Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stand Up

Make 2014 a year of Sharing

“David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” – 1 Samuel 17:45  

Stand up and fight.  You are a son or a daughter of the Almighty God.  The Creator of the Universe has made you in perfection and brought you to this very point in your life to battle on His behalf.  Dig inside of yourself and find the strength that is only wrapped by His presence in your life.  For if you attempt to take on these challenges in life on your own terms you will fail, just as those who have gone on before you.  Do you not realize who you belong too, and whose strength is behind your every move?  Come now, you must recognize that the Lord our God is your strength and in Him you will conquer all of the giants that stand in your path.  For there is no evil in this world that is beyond the power, authority and justice of our Lord.  You have been given authority of the King to stand before your giants and fight on His behalf.  Do not seek your own glory, but fight for the righteousness and glory of our Father in Heaven and you cannot fail.  I call you out of your fear, worry and anxiety to stand before your enemies filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord and fight on His behalf.

David was but a young boy, but he had a perspective that was far beyond those in the land.  He knew that nothing exist outside of what God has designed and authorized.  He recognized the sovereignty of the Almighty and stood firm in the foundation that God is God, period.  We have allowed the evil in this world to weaken our spirit over thousands of years, and it has never been stronger than it is right now as you and I stand here.  Choices must be made as to where we go from here.  Will we continue the demise of this world or will we stand on the principals and foundation that was set in place by the Lord Himself?  So, I ask you, son of God or daughter of God, are you going to stand on the promises of your Father in heaven or fall to the judgment of mankind’s evil in this world?  You must choose and there is no other option.

© Sondove Enterprises, 2014
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