Monday, January 29, 2018

37 Days – Financial Debt Must Fall

Pastor Randy’s devotional:
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen. Philippians 4:19

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5

January 25th Prayer:
Remember: There’s God’s part, and there’s your part. Both will be needed to attack debt.

Heavenly Father, I thank You that nothing is impossible with You. I ask You to help me eliminate all debt from my life. I ask for the wisdom of God to flow generously in my mind for financial stewardship. I thank You for strategy and conviction to eliminate this mountain of debt. And I also thank You for miraculous provision as I am obedient in my giving to You. I trust You God. And I await Your instruction and provision . . . in Jesus’ name!

My thoughts:
I was just talking with a friend the other day about material possessions and the fact that everything belongs to God.  Think about it for a second.  Look around you and realize that everything you see are at one point manufactured from natural elements, which only God can create.  Dirt grows plants and food, Water, Metals from the earth, Wood from trees, Fabric from cotton or animals; as just a few examples.  Everything belongs to God in another sense also.  When we die, and we will, we take nothing with us to our afterlife.  You can have it put in your casket, but there it will stay.  So, if it all belongs to God, shouldn’t we be in conversation with Him about our portion?

Financial struggles have been identified as one of the top three reasons for divorce in the family today.  It stems from a misunderstanding of what money is to be used for.  Most of us look at money as a way to enjoy life.  We use it for bills, food, lavish vacations, material things, treating ourselves and buying the favor of others.  It is apportioned to us based on the work and effort put forth to earn it.  This ability to work is based on the gifts that God has given us, at birth, inherent within our very nature.  Because our paycheck comes from the company we work for, we often times put them on the pedestal as our source for everything we have in life, thereby replacing God as our true source of all things.  At the heart of financial struggle is our desire to control the flow of money, thus creating strife between husband and wife, parents and children, and amongst friends.  He wants this and she wants that, and neither is happy unless they both get what they want.  We’ve allowed ourselves to become dependent on money rather than God.

There is a story of Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and wealthiest man on earth, when asked by a reporter about the birth of his first child, “Isn’t it wonderful that you now have someone to leave your wealth to?”  To which Bill Gates replied, “I’m not leaving them with the burdens that comes with this kind of wealth.  They will get an education, find a job, work and find their own way.”  He would rather give his billions to charities and help vaccinate children all over the world.  With money comes burdens that having money can’t solve.  Trust issues, dependency issues and pride filled issues arise.  Look at the 100’s of professional athletes or celebrities that have lost everything because they felt they were in control of it all. 

Realizing that it all belongs to God gives us, as His children, unbelievable privilege to tap into His resources.  God has all authority and will provide as He sees fit for each our capabilities.  To those who have much, much is expected.  Use His provisions for His benefit, to further His kingdom, to spread His glory and blessings and He will enlarge your territory and expand your opportunities.  Us it for yourself and your personal gain, and quickly it can all be taken away.

Be Blessed,

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  1. Viewing - Hearing- Touching all the wonderful FREE THINGS around us that GOD has provided, ( trees , plants , birds, and etc. ) air - sunlight - starlight - water - earth.
    We cannot take any of man's things with us on our way up. So why not enjoy GOD's FREE things and have the peace of His presence every breath He allows us to have! The Hat

  2. These are such wise words. Thank you.
