Monday, November 28, 2011

Who's Looking Up to You?

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

"Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king."  - 1 Peter 2:17

I want you to think back over the span of your life. Perhaps that's 20 years, perhaps it's 70. In this time frame you have had the opportunity to observe others behaviors, character, integrity and life story. Right now I want you to picture the single person who influenced your life with goodness in these areas. Can you see that person, is your memory drifting back to a time when that person impacted your life. Perhaps they were a coach, a pastor, a teacher, a friend, a parent or friend's parent, or perhaps someone more distant like the President or civil leader. Ask yourself this one question - "Did you respect that person?"

Now, I want you to do something similar and picture the single person who brought you down, disrespected you, lacked character or integrity and seemed infatuated with causing you pain. Can you see that person, his/her face. Ask yourself this one question - "Can I forgive that person?"

We are told in 1 Peter to respect everyone, love your brother, fear God and to honor the king. Why is it that we have a hard time respecting and loving others? I believe it comes down to the scale we place them on. When we look at someone’s character and life story through our own eyes it is easy to see their faults and weaknesses compared to what we know goodness and righteousness should look like. If we held up a mirror though would we use the same measuring stick against our own life. Perhaps we should try to see them through God's eyes.

Now, I ask you, "Can God love someone even if that person is unlovable?" (eg. person #2 above) I think you would agree with me that the answer is pretty obvious yes. The second part of the question then is "Do you believe God loves that person as much as He loves you?" We learn through the teachings of Paul, Peter and John that Jesus Christ died for the redemption of all man's sins. Not for some, not for only the good ones or the little ones, but All. Who are we to try and put judgment and hierarchy against the sins of man. By doing so we are basically stating that God's love and forgiveness has limitations as to how much sin He is willing to forgive. This is a dangerous slope that many will use to their benefit and continue to sin, knowing that God will forgive.

Now that's just downright disrespectful to God and Jesus Christ directly. To this person I simply ask them to consider the wrath of God and to seriously fear it. For in Matthew we learn that many will cry out, "Lord, Lord open the door, and Jesus will reply, I do not even know you." Do not fear God my brother or sister. If you are anything like me, you need to fear yourself and your inability or lack of desire to conform your sinful nature. It is a daily commitment and discipline to walk upright and be worthy of the respect of others. For do not forget that as you are looking up to and respecting your peers and leaders, others are looking up to and respecting you. Live a life that is worthy of their respect and discerning eye.
- Rich

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