Monday, January 15, 2018

37 Days – Embrace the Grace

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.  - Ephesians 4:7

January 14th Prayer:
Paul was confident in the measure of grace apportioned to him. Like Paul, you must embrace the grace God apportioned to you. When you live within your sphere of grace, you will stop comparing your life to others and wrestling with all the insecurities that accompany comparisons. You have a specific deposit of God that you are responsible to reflect. God has dealt each of us a measure, and it’s all you need to fulfill the purpose of God for your life. Relax and enjoy your measure. Embrace the grace! Thank You for the measure of grace You’ve given me.

Thank You that I’m not called to perform like anybody else. Thank You that I’m free from the need to compete with any of my brothers and sisters in Christ. I applaud the grace in the lives of others. And I thank You for the unique expression of Jesus that I am. I am excited to grow more and more in the grace apportioned to me . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:

One of the greatest differences of Christianity vs every other religion of the world (past or present) is Grace.  Simply put, you have the opportunity to receive eternal life with God in heaven because of what He has done, not because of what you have done.  He has graciously given us a path to redemption, despite the fact that we don’t’ deserve it or for many, even accept it. 

He had to create a sacrifice to atone for our sins, because God is perfect, His heaven is perfect and our sin-filled lives cannot enter therein.  But God had a plan, He created the perfect sacrifice because He realized man could not do it alone.  He created a path just so you could join Him in heaven.  This path would cost Him the very life of His only Son, but His love for you is so deep that He went through with the plan.  He brought His Son to the earth, and watched mankind, amidst the pain and suffering, destroy him on a cross.  What man didn’t know though was this was actually God’s planning, and a part of how He would redeem the world.  In the sacrifice of His son’s life; a perfect spotless, sinless man; He saved the world.  This is an unspoken love that neither you nor I can fully comprehend, because we are unable to do the same.  You can’t ever pay it back, it is beyond your ability; yet He gave it to you anyway.  This is God’s grace, His oh so amazing grace; and you can only choose to accept it or not.

He gives it to you, so you can be saved.  He gives it to you, so you can find salvation in Him.  He gives it to you, so you can live eternally with Him one day.  He gives it to you, so you can share it with others.  Just as He gave everything to set you free, are you willing to do the same?  Are you able to give grace to others when they absolutely, without a doubt don’t deserve it, or even want it; and can never pay it back?  To each of us grace has been apportioned accordingly.  Enough grace to overcome our sinful, unrighteous and worldly lives.  God has enough grace to overcome anything you have done.  You can rest on this truth, that by believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He and He alone, can bear your sins so you can stand before the Lord, blameless and worthy of His Kingdom. 

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found,
was blind but now I see.

You were lost, but now you’re found.  You can now see how much God loves you and has prepared a way for you to join Him in heaven.  Take the step today, admit you have been a wretch, but you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the redeemer of your sinful actions.  Be born again today, and rest in the grace of our Lord.   

Be Blessed,

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