Thursday, November 1, 2012

Your Daily Plan

Read It, Learn It, Live It, Share It

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” – Hebrews 11:6

What drives a man (or woman) to get out of bed in the morning?
The eyes slowly open , the mind starts to grasp the reality of another day, the feet finally swing out of bed and land on the floor.  Most of us will sit there for a moment and try to justify a reason to swing those legs back under the covers and cuddle up to the pillow once again.  Then there is that realization that you must get up and accept that a new day has begun, and we stand to our feet.  Why?  What are you going to do with the next 17 hours that is worth getting out of that bed?  If like most of us you intend to do the same thing and go through the same motions you do every day, you have to ask yourself, are you making a difference?  Is your life filled with the mundane, monotonous cycle of sleep – work – dinner – TV – sleep; with an occasional dinner out or movie thrown in for good measure? 

We work to pay the bills, I get that and it’s absolutely important.  Especially in today’s economy where stability is highly favored over risk, even though the rewards may pale in comparison.  I want you to think about the impact you are making on the world through your work.  Have you thought about the little ones that are looking at you and dreaming of becoming just like you.  Does your life portrait the example that you want them living up too?  The clock, ticking on the wall, dictates your daily agenda (if you’re like most of us).  It moves you through the day with one goal in mind, getting through it. 

I propose that the meetings in your day-timer or Outlook calendar are not changing the world for God’s Kingdom.  If they are, then you have set the right priorities in your life.  You see, we are here to make an impact for His Kingdom, not to sell the latest/greatest thing in whatever business you are in.  We are here to bring glory to God, to live within His plan for our lives and to help others discover His incredible grace and mercy.  Along the path of each day, from the moment you wake up until the moment you lie back down, opportunities will present themselves to share or demonstrate His love and His salvation to another.  If, like most of us, you walk past that moment and do nothing then you are missing out on His plan for your life.  These are the moments where your faith in God can shine and become a blessing to another individual, and bring glory to the Father.  You have to open your eyes each and every day though, because they are sitting right there in front of you awaiting your attention. 

When your feet hit the floor in the morning, you need to take a fresh look at the day through the eyes of your Savior.  What is it that He wants for you to do today, despite what your calendar says?  Who will He put in your path today that can benefit from seeing your faith exposed and lived out?  It moves the mental model for the day from the mundane cycle to a new adventure set in place by the Creator Himself.  You are blessed to have one more day on this earth to influence someone’s life for Christ – don’t waste it or let it pass by.  If you can commit this phrase to memory and start each day with that mental note, I guarantee you will have an impact on this world far beyond the reach of your day job.  I am praying that each of you are inspired and filled with the Holy Spirit this day in such a magnificent way that your reach is doubled time and time again.  Walk strong my friends – and seek Him. You can start by passing this message along.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2012
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