“Neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin." –John 8:11
In the darkness, way back in the corners of your heart and mind there are those things which no-one else knows about. You know it’s the unspeakable sins. You’re not alone, I would guess to say that every single person reading this devotional today has a similar closet in their soul that they keep locked and hidden from others. You might be able to hide it, yet it still eats away at you from time to time. The closet door opens just a crack now and then and you are reminded of your sinful nature and who you were at one point in time. The danger of harboring sin is guilt, shame and feeling unworthy. It is a tool used by Satan in spiritual warfare, and it is highly effective to knock a believer off of God’s chosen path.
So, what are holding onto and why?
Most are holding on for one of 3 reasons:
A) You believe the Lord isn’t going to forgive this sin and you’re embarrassed to admit it.
B) You want to hold onto it as a statement that you are still in control of your life.
C) You feel that if you give up this sinful area of your life the result will dramatically change who you are, and you are afraid of taking that step.
Jesus died for all of our sins, and has buried them. He asks for everything, a total commitment to Him. In Matthew 16:24-26, Jesus tells His disciples to give up their selfishness, their very life and follow him. He knows what is inside of you and asks that you give it to Him. As with the prostitute in John 8:11, His grace and forgiveness covers all sin. Wherever the sin ranks on the charts from 1 to 10, it is washed away. The 10’s, 8’s, 5’s and even the 1’s and 2’s are all forgiven by His redeeming blood. You see, if Jesus death and resurrection were insufficient for even one of these sins, then it is insufficient for all of them. Keeping your closet door locked and holding onto the sins of your past is an obstacle between you and the Lord.
Take time today to search your heart and your soul for those dark corners and closets. Lay them before the Lord once and for all. His forgiveness will restore your emptiness with His love, His passion and His purpose. Removing these obstacles will allow you to discover a deeper, more meaningful purpose driven life with the Lord.
Loving Father,
Thank You for loving us unconditionally. Thank You for washing our sins away and giving us new life through Your Son. We come before You Lord with our hearts open to Your healing grace and ask for Your forgiveness. Remove our shame and guilt, replace them with acceptance and love. In Your name we pray – Amen
©Sondove Enterprises, 2011
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