Thursday, January 4, 2018

37 Days – God Has Victory Ahead of You

January 4th Prayer
“I’ll send my Terror on ahead of you and throw those peoples you’re approaching into a panic. All you’ll see of your enemies is the backs of their necks. And I’ll send Despair on ahead of you. It will push (your enemies) the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites out of your way. I won’t get rid of them all at once lest the land grow up in weeds and the wild animals take over. Little by little I’ll get them out of there while you have a chance to get your crops going and make the land your own.” Exodus 23:27-30.

Praise be to God, my Defender! Thank You Lord, that You have sent victory ahead of me. You have preceded me into the fights of this coming year. I present to You my enemies. I place a target on their backs for You to attack—drive out—defeat and destroy. My enemies are (name your enemies of fear, intimidation, financial struggle, marriage and family struggles, sin and temptation, etc.)__________________________________________
I declare by the Word of the Lord that my enemies will be defeated and God has gone before me to take the fight out of them before I approach. Thank You Lord! My enemies are under my feet! In Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
On the horizon you see a challenge, a situation, a circumstance that seems hopeless, that seems beyond your capabilities.  This is common, do not be alarmed, fearful and distraught by this, but rather turn to your Father in heaven, who has provided the confidence and security that He will go before you and He will be your rear guard (Isaiah 52:12) as you go upon His path.  Call upon the Lord for His strength, His protection and His defence as you pursue His purpose in this world. 

This declaration of the Lord to the children of Israel, through Moses, was to stake a claim on the promised land, that had been promised to them.  The Lord committed to His children that He would be their guard, and that He would secure the land on their behalf.  Did they listen, did they trust the Lord’s words?  The answer is no, they did not.  In the wilderness, they built a golden calf, danced and worshipped before it (
Exodus 32-33) and put their faith in their crafted idols.  For this, 3000 were killed that day by the sword.  Moses appealed to the Lord on the behalf of those who remained.  The Lord committed to them that He would still go before them and protect them, but that they would be punished for their sinful acts.

You see, we serve the same God as Moses, Joshua, Aaron and the children of Israel that were lost in the wilderness that day.  The commitment of the Lord was to remain true to His word, but to bring justice upon their sin.  In the new Covenant (under Jesus Christ) our sins are atoned for, redeemed and forgiven.  The Lord stands before us and assures us safe passage to His land of milk and honey.  As we struggle with problems in this life (financial, relationships, employment, sin and temptation) we are still covered by His power and grace.  In pursuit of His righteousness and purpose for our life, we are given the confidence that He will drive out those that stand in our way.  He does not guarantee it to happen in our timing, but He does provide His promise of protection before us and a guard in the rear.  We are covered by His holy sovereignty and blessing.  So call upon Him to knock down those obstacles and remove those who mean you harm.  You are a child of God and He will stand for you.

Be Blessed,
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