Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Have no Fear

Read it, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“ The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?” – Psalm 27:1

It can cause the strongest of men to cower . . .
It can bring the most confident man in the world to his knees . . .
It has immobilized entire armies, and forced retreat from battle . . .
It will cause you to second guess every decision you make . . .
It is like a dampener over the flame of our passion . . .
It is used by your enemies to control you . . .
It is often times exaggerated in your mind . . .
It weakens your resolve and desire to move forward . . .
It is fear.

Perhaps as a child you learned this memory verse in your Sunday school class or from your parents or Grandparents.  It is lodged somewhere in the back of your brain as something you can fall back on when times are difficult and you are losing control.  We all see the words written on the page, yet do we truly believe them.  Many say the Psalmist (believed to be David) wrote this in his last days as a tribute to the source of his power and strength as the King of Israel.  He was viewed by the Jews as the light of Israel as the mighty King, and the beloved of the Lord.  Through his life he struggled many times with chasing his own desires and his own control and it was important for him to let the children of Israel know that his strength, his power and authority came strictly from the Lord.

Why was David successful in killing Goliath?  His confidence did not come from the fields outside of Bethlehem tending sheep, although he was known to be quite proficient with a slingshot in killing lions and bears.  No, his confidence came from knowing who he belonged to and realizing that his God was the Creator of the Universe and everything in it. 
David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”   (Psalm 17:45)  By trusting in God Almighty, he realized it was not his battle to win, but God’s.  This humility of a young shepherd boy with a slingshot was more powerful than the giant’s strength, might and size.  The glory of the Lord shone through David on that day as the giant fell to the ground.  It was this same strength that carried David through his life of ups and downs, struggles and fears, temptations and sorrows. 

You face many giants on a daily basis – economic, work, school, abuse, drugs, addictions, pornography, adultery, anger, jealousy, sorrow and so many others.  This life is not going to get easier tomorrow when you wake up, but you must realize that you are not alone and this life is only temporary.  God promises to be by your side in every situation, if you are willing to allow Him to reign and receive the glory.  He is bigger than any problem you face.  This doesn’t mean the answer to the problem is the answer you are looking for, in many cases His answer may be the exact opposite of your desired outcome.  The question is do you trust Him enough to go through it?  We also must realize that those that have gone before us: Stephen, Peter, Paul, John and the other disciples and apostles of the Lord, have demonstrated that this life is but a microscopic point on a line representing your eternal life with God.  Do not live this life as if it is all there is.  Live this life courageously for the Lord and His truth, and celebrate eternity with Him one day.  For as Paul stated in Philippians 1:21
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”  Living in Christ while on this earth and doing His work, but always looking toward and realizing that eternity with God the Father is the end result for every one of us.  With this in mind, nothing in this world can become a stronghold over you or place you in bondage.  You have the light and strength of the Lord on your side, we need to realize this and live like it.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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