You Most” and it comes from deep within.  The deepest feelings I have for anyone in this world are shared with one person only.  This love exemplifies the emotional as well as physical love that brings two souls together.  One step removed is the love I have for my children, grandchildren, parents, and family, often greeted with “I Love You More”.  I would cross the ocean, desert or tundra to help any single one of them, because we share a bond of blood that cannot be reversed or unseeded, there will always be an emotional tie between family.  Finally, there is the love I have for my friends.  A love that is bound by values and life’s experiences.  A loving relationship that develops stronger over time.  Do I love the world?  Could I?  Certainly not.  Trying to put logic around God’s statement of loving the world, one must first realize that God is omnipotent and omnipresent and solely capable of loving every person in the world at the same time with the same depth.  Without first accepting this fact, one can never fully embrace God’s ability to love the world and everyone in it.

God gave His one and only Son.  I have 5 children and 5 Grandchildren, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for them.  I would give up my own life before putting any of them in harm's way, so I can’t fathom the type of love that is referred to here.  How can a loving God ever consider sending His Son to become the sacrifice for all mankind?  It wasn’t that God sent His Son to die, for this result was predetermined and God knew the glorious events that would unfold 3 days afterward.  It was the pain, temptation, suffering, rejection, humiliation, and degradation that Jesus Christ would have to endure leading up to Calvary.  Jesus even asked for another way but ensured his Father that if not, he would follow through.  God gave His Son to establish a path of salvation for mankind and to demonstrate the love of the Father for everyone forever more.

The path to eternity was clearly articulated in John 3:16.  “..whosoever believes in Him, will not perish, but have eternal life.”  It seems straight forward.  Many claim that they don’t understand the Christian faith and all of the rules and guidelines.  They don’t comprehend the differences between Catholicism, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Methodist, Calvinistic or Reformed Baptists.  Partially because of these differences the world has been led to believe that there are many paths to heaven.  The truth comes from the scriptures.  Salvation is derived from believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Messiah, and will return one day to bring His children home.

When we reflect on the last 14 days of devotionals on God’s Love for mankind, it all boils down to one thing, which is captured in 1 John 4:8;
“…God is Love.”  That sums it up.  You can’t escape this definition of God, for everything we understand of love – emotions, serving others, words of affection, time with one another, and even the physical touch; it all stems from what God has given us through His Son - Jesus Christ.

Loving Father,
You have given us love.  You have shown us the truth in how to love one another and the future in how to receive salvation.  You have given us Your Son to teach us and to demonstrate Your unending love which is available to all mankind.  We rejoice in knowing that You love us and want us to be with You in heaven.  Thank You, Father, for providing a path of redemption, sanctification and eternity in Your presence.  I tell my wife, “I Love You” and it comes from deep within.  The deepest feelings I have for anyone in this world are shared with only one person.  One step removed is the love I have for my children and grandchildren. In Your name we pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2019
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