Monday, January 12, 2015

An Act of Futility

January 12, 2015

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”– John 14:6

I get it.  I understand why so many people are anti-religious.  If it is perceived as a straight jacket discipline which requires perfect action, words and emotions; it would be most unappealing to all.  In reality though it’s not the requirement of being a Christian.  Sure, perfect holiness and righteousness is the requirement to enter into eternal heaven with God the Father, but this is impossible for mankind.

If we are keeping score (of righteousness vs. unrighteousness) the average person will perform no less than a few hundred unrighteous acts in a given 24 hour period.  Let’s face it through our thoughts, actions, and words we are seldom in a state of holy righteousness, and abiding in His holy word.  As hard as we try, we cannot will ourselves to stop these things from happening.  With this in mind, there must be a way to overcome our instinctive unrighteous behavior.

How many “good” righteous acts must one commit each day, each hour, each minute to overcome the plethora of unrighteousness that overwhelms us?  Is it a 1 for 1 trade off, or does it take more good to overcome each unrighteous act?  Does one extremely good thing overcome multiple unrighteous acts?  In a given lifetime, can we do enough good things for the world to balance the scales with the evil or unrighteous things?  The obvious answer is no, we cannot.

So, if holy righteousness is required to enter heaven, and we cannot achieve that on our own, despite how hard we attempt to control ourselves, how can we achieve it?  This is the reason Jesus Christ came to the earth and endured the wrath of God upon the cross.  His righteousness was pure, holy and perfect in every way.  He became the propitiation for your sins and my sins before we were even conceived.  Through his death and sacrifice on the cross we, who accept and believe in Him, are washed clean.  Our soul takes on the image of Christ forever more, and though our flesh continues to sin, our spirit is holy and righteous.

Have you ever looked into one of those funny mirrors at a State Fair or Carnival?  You know the ones that either make you look extremely tall and skinny, or very short and rotund regardless of how you actually look.  The image you see is definitely you, but it is altered, it is transposed into something different than reality.  I imagine standing before God on judgment day will be similar.  I will stand before His perfect holiness in rags of sin and unrighteousness from every act ever committed.  But, in my imagination, Jesus Christ is standing between me and the Father, and the Father sees me through the image of Jesus as perfectly holy and righteous.  My sins are covered by His holiness and thought I am guilty of transgressions, I am forgiven completely because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord.

Without His coverage, I am left to stand before the Father to justify my actions good and bad, in an attempt to convince the Almighty that I am perfectly holy enough for heaven.  This indeed is an impossible task, and if you are running from religion because you see it as worthless to even attempt, than I fully understand your opinion.  You are correct in your assertion that it is impossible so why even try to achieve it.  What you need to realize is that there is a way, and only one way to overcome this reality.  That is through Jesus Christ. 

© Sondove Enterprises, 2015
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