Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Key

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
"It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in people." – Psalm 118:8

I sat on the rocking chair looking out at the God’s perfect ocean.  It was late in the evening and the sun was just above the horizon, casting brilliant hues of pink, orange, yellow and red over the dark blue, purple and aqua of the water.  White crested waves crashed against the sand and rocks of the jagged Pacific coastline.  The day had been filled with stressful meetings and the disappointing news that we had not won the deal.  The others that I traveled with on this particular trip had gone back to their rooms to dwell in the missed opportunity.  I could have done the same, Lord knows there were 100’s of e-mails waiting for me in my Inbox.  But, I needed to be reassured that everything was still okay, and there was not one single e-mail that would have convinced me of that.

As always, I knew I would find God at the ocean’s edge.  I could find Him in the beauty, magnificence and power of the Sun disappearing beyond the edge of the vastness of the water.  It calmed my spirit to just realize that I am a part of His day, and that regardless of what occurs during the day, He has control of it all.  The world is still rotating, the sun is still in the sky and God still hovers over the ocean just as He did on day one.  When I’m at the oceans edge at sunset I observe the originality of God’s creation:

  1. Depths of Waters in darkness and God created light, separating darkness from light
  2. God created the sky to separate the waters above and below
  3. God created land amidst the waters below, and vegetation on that land
  4. God created lights in the skies – to give light to the earth, and to determine time.  The greatest light for the day and the lesser light for the night
  5. God created animals in the sea and in the air
  6. God created animals on the land and then God created mankind in His image to rule over the animals and the vegetation of the land.
  7. God rested in all of His goodness having created perfection
All of this is captured in the stillness, quietness and majesty of sitting and looking out over the ocean.  It brings me back to a place where I am not depending on what happens in a day’s activities.  It brings me to a place where I can remember that God created all of this and controls it all.  I am but just one part of His amazing plan, and I must not forget that my trust lies in Him, not in mankind.

When I am not near a beach or ocean or majestic mountain though, I can always turn to the exact center of the bible and find a reminder that God is in control, not mankind.  Psalm 118:8 is the very center of God’s word and the key scripture to understanding God. I suggest you put a marker there in your bible, so you can always find a quiet place and quickly reflect on this scripture when the world is closing in.  Be blessed. 

Loving Father,
You are my amazing creator.  You fill my mind with righteousness and my heart with love.  You have created this world perfectly for us to live in and serve You.  Let us not lose sight of that as we are attacked daily by life’s problems.  We rest in knowing that you are in control of all things and know us very well.  Bless me Lord, that I might live long in Your service and praise You throughout my life.  In Your name we pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2019
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