Thursday, May 17, 2012

Deep Thoughts on God

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It
“Who has known the mind of the Lord?  Or who has been his counselor?” – Romans 11:34

One of my all-time favorite scriptures from Romans.  We never really step back and think about the unbelievable authority, power and sovereignty of God.  To most He is that power in the sky that we call on when times are difficult or when we want others to think more highly of ourselves by demonstrating our religiosity.   To many He is a God of convenience not Lord of our lives, or King of Kings.  So today – I’m simply asking that you stop what your doing, fathom the unbelievable and awesome works of the Almighty.

Who did He call when He was deciding what color to make the leaf, and to give it the ability to change?
Where did He get the concept of a star?
To layout the tectonic plates do you think God called a committee together for a discussion?
Was there a book from Dr. Spock to help God understand the perfect mixture of vitamins, nutrients and antibodies to put into colostrum and devise a natural way for babies to receive this after birth through breast milk?
When He separated the waters from the void and created land, where did He get the dumptruck to haul the dirt – and where did He haul it from?
Why did He put the earth on an axis that tilts exactly 23.5 degrees from the sun?

Let your mind flow with questions surrounding the unfathomable God we serve and then realize that He chooses to love you and longs to have you with Him in heaven.  You see for everything He did create and everything He does control, He gives you free reign to choose to follow Him or deny Him.  He designed us to love Him, but since the fall of man through Adam and Eve we have chosen to deny His love through our actions and lack of reverence of His presence.  Who is God to you?  Are you choosing to serve Him with your life, or making a place for Him amidst your busyness?  Don’t make God an afterthought, He created you for much more than that, just like He created the stars, the oceans, the land, plants, animals, moon, sun and everything else around you.  Quit pontificating on the uncertainty of His plan for your life and turn your life into an example of who He is to the world.

Putting it in action: Ponder the greatness, holiness, sovereignty of God.  Capture your thoughts in a journal or on a piece of paper.  Ask yourself, if you lost everything (job, car, home, friends) would you still be able to love Him and serve Him?  Would you serve Him more than you do today?  Perhaps these are the things you treasure rather than Him.  You see God doesn’t change, we do.  There is nothing you can teach Him, it’s just the opposite.  We can only learn from His examples and make this world a better place as a result.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012

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