Monday, April 11, 2011

It's Not about Me?

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ”  –Ephesians 5:21

Waking up on Saturday morning at one point in my life was filled with excitement and anticipation for what the day would hold.  There was a sense of freedom.  Freedom to choose to do something exciting like: go to the ball game, to the beach, to the park and play ball or to the amusement park; or to do something lazy like sit around and watch TV all day or play cards with my friends.  It was always exciting to wake up on Saturday’s with the world at my feet, definitely worth looking forward to each week.  Boy, I really loved being a kid.

With age comes responsibility though.  The financial responsibility of paying for all of these extravaganzas fell squarely upon my shoulders all of a sudden.  Getting a job required me to be somewhere on Saturday morning, rather than having the freedom to do nothing or to play around all day.  Meeting the love of my life all of a sudden meant that I had to be concerned and think about someone else’s plans for the day rather than just my own.  The freedom of making choices independently became more difficult as I matured and took on the responsibility of raising a family.

Sitting at MacDonald’s with my kids the other day though, I found that I was content, happy and overcome with peace just watching them play.  Seeing their joy, happiness and laughter as they found new friends in the Playland and nibbled at their food, brought a sense of loving joy to me as their father.  It dawned on me that the reason I had given up some of my independence and freedom was so that they could enjoy it.  The sound of their happiness filled me with happiness and all of sudden it made sense.  My life wasn’t mine at all, it is a small piece in a much bigger world that must all work together for joy and happiness to work.

Christ set the perfect example for us to follow, in that He gave up everything.  He walked with man for 32 years enjoying life, filled with laughter, peace and happiness.  Then he spent 3 years teaching us how to love one another, love God and obtain salvation.  In His final act He gave up everything He had to be brutally beaten, scourged and crucified as payment for our salvation.  He submitted (gave) every ounce of His being so that you and I would enjoy paradise one day.  When we are asked to submit to one another, it is this image that we are to consider.  It is not a matter of begrudgingly giving up our freedom so others can have joy.  It is a matter of lovingly wanting others to find happiness, love and joy; and thereby freely giving of ourselves to bring it to them.  Submission is an act of giving obediently.  Jesus gave because it was His Father’s will for His life.  God likewise asks each of us to submit to one another, not necessarily to the death, but in an attempt to bring to life the love of Jesus Christ in others.  He asks for our obedience, but I tell you the truth; the more you quit looking at His Word as a checklist and just start living it out in practice, the more it becomes a part of who you are – a follower of Jesus Christ.

Loving Father,
Your word is filled with righteousness.  You have given us the freedom of choice in our life.  Freedom to choose to follow You or turn from You.  The freedom to choose to be obedient to You through our actions or to be self-serving and filled with resentment.  The freedom to choose peace, joy and happiness through submitting to others or to resent others and focus on our own desires in life.  We submit to You in all ways and acknowledge that this life is not our own, but a part of Your grander plan.  Use us to bring love and joy to others through Your grace.  In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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