Thursday, April 7, 2011

It Will be OK

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." - Psalm 46:10

Try to calm a 4 year old down in the middle of a temper tantrum. If you're a parent, or have ever been around little children, you know what it is like for a child to through a temper tantrum. Sometimes it's in the middle of the grocery store, sometimes it's at church, sometimes it's in the front yard and sometimes it's at the breakfast table. Anything at all can set off these emotional outbursts, and many would look at the child and wonder to themselves; he's possessed, he's gone completely mad. I'm not a child psychologist, but I can postulate on the root cause of many of these situations and I believe it stems from a self centered injustice felt on behalf of the child relative to an external stimuli. In most cases I find that the temper tantrums stop once the child gets whatever it is that he/she wanted.

So tell me, are we any different? You may not show your emotions is as dramatic of an outward demonstration but face it there are times when you hold a grudge, pout or worse case explode over something that doesn't go your way. It's in our DNA, this self centered philosophy that we are entitled to equality and justice is part of every person on the planet. When we don't get our self proclaimed "fare share" a common reaction is to hold a "poor me" conference with yourself. Is this what we learn in the scriptures?

No, of course not. Justice is essential in a community environment, but justice is determined by the One who created the players. It is not for you and I do define what is and what is not justice in the global scheme of life. Psalm 46:10 states the Lord's sovereignty in a nut shell. Much like when you try to calm down a child throwing a temper tantrum with reasoning, and then you resort to authority. God's supreme nature is our re-assurance that justice will come to be, but He is the One that controls it all. There have been numerous times when I have held one of my children in my arms during an one of their emotional outbursts and felt the love that God must have over all of us. Holding them close to my chest and whispering in a calm quiet voice...."'s going to be okay. Shhhhhh....calm down. I know you're upset, but Daddy's here. Shhhhh, breath, just breath "

The ultimate meaning from Psalm 46:10 for me and my life is this one fact: "God is!" Period, end of story.

Almighty God,
Sovereign Father. We lay down our situations at Your feet knowing that You contol all things. You have given us the sun and the moon and placed the stars in the sky with perfection. You give us breath and life; and have brought us to this place in our lives. We pray for Your wisdom, comfort and peace to see us through the struggles of today, and help us to demonstrate Your love to the world through this. We calm our spirit's in Your presence and acknoweldge that You are God. We thank You for Your grace and mercy on our lives Lord. In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ we pray - Amen.
© Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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