Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here I am to Worship

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It

 “And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you give your bodies to God, give your whole life to God because of all He has done for you.  Let them be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind that He will find acceptable.  This is truly the way to worship Him.“ – Romans 12:1

So many people today are seeking purpose, the most common question on the minds of our youth is “Why am I here?”  The reality of man’s purpose on this spinning orb in the Milky Way galaxy has caused many to stop living life aimlessly and become invigorated to pursue life with a passion.  Have you ever taken the time to ponder the possibilities in life beyond the next corner?  Or, are you like most of us and just trying to make it through one more day?

Face it, busyness has enveloped our daily lives and as so often happens, our focus becomes centered around our worries, our concerns and our problems rather than on the One who should be receiving more of our time, not less.  Jesus did not look at Peter and John and say, “Hey, if you’re not too busy, do you want to follow me?”  What did he say in Matthew 4:19 or to Matthew in Matthew 9:9?  Come, Follow Me.”  It wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a suggestion, it was a command.  They did.

Why are you any different?

Come on, this was Peter, John and Matthew.  They were the original disciples and Jesus was standing in their midst.  Of course they followed Him.  They gave everything they had to follow Him though.  Everything.  This is the 21st century, times have changed, life’s not as simple, there are bills to pay, kids need to go to school and so on and so on, right?  Have we chosen that our own life dreams, goals and ambitions are more important than following His call?  I look at my life and realize just that. 

We are called to follow Him and this will not be reduced to a second priority.  The choice we have to make comes down to our desire to pursue our worldly success in life or to pursue His eternal plan.  We must get past the acceptance that it is okay to “dabble” in following Christ.  It’s all in or it’s not.  We look for our purpose in life as if it is going to make us feel complete.  Worshipping God the Father is our purpose in life.  Lifting praise and worship to Him draws us closer to realizing why we are here.  At some point today, we all need to stop and find a quiet moment to simple tell God how much we love Him and worship Him in whatever way you can.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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