January 30, 2015
“Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker”– Psalm 95:6
God is unbelievably magnificent that no man has laid eyes upon Him. My Sunday school teacher once explained it like this, “Have you ever seen a picture of the earth? Yes. Have you ever seen a picture of the sun? Yes. Have you ever seen a picture of the Milky Way galaxy? Yes. Have you ever seen a picture of the universe? Yes. That is but a spec of dirt under the fingernail of God’s pinky.”
Man cannot fathom the real God. He is and will always be. We can read the scriptures about His creation, His commandments, His love, His jealousy and His wrath and try to relate it to our own emotions and experiences. But we are incapable of comprehending Him, for He is not a man that we should worship a mere mortal being. He alone is worthy because of His grandeur, His magnificence and His omnipotence.
Other religions worship idols, others worship men that have come and gone, others worship elements of nature – but we worship the Creator, because He has given us life and will take it from us one day. We are all His creation. Built with a unique purpose in this world. The man who created the can opener we use today was named William Lyman, in 1870. He also created the coffee pot in 1867. He had a vision for these things in his mind before he ever actually created them. He thought of a purpose for each that was completely unique from the other. He didn’t create the can opener to boil water and he didn’t create the coffee pot to remove the lid from a can of soup. The creator has a unique design and purpose for each of his creations. Just like the Lord has for you.
You’ve wasted enough time on this planet trying to do the task of those around you. Today is the day for you to earnestly seek and discover what it is He created you to do. We are all here to worship and praise the One that created us. We are created to love Him and love one another. But, you were created for something much greater than that which you are doing this day, for the Lord is your strength, your wisdom, your courage and confidence. Seek Him and ask that He make it clear in your heart and mind, then choose to pursue it without reservation. Trust that He will see you through it. After all He created you to do it, and He knows what He’s doing.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2015
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