Saturday, February 2, 2019

14 Days of Love – Day 2 – Baby, It’s Cold Outside

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”   John 13:34-35
This morning with the Polar Vortex (whatever that is) upon the entirety of our country, I recall a memory from when we had just moved to Florida, years ago. I had just left the office.  It was late, probably well after 11 PM, but I had put the final touches on the presentation and the meeting in the morning was going to be a slam-dunk.  I had been working on the project for well over 8 months and finally we were ready to reveal it to the executives, and if they approved it we would get our funding.  As I walked out the door into the parking garage, I noticed it was darker than I expected and much colder.   Having not worn a jacket this day, I was freezing by the time I reached my car.  It was one of those nights when you could see your breath as it seemed to hang just in front of you.  This didn’t change, even when I shut the door and started the engine.  It had been 60 degrees that morning, but a Nordic cold front had moved in the temperature dropped to the 20’s.  Yes, it even get’s cold in Florida in the winter months, nothing like we are all experiencing now, but cold none the less.

I sat in my car a few minutes waiting for the temperature to warm up.  Finally, the vents were blowing full blast and warm air started to ease the shivering.  I proceeded to leave the work campus out onto the service drive next to I-4.  As I drove under the highway I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Where did all of these people come from?  There were at least a hundred people lying close together under the highway with cardboard, plastic bags, and newspapers covering them.  The only protection they had that night from the bitter chill in the air was whatever they could find laying on the ground during the day.  They lay close together so their body warmth would help, but even then they had to be freezing.  I was froze just walking 5 minutes to my car, these people had to endure this weather for the next 8 to 10 hours until the sun came up.

Do you ever have one of those moments when you come to realize just how unbelievably blessed you really are.  There are millions of people every day living in the streets around the world.  The homeless population is not going down, but just the opposite, it’s getting worse.  This includes those that are in shelters, but the number of beds in shelters is pretty static and therefore the number of people on the streets are increasing dramatically.  Many reasons cause homelessness including: violent and abusive relationships, financial hardship, drug addictions, mental illness and teenage runaways.  In many cases the individuals on the streets are not there because they chose it, they are there because of a series of events that left them without financial means and no ability to recover.

Regardless of the reason for their arrival in this situation in life, we have an obligation to love them.  Their status, their lack of home ownership or ability to have a job does not differentiate them from you and me in God’s eyes.  His love is indeterminate and immutable.  It has no condition and cannot be changed.  The love that is given to You from God the Father is equally available to the person without a home to lay their head.  Consider the fact that Jesus Christ never owned a home {Matthew 8:20}.  He was taken in by those around Him every night, or slept under the stars I imagine.  We must be able to look at the homeless living around and amongst us and find ways to bring them comfort, peace and love.

How do we demonstrate God’s love to those who have no internet, no TV, no bible and are often times not ignored and forgotten?  We must go to them.  They are not inclined to come to your door and ask for help, and the shelters can only hold so many.  Showing God’s love is the one thing we can do by simply reaching out to them in their environment.  Here is my recommendation.  If you have the means, put 4 to 5 blankets in your trunk, and a few bags of non-perishable easy to open food items, along with some hygiene products and feminine products.  Keep this supply of items in your car, so that the next time you drive by a homeless person you can do something to share God’s love.  Hand them the blanket or bag, give them a blessing from God (as simple as “God loves you and wanted me to give this to you) and then most importantly pray for that person.  Then replenish the supply in your car for the next opportunity that comes along.  We can all make a difference in the lives of those around us, simply by taking the time to do something.

Loving Father,
We lift up those around us that are hurting.   Those that are homeless, hungry and hurting today.  Give us Your wisdom and love to share with Your children that they may come to a deeper understanding of who You are.  We trust in Your guidance to bring these situations to us that we might be of assistance in helping them see a glimpse of Your loving grace.  Help us to put aside our pride, arrogance and self-righteousness and love them as You would love them.   In Your name we pray – Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2019
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  1. WOW Rich...This one hit me right between the eyes. It is what the Good Samaritan would do. Thank you for reminding me that although I am blessed beyond words, I can help others in need by simple gestures such as this.

    1. Chris,
      I'm glad that was able to speak to you. The love of God is in your heart and you are going to bless so many people. Stay true to the needs He places on your heart and then allow Him to work through you. Be blessed my friend.
