Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
What are you afraid of? Is there anything that fills you with complete fear and thereby reverses your action? Lisa and I were once on a bike ride. As we peddled down the bike path along side of a small retention pond near a golf course, we came upon a large black coiled up water moccasin in the middle of the bike path. It’s body was as round as my forearm, it was hard to determine how long it was based on it’s position. It raised it’s head, hissed and that was that. We turned our bikes away, went to the other side of the road, peddled down the road and then came back onto the bike path 20 or 30 yards away from the slithery fellow. There are certain things which strike fear in all of us.
There was a point in time when people feared God. The scriptures were personal to the children of God in the times leading up to and around Jesus birth and life. The engagement between the divine presence of God Almighty and mankind was evidenced to those familiar with Moses, Abraham, David and the other heroes from the Bible. There is a story in 2 Samuel 6 where Uzzah was struck dead by God Almighty for touching the Ark of the Covenant when it became unsteady as they were transporting it. This seems radical by our standards, but not by God’s. There were many laws regarding the Ark of the Covenant throughout the Old Testament. You see the Ark of the Covenant represented God’s Holy presence with the Israelites and was to be kept in the temple, sacred and hidden from view behind the curtain in the Most Holy Place. Approaching the Ark was to be in God’s presence, His holiness and perfection; intolerable of man’s sinful nature. Only the High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place and look upon the Ark of the Covenant after considerable cleansing and purification. God’s actions against Uzzah were clearly defined and known by the scriptures regarding the Ark, yet he chose to defy God’s directions and take action (reaching out to steady the Ark) anyway, rather than grabbing the pole it was being carried on.
The new covenant with God holds just as much authority over mankind. This new covenant based on the blood of Jesus Christ, has clearly defined how we are to live our lives. Yet, many of us take it lightly, interpret it to fit into our lifestyle and thereby defy the actual word of the Lord. God has demonstrated that He has little tolerance for mankind to take His word and adjust it to fit our means. It was written down, by those He appointed, with the specific purpose of becoming a living document for all of mankind. We are held accountable to living by the guidelines established by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, just as Paul, John and the others were held accountable. Time has not minimized the relevance or intentions of the word. It is still God’s commands to you and I, and we ought not take it lightly.
The bible tells us clearly there is but one path to righteousness and eternity with God Almighty and that is through His Son – Jesus Christ. Others may choose to believe that there are many paths and that all God’s are equal, they will one day discover that were deceived. God tells us in Matthew 7:21-22 that many will come calling “Lord, Lord” but will not enter the kingdom of heaven; and many will claim that they have prophesied or cast out demons in His name, but will hear the Son state “Away from me you evil doers” Trust in His word and the truth that is contained therein. He has given you the path to righteousness, act on it and live by it, so that one day in the presence of the Lord you will hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into my presence.”
ACTION: Have you no fear of God’s wrath on mankind? Do you not fear the judgment seat of God Almighty, or do you even think about or care about it? It is critical that you take this aspect of your life with the utmost sincerity and seriousness. Studying the word of God and learning of His love, grace and mercy is the most important part of your entire life. Are you committed as much to Him and His ways as you are to your own plans in life?
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