Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Am a New Thing

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19

Born again?  When Nicodemus came to Jesus and asked “How can a man be born when he is old.  Certainly he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb” (John 3:4)  When you were born, you came into this world having spent 40 weeks developing in your mother’s womb.  You drew blood, nutrients and oxygen through your mother’s umbilical cord as your body developed from a single egg.  Within days that egg, once fertilized, split into two cells, then four, then 8, 16, 32, . . . . and so on.  With each doubling of the cell count, God’s hand was forming different parts of who you would become.  Your nose, eyes, hands and feet became perfectly formed the way He so chose, based on what He had in mind for your life.  Eventually hair follicles grew and eyebrows, lips and finger nails – He made you exactly the way He wanted to.  You did not do this, nor did your mother or father.  Certainly, they started the process, but God created you.

At the point of birth though, you began a journey that reacted to the stimuli of the world.  You cry, you laugh, your personality was formed based on the love, compassion and struggles of your infant years.  As your brain gathered data from your surroundings, God’s original Masterpiece was being transformed into something less perfect by His standard.  The world was your university and where your knowledge was drawn from.  The more you learned from those around you, the less you listened to God inside of you.  Therefore the separation you feel from the Holy One is creating the tension in your life.  You have experienced perfection and your mind knows the original feeling of being held in the God’s hand.  The time you spent with Him during the creative process inside the womb formed your original thoughts and dependencies.  Life is a struggle because you realize there is more than what this world can offer you.

God is the only one who can fill that burning desire in your heart for more.  Money, fame, prosperity, sex, drugs, adrenaline and other people cannot fill that void.  For you see God wants to re-create within you a new thing once again.  Now that you are older and have formed your own perspective on life and views of the world, He wants to build upon the passion that He put inside of you.  Only God can draw this purpose from you.  What He put in your heart and mind can be drawn upon to fulfill a purpose that He designed from your original creation. 

How can a man be born a second time?  By accepting and acknowledging God as the sole creator and Lord of your life.  It is not a physical re-birth, but a psychological and mental re-birth.  Giving of one’s self to God Almighty, to be used for His original intent and to live for Him rather than for the world.  This is the new thing He will create, this is the re-birth of a child of God.  Haven’t you been sitting on the sidelines long enough, wondering what you should do with your life?  It completely rests in your hands to make that decision today.  Accept Jesus Christ as God’s only Son, sent to save the world from our sins, and create a way for us to live eternally with God the Father.  Accept Him as Savior and Lord of your life, and give Him back control, so He can use your life as it was intended from the beginning.

Heavenly Father
I give to You my life.  I recognize that You created me for a purpose and in that purpose You have chosen me to expand Your kingdom.  Help me to realize what You would have for me to do with the one and only life You have given to me.  Take me back to the original passion that You instilled in me during my creation.  Help me to see it clearly and give me the passion and desire to pursue it with full trust in You.  I love You for seeing a Masterpiece within my brokenness and I long to live for You.  In Your name we pray – Amen

©Sondove Enterprises, 2011

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