Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Choose to See Again

“For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.”  – Acts 9:9

If I were only 18 again, with the passion I have for God today, I’m sure I would have gone a different direction in my life.  The things I dream about doing for God’s kingdom are held at arm’s length because of the added responsibilities life has layered on top of my desires.  Sifting through these layers I see glimpses of the light at the bottom of the pile now and then, and the passion is stirred.  Then the phone rings and suddenly another layer is applied to cover up the hopes that lie beneath.  Someone once told me, “I’m too old, Let the younger generation take on that challenge.  I don’t buy it.  God fills us with passion, gifts and talents that we are too use for Him, yet most of us hide them away in the recesses of our personality for one reason or another.

I’m not sure how old Saul (Paul) was when he fell to his knees on the road to Damascus that day.  Perhaps he was in his mid to late 20’s, for we are introduced to him in Acts 7:57 at the stoning of Stephen.  Regardless it was on this road to Damascus that his life was changed forever by the risen Jesus Christ.  Paul was an educated man, having gone to University, studied the law and desired to be a Pharisee like his father.  He studied at the feet of Gamaliel (considered to be one of the greatest teachers of Judaism at the time) and spent years persecuting the Christians of that time.  His gift and passion buried deep inside of his heart was to preach, evangelize and change the world with truth.  Up to that point, the truth he knew about was that of Mosiac law. 

Saul was blinded by the Savior and sent on his way to the city where he spent 3 days in prayer, fasting and without seeing.  During these days, I can only imagine the things Saul was thinking, seeing in his mind and contemplating.  This 3 day conversion was a complete rebirth of the man Paul, the Apostle.  For we have the evidence in 14 books of the New Testament for the fervor and passion that Paul lived out for the remainder of his life.  There was no reference material for Paul to learn from as there was with the Mosaic law.  He couldn’t pick up the scrolls and study as he had done up to that point.  He would spend the rest of his life learning from those who walked with Christ and in deep personal prayer and devotion with Jesus Himself. 

Paul discovered his true passion and gifts and used them to the fullest for His Savior.  He gave up everything he had aspired to become in life and chose to follow the One who called him out of his current “role” in this world, into his new “role”.  What does it take for us to grasp this passion, this commitment and this drive.  It’s not an age or a responsibility thing,  it’s a commitment and a choice.  It’s easy to accept that Jesus Christ died for our sins, it’s a whole new ball-game to stand up and begin living for Him.  I’m right there with you folks.  I have created “scales on my eyes” that blind me from what my Savior has called me to do, and I’m sure many of you have as well.  I am seeking the Lord’s strength, courage and resolve to remove these from my eyes and I hope you are doing the same in your life.  We are not saved by the Son of God just to sit on the sidelines and wait for His return.  We are saved for the purpose of using our salvation to help others in their journey.  Listen to the Lord in your quiet time today, and hear His calling upon your life.

You have called each one of us from the depths of sin to follow You.  Within our hearts You have placed the desires and passion to serve You and to be Your feet upon this earth.  Help us to get past the desires of this world and to seek Your purpose earnestly with everything we have.  In Your name we pray – Amen

©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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