Monday, January 23, 2012

An Esther Moment

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" – Esther 4:14

One of my all time favorite scripture verses is Esther 4:14.  Esther was a Jewish woman who found the favor of the King of Persia and was made Queen at the perfect time in accordance to God’s plan.  For at the same time there was a conspiracy in the land to destroy the Jewish faithful.  In her place of authority and favor with the King, Esther spoke up against the edict putting her own life at risk to save the lives of her brothers and sisters.  In the end the Jewish faithful were spared and given full authority of their own destiny from that point forward. 

God’s plan for the Jews has been a journey of millennia and continues to this very day.  His children, have fought battles and been provided for over all of history despite the many attempts to abolish them.  If Esther had not been willing to step up at that point in history would the Jewish population have ceased to exist?  I dare to predict that God would have found another way.  But Esther did have the courage to stand up, do the right thing and overcome the evil in the world and set her people free from their bondage at the time.

Each of us have these same opportunities available to us each and every day.  We are given opportunities to do the right thing and enhance the Kingdom of God on this earth, to live within God’s plan.  The real question comes down to this, what are we holding onto that is preventing us from actually stepping forth and doing what we are asked to do.  You see, we are all choosing to stay in our place of comfort and complacency while the world is turning against the Christian church.  There are daily records of Christians being murdered throughout the world for their faith, yet we don’t get involved.  There are children sold into slavery all over the world, yet we don’t stand up for their rights and do something about it.  People are following the leaders of the world rather than the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in making decisions every day.  It has become acceptable to sit on the sidelines and watch, while someone else takes on the big problems in society.  That is not what we are called to do by God the Father.  Seek first the Kingdom of God…” 

We all need to ask ourselves this very day, “What is my Esther moment?  Why was I put on this earth in relationship to God’s plan? “  Take a stand for righteousness and God’s love, and trust that He will use the small talent, knowledge and heart that you bring to the table.  It’s time to get up and make a difference.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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