Sunday, January 21, 2018

37 Days – Take A Step: Confess

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16-17

January 20th Prayer:
Father, I long to be free from sin. I desire to be healed from the effects of my sin and pain. I will obey Your word. Show me who I can trust. Lead me to Godly counsel and a safe place to open up. Heal me Lord! Once and for all—deliver me from this bondage of sin as I obey Your word to “confess” . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
Accountability – does that word make you cringe like the rest of us?  It means someone is there to hold you accountable to what is right and help you turn from those things that are not.  It takes serious trust, serious strength of character and serious commitment to one another if you indeed are expecting results of a positive nature.  Having said this, I strongly recommend it though.

We are all inherently wired to be self-interest first individuals.  We do what we want to do most of the time, and think of how it will impact us.  Often times we shy away from the difficult things, the stretch goals and the uncomfortable situations.  Most of the time we are less honest when evaluating our own actions than we might be of another.  We can frequently justify a wrongful act as we convince ourselves that we aren’t that bad.  An accountability partner will be strong enough to tell you, to point out those wrongful acts and yet still love you afterwards. 

An accountability partner should be a person close to you, but closer to the Lord.  A person that will never question bringing petitions before the Lord in prayer.  When you seriously look around yourself, there are no more than a handful of individuals that you can trust, love and that will also be a bright beacon of the Lord for you.  From this list, I suggest that you earnestly pray about who you should open up to and begin with a simple conversation.  Secondly, ensure that they know your intent and that you are seeking their support.  They need to know that there is a confidential relationship between the two of you that must be honored in order for this to work.  Finally, I suggest getting a meeting scheduled with them to lay out your needs, your intent, your goals and your obstacles.  Start from a clear playing field wrapped in truth and honesty.

Bring your meeting with this person before the Lord to ask His blessing and assurances.  He will be the guide for you and your partner.  You need to trust in Him for His power and blessing upon you.  Take heart young warrior, you are on the verge of expanding your presence in the Lord.

Be Blessed,

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