Thursday, March 27, 2014

Seeking the Goal

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“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” – Ephesians 6:12

When the plans you have for this life are thrown into an upheaval where are you turning to?  You had it all planned out, you knew where you were going.  You have set your goals, you’ve checked them off one by one, and then something happens.  Something comes out of the darkness and knocks you down, standing over you laughing and challenging you to get back up.  Life is full of bully’s who are not interested in your success or your goals, they are only interested in seeing you fall.  You are the one left with the choice on how to react, how to overcome and put it back together.  Like most bully’s, once they’ve knocked you down their challenge is over and they move on.  The weak will stay there and look for one to blame, the strong will press their hands into the ground and get their feet underneath them again.

I’m not sure what’s knocking you down today, but in my spirit I know that many of you are struggling and are afraid of what’s coming.  The presence of evil in this world is very real and you need to realize that you are a target.  John tells us in 1 John 5:19 that “Satan is the Prince of this World (earth)” and we see in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness where Satan tempts Jesus with “the authority over the entire Kingdom which has been given to me.”  Do you not believe that he will do everything he can to prevent you from reaching the fullness of God’s plan?

Recognize he and his demons are real.  Do not be mistaken.  As you begin to press into God’s bosom the power of this world will not give up and walk away.  Life is going to be difficult and you must press on holding closer to the Creator.  Satan drew Adam and Eve away from their perfection and their purpose, and from that he has continued with every soul born of mankind since.  The one exception was Jesus Christ, not born of mankind, but of the Spirit.  Jesus authority came directly from God perfection.  Despite Satan’s attempts to take it from Him, Jesus pressed into a closer relationship with His Father and overcame the evil of this world.

You have the same ability if you so choose.  Your Father in Heaven is there and ready to battle on your behalf.  Because you are born of mankind though, you are inherently drawn to the sinful nature of this world.  It will require you to draw closer to Him.  How?  Be in His word, be in His presence and be in His spirit every day.  Draw from His well the strength for each day, abide in Him and He will abide in you.  Accept that He alone is your King and your authority despite what this world might suggest to you.  As a child of the King you will overcome the authority of this earth and receive the fullness of His glory one day.  That is the ultimate goal to achieve, even if some of the boxes on your goal sheet are left empty.  Pursue this goal with a passion.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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