Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Small Changes

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
                                                                – Matthew 28:18-20


Don’t over think it.  Many of us are all looking for some great cause to change the world, and make a difference in the lives of millions.  The reality is that we have a great influence right where we are that we overlook every day.  Perhaps we should become great at the small things, before we become good at the large.

Reflect for a moment on the disciples in the New Testament.
  Fishermen – Peter, Andrew, John (son of Zebedee), James (son of Zebedee)
  Tax Collector – Matthew (also called Levi)
  Other Disciples - Thomas, Philip, Judas (of Iscariot), Bartholomew (also called Nathanael), 
        Thaddaeus (also called Jude), Simon and James (son of Alphaeus)

Each of these men were called from very humble, simple lives.  None are documented as being from high positions in society or notoriety at that time.  What each of them have though is a personal calling from the Lord Jesus Christ on their lives.  Each, gave up their life and followed Him.  Were they strangers prior to their meeting with Christ, or had they seen Him walking the hillside and villages near the Sea of Galilee prior to Him calling them?  We don’t really know the answer, but we gather from scripture that when called, they obeyed, without knowing exactly where they were going or what they would be doing.

For nearly three years they followed Jesus through the countryside, around the Sea of Galilee and along the river Jordan.  They ate with Him, walked with Him, conversed and prayed with Him.  They saw Him perform miracles and heal people.  There were times when they tried to protect Him and guide Him, because they thought they knew what was best for Him.  They developed a relationship is what they did, and they did this through interaction and engagement with Him. 

Fast forward 2000 years, and here we are.  Are we so different than those original disciples, called by Jesus to “Follow Me”.  We want to follow Christ, we want to be more engaged with Him and know Him.  We see the good that He brings, we understand His history and teachings to the best of our knowledge.  We are not scholars, but humble men and women in search of a Savior from the depravity and perverse nature of this world.  We have the opportunity to build a relationship with the Son of God, the Holy One, the King of Kings and the Messiah; but are we fully committed to that relationship?

We see the difference that these men made in the world by spreading the gospel and truth following His death and resurrection.  We want to be as impactful, but is that really what is being asked of us.  Matthew 28:19 tells us to go to all the nations and make disciples, teaching them the ways of Jesus.  I propose that this great commission is the calling on all of our lives, if indeed we have given our life to Jesus.  Having said this though, we first need to have a deep relationship with Him so we can fulfil this command. 

This relationship is formed only through daily interactions, engagement and dialogue with God the Father.  Just as with everything that you are passionate about though, you must prepare, you must learn, you must start small and expand your horizons.  You didn’t get to where you are in this life immediately, but rather through pains, struggles and years of learning and growth.  So it is with serving the Lord.  You can start serving in your own home: prayers at the dinner table, praying with your kids, reading the scriptures together with your spouse and children, loving others like Christ loves you and helping your neighbors.  These small steps allow you to see Christ’s work in and around your life, just like the disciples did.  Then, you are ready to expand your territories and influence others around you.

Just like ripples, when a pebble drops into a lake, the concentric circles get bigger and bigger over time.  Your faith is strengthening each and every day you spend with the Lord, so don’t be impatient in serving Him.  Keep in mind, God doesn’t where a watch, and doesn’t think in minutes and hours, but in eternity.  The key is to start doing something though. 

Be Blessed,



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