Monday, November 5, 2012

His Love is Enough

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." "                            - Hebrew 13:5

The world will teach you that the more we have the easier life is. There is a presupposition that to be content one must live without problems, worries and strife. Certainly, if I wake in the morning, stumble to the bathroom with a warm shower, toothbrush and paste; and then proceed to the kitchen to make myself some eggs, toast and a cup of coffee; then I am considered one of the wealthiest people in the world. Consider that billions of people live in remote areas, mountain villages with no electricity and outdoor plumbing. Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are living in metropolitan cities around the globe, with not place to call home, no place to lay their head at night or brush their teeth in the morning. This is eye opening when we truly grasp the justice of humanity on a global basis. 

Now, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself - are you content with your life and what you have? I'm sure there are things you are doing without, and sacrifices you have made, especially in these tumultuous economic times. Consider though, that many of the folks living in the rain forests and mountain villages and under the overpasses in London, New York and Sydney, are content in their situation. How is this possible given how little they have? Perhaps they have found contentment beyond worldly possessions, perhaps they know true contentment of the Lord.

Paul teaches us throughout his writings in the New Testament that we are to be content in knowing that the Lord is with us and that He loves us regardless of our status in life, our possessions or our 401k portfolio. His love, grace and mercy should be sufficient for our contentment in life, shouldn't it? I mean when you really think about this life, there will come a day when it is over and eternity begins. Knowing that because of Jesus Christ and His blood shed for our salvation we are given a seat in God Almighty's perfect heaven. This is all that really matters in life. Sure, there are issues in our lives every day that we are dealing with, but none of which can remove God's grace from our life. Contentment does not come from being problem free and financially set for life. True contentment comes from knowing that your life is in the scarred hands of the Savior of the world and your name is written in the Lamb's book of life.

  Almighty, awesome Father. We come before you seeking humility, contentment and wisdom. Grant us the humility to realize just how blessed we are in life, and to seek those opportunities to share our wealth with others who may be even less fortunate. Help us to find contentment in You Lord, and not in earthly things. Help us to steer clear of idols - be it money, possessions, status or greed - and focus our eyes upon Your bounty. Bestow wisdom upon each of Lord, that we might see through Your eyes the corruption, pride, greed and selfishness that pressures each of us to the world's view. Thank you heavenly Father for Your grace and mercy, that through the blood of Jesus Christ, we might have the ultimate reward in heaven one day. Help us to be strong as Paul, Peter and the others were strong; for to live for You is all the contentment we need. - Amen

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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