Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Come, Follow Me

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”- John 16:7

Have you ever considered what it would have been like to walk with Christ for that brief 2 years of His ministry.  There was no limit as too how much the disciples would learn from Him and no end to the confidence that they must have been filled with.  Knowing that they were in the presence of the Messiah, in the flesh, must have been overwhelming to most of them as it would be today.  Imagine that Jesus Christ walked the earth today.  Wouldn’t you seek Him out and want to walk with Him, wherever He was going?  I would not hesitate to pack my things, put my family on a plane and go to wherever He was preaching.  Think about it for just a moment.  Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Brian Houston and the 100’s of incredible Ministers, Preachers and Christian Music artists fill an auditorium with ten to twenty thousand people every weekend.  How many more would show up if the one and only Son of God were preaching on stage?  I propose you couldn’t build an auditorium large enough.  We are all that thirsty for the opportunity to connect with the Savior of the World. 

That’s just it though.  We want to connect, but do we want to commit? In
Matthew 19:21. Jesus told the rich man, “First, go and sell all that you have, then come and follow me.”  The rich man went away rejected and saddened, knowing that he could not give up everything he had worked so hard to accumulate.  Peter, John, James, Andrew, Paul, Matthew and Mark are all examples of those who left everything they had to follow the Messiah.  Would we be so willing today?  Does God ask us too?

Jesus Christ promised He would return one day to draw up to Him those who have accepted His salvation. (
1 Thes. 4:17)  We do not have the privilege of walking this earth side by side with Jesus Christ in the flesh.  But, we often fail to realize that we are walking daily with Christ through the Holy Spirit.  He brought the Holy Spirit to live within each of us until He returns.  Why?  Why was this such an important part of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ?  You see, I propose that Jesus knew, with incredible depth, the hearts and weaknesses of mankind, that He knew we would be lost without God’s presence personally.  The Holy Spirit is completely God, completely Jesus Christ and lives in you.  Yes – in your heart, if you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 

This Holy Spirit provides the same love, grace, mercy, strength, courage, wisdom, direction, guidance and passion that Christ in the flesh gave to the 1st century AD people of Israel.  We must come to the awareness and acceptance that we are walking with God in every part of our life and that this Holy Spirit is here as our helper just as Christ was for the disciples.  Quit looking here or there for Jesus Christ and look within for the Holy Spirit, whom Christ gave to you until His return.  Experience the purpose of following Christ without having to travel around the world to do it.  Choose to live out the call upon your life to follow Him, and just do it.

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the Holy Spirit dwelling within my heart.  Thank You for providing a comforter, counselor and helper to guide my life in line with Your desires.  Help me to remain righteous and to understand how best I might serve You through my life.  Holy Spirit speak to me in ways that only You can, and help me find peace in serving You wholeheartedly.
In Jesus name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
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