Tuesday, November 15, 2011

See the Big Picture

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” –Psalm 46:1

We’re all looking for answers, challenging the status quo and pushing back against the system, less we become complacent and devoid of emotion in this tumultuous world.  There are people in the streets and on the rooftops demanding to be heard.  There are those that are fed up with the injustice of the bureaucracy and being suppressed under someone else’s control.  When it all comes down to it – people want freedom, justice and equality.  But what does this mean?  Does equality mean that every person is entitled to the same results regardless of their contribution to the outcome?  Does equality mean that everyone should receive the same reward without the sacrifice, hard work and commitment?  If this were true, at what point does equality cease and entitlement begin?

There are people fighting in cities all over the globe for equality between the haves and the have nots.  Yet, there are tens (if not hundreds) of millions of people living in true oppression in Haiti, Africa, the Far East and remote areas of the world.  If those with roofs over their heads and food on their table consider themselves subjugated by the system, then what do we say to those people in the world that have absolutely nothing at all?

It’s easy to blame others for our circumstances in life, it’s much more difficult to look in the mirror and realize that we have been given everything we need to change our position and yet we have squandered it.  Our Creator has given each of us the strength, ability and wisdom to be change agents in this life.  Change for His Kingdom, and the equality that means something in eternity.  He is our strength in times of trouble, if we are willing to trust Him with our problems.  This is difficult though.  We want to be in control, able to solve our own problems in a very visible and reactive manner.  It’s human nature to root cause the problem and solve it when possible.  God’s timeline very seldom aligns with ours, when it comes to solving problems and overcoming fears in life.  We have become conditioned by this fast paced internet and global society to want answers now.  Solve the problem and move on is the belief of most.

God’s view is eternal.  His perspective is less focused on the minute hand and much more on the millennium.  Think about it this way.  Let’s say there is a 3/4” diameter rope that is tied to a pole in Houston, Texas and the other end were somehow connected to the Moon (384,403 km away). You lay a penny on the end closest to the pole in Texas, balanced delicately so as not to fall off.  The penny represents your life on earth, in the flesh, from birth to death.  The rest of the rope represents the eternal time you have with God in heaven.  God’s plan of salvation is designed to give you this eternal life one day.  The brief moment that we are upon this planet seems to pre-occupy the minds of the masses, when in all honesty it is nothing more than a microscopic point on God’s timeline.

We need to shift our focus away from the inequalities of this world and learn to trust in God to get us through this life on our way to join with Him in heaven one day.  We spend so much time trying to solve the corruptness of this world, without taking into consideration that it can never be made peaceful, pure and just.  God promises these things in the New Jerusalem when the battle on this earth has been completed.  Live justly and righteous as God has taught you, do not trust in mankind’s ability to solve these problems, but trust only in Him who has your eternal life in His hand.

Heavenly Father,
You have given us a heart of compassion, a sense of right and wrong, and a desire to bring justice and equality to all mankind.  Help us to use this passion and desire to bring others closer to a relationship with You.  Thank You for making me just who I am, filled with Your love and driven to make a change in the world that impacts Your Kingdom.  I remain focused on the eternal timeline and less on the daily calendar, but help me Lord to bring this perspective to others who are struggling day to day.  Be a provider for them, that their needs are met and they might find comfort and peace until You usher in the New Kingdom.  In Jesus name I pray – Amen.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2011
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